Bye Bye 2013
Some random thoughts on the passing of the year, in no particular order.
Bye, Bye Love.
Bending guitar string blues to one of the most influential men of rock n' roll: Phil Everly of the Everly Brothers passed away yesterday at age 74. He and Don influenced me and many others with their fine, tight harmonies and musical hooks in hits such as Bye Bye Love, Cathy's Clown and Wake up Little Suzie. They embodied the evolution of rockabilly into folk and folk rock. Cathy's Clown was #1 on Billboard for months in 1958 in both Country and Pop categories. Rock on, Phil.
Bending guitar string blues to one of the most influential men of rock n' roll: Phil Everly of the Everly Brothers passed away yesterday at age 74. He and Don influenced me and many others with their fine, tight harmonies and musical hooks in hits such as Bye Bye Love, Cathy's Clown and Wake up Little Suzie. They embodied the evolution of rockabilly into folk and folk rock. Cathy's Clown was #1 on Billboard for months in 1958 in both Country and Pop categories. Rock on, Phil.

Few people other than Florida natives have seen the real Florida - the beauty and diversification of the untamed Florida landscape. I had the privilege of hiking a few miles in a remote tract of the Withlacoochee State Forest yesterday. In a short, two-mile hike, we saw magnificent, century-old live oaks, branches covered with Resurrection Fern; cypress bogs with newly formed knees; flatwood pine forests; deer and racoon tracks everywhere; hog spore; mushroom blooms at my feet; and lakes teeming with gators and fish. The waterfowl performed a cacophonous symphony to which the gators barked the bass score.
The topographical diversity is amazing, especially in such a confined area. We hiked the northern part of the Richloam tract just east of I-75 and north of SR 50, and the trail we were on is a horse trail known as the Blue Diamond trail, branching off the Hammock trail. It was an ethereal, soul cleansing experience. I stood at the edge of a lake, smoked a cigar, and took in the serenity. The beauty and solitude in the deep Florida woods is worth the hike. Have a good pair of hiking shoes, carry a good knife, a compass and water, and wander these miles and miles of trails for yourself. You'll be renewed beyond your expectations.
Global Warming, er, I mean Climate Change.
The New Orleans Saints beat the Philadelphia Eagles last night in 21 degree weather. Tonight the Green Bay Packers will play the San Francisco 49ers in what's forecast to be possibly negative-8 degree weather. A Green Peace research ship had to be rescued from being trapped in ice in the Antarctic, its scientists airlifted off the immobile ship by helicopter. Ironically, they were down there to prove the existence of global warming. Beijing is so smogged in that people must wear masks to filter out particulate matter. The sun shifted magnetic poles last year - it's now upside down - and the earth's own magnetic poles shifted by a significant measure. But we are to believe that western civilization and our SUVs are killing the planet. Nice try, but rubbish. The planet isn't dying, and even if it were, we're not the cause. Three-fourths of the Earth is ocean, and the oceans drive and cleanse the atmosphere. It's self cleansing, and has done so for millennia, including filtering the devastation from catastrophes such as meteor impacts, volcanoes, wild fires, and everything else that occurs naturally. Whatever is happening is a natural climate adjustment as we move from ice age to ice age, and just because people have only been here for a relatively short time, we narcissists assume we're the cause. We are not. The world has been here long before us, and will be long after we're gone.
Alien Nation.
In 2013, two nations picked up on the planetary exploration NASA seems to have abandoned. India sent a probe to Mars, and China landed an unmanned robotic rover on the Moon. Back in November, I posted about the exploration of our nearest celestial neighbors. As the Chinese rover cruises the Lunar landscape, seeking answers to questions no one dares ask, I think back to July 1969. A couple of Americans walked on an alien landscape, and answered many questions no one dared ask. One is, "why haven't we been back since the Apollo project?" Many scientists have evidence of artifacts that were seen and/or found on the moon, and that begs yet other questions. "Who's been here?' is certainly one. Perhaps the Chinese will learn what we learned during the the Apollo missions, and hopefully they won't be as squeamish about announcing their findings to the world as our government has been. Bottom line? We ain't alone, my friends.
Alien Nation, Part Deux.
Comes now one Mexican alien living in California who, after petitioning the state supreme court, has now been granted permission to practice law in the state of California. He's not an American, although he lives in California, but presumes to be proficient in law. In contrast, my wife is a lawyer, having spent 4 years in college and another 3 years in law school, earning a Juris Doctorate degree magna cum laude. Fair? Well, she's a real lawyer, and this joker is not. And she's not a criminal and he is. She graduated with highest honors, and this person did not. Yet he's allowed to practice law in California. This kind of nonsense is why people refer to California as the land of fruits and nuts.
Speaking of aliens, the Kenyan's half brother - same father, different mother - was surprisingly forthcoming in a candid interview recently. Seems he and his brother have opposing views on American exceptionalism. Both are Kenyans, yet one is a political conservative living in Kenya; the other is a Marxist/Communist living in Washington, DC. You get to guess which is which.
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