Monday, January 13, 2014

You Have The Right . . .

You have the right to many things in our fair country: the right to keep and bear arms, the right to be secure in one's papers and effects, the right to a jury trial, and the right to remain silent, among many others.  You also have the right to be stupid.

You also have the right to be lazy.  So, if you're both stupid and lazy, you'll likely fall for any disingenuous nonsense foisted upon the populace via the compliant media.  My morning laugh is produced by the unfailingly partisan PolitiFact column in my local liberal newspaper.  It's laughable because, without exception, its take is that conservatives (read Republicans) are evil, lying bastards, while the enlightened left (read Democrats) are compassionate, tireless champions of the victim class.  In turning to the op-ed pages and reading the letters to the editor, one finds that many readers apparently buy into these simplistic categorizations.  But rather than rail against the published idiocy of these misinformed non-thinkers, one realizes that the stupid and lazy need to have their opinions fed to them in bite-sized dosages, analyzed and predigested.  Pity.  But that explains the purpose of propaganda outlets like PolitiFact.  If the liberal, progressive, Marxist and Communist pundits factually told people what they actually stood for, few people would support it.  It is an anti-individual position, and clearly inherently contrary to human nature.  Therefore their agenda must be cloaked in feel-good, compassionate pablum that tastes good, and is easy to swallow.  But only for those who are stupid and lazy.

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