Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Amnesty Backlash
Unbelievable. Maybe that's why, along with Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid, John McCain and others, he co-sponsored a dark-of-night, back-room bill that would essentially destroy the notion that US immigration policy is based on law. At the very least, it certainly flies in the face of each and every one of those bedrock Republican principals he just cited. And what's worse is that Mel Martinez is the current Chairman of The Republican National Committee.
1. Enforce the existing laws against employers who are hiring illegals
2. Deport those aliens caught breaking the law, including suspected or known gang members
3. Increase the number of Border Agents, and stop criminalizing those agents who do their job
4. Fire any officials who were implicit in the railroading and imprisonment of Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean
5. Enforce identity checks and refuse re-entry to those aliens already deported
6. Eliminate all access of state and Federal aid to illegals - period
7. Penalize sanctuary cities by withholding all federal money
8. Refuse visas to pregnant women
9. Make English the official language, and use it exclusively
10. Exclude any radial group from making or influencing immigration policy
Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
6 June 1944

Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Newt Still Makes Sense in '08
One of the most amazing things I've noticed this election cycle is the complete and utter lack of ideas coming from the left. The Democrats and the media have spent millions of dollars and countless hours to bash this administration and its foreign policy, yet have still not offered up a single idea as counterpoint to what they're whining about. Apart from a complete withdrawal from Iraq, no thought has seemingly been given to the consequences of monumentally bad idea.
Yet one of the brightest minds in Washington has done just that - formulated an 11-point plan that is necessary for "Winning The Future" and which has broad-base support from the American people. Contrast the void on the left with Newt Gingrich's commonsense 11-point plan for a solid Republican win in November.
Make English the Official Language of Government.
The House should pass a bill making English the official language of government, abolishing multilingual ballots and reaffirming that new citizens should be required to pass a test on American history in English.
Control the Borders.
The House should pass a narrowly focused bill to ensure that the United States can control the border.
Keep God in the Pledge.
Congress should take two steps to preserve the right to say "one nation under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, a right which is supported by 91% of all Americans. The American people feel deeply that our Declaration of Independence is correct in saying that each of us is endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights. It is time to return to a balanced Constitutional system.
Require a Voter ID Card.
The American people overwhelmingly support (85% in one case, 70%-plus even after all the arguments against it are made) having a voter ID card so we can be sure only legal citizens are voting. Passing a bill to require this in all federal elections would be a big step toward more honest elections.[And eliminate the need for bogus and unconstitutional bills like the shameful McCain-Feingold bill - Ed.]
Repeal the Death Tax, for Good.
The American people have consistently supported the total repeal of the death tax and the House should simply pass it once a week and attach it to various Senate bills to force the Senate to deal with it again and again. Let liberals explain why they oppose something that more than 70% of the country favors.
Restore Property Rights.
The American people are deeply opposed to local politicians' being able to seize a citizen's home or business. The Supreme Court's Kelo decision on eminent domain is one of the most unpopular in recent years and is also one of the most dangerous.[Another absurd unconstitutional bill that blatantly defies the 4th Amendment. -Ed.]
Achieve Sustainable Energy Independence.
The country is eager for a straightforward new energy strategy for national security, environmental and economic reasons, starting with clean nuclear power using new technologies that are safe and produce little
Control Spending and Balance the Budget.
The House should pass new budget legislation to control spending, leading to a balanced budget in seven years (the length of time we gave ourselves in the Contract with America and which led to the first four balanced budgets since the 1920s), with special focus on programs liberals will fight to increase spending.
Tie Education Funding to Teacher Accountability.
A major result of the No Child Left Behind legislation has been the clear revelation that a number of schools systems are crippling and destroying children. When the Detroit school system only graduates 21% of entering freshman on time, it is clear the children are being cheated.
Defend America From the Irreconcilable Wing of Islam.Terrorism is a real threat. Congress should hold hearings on the recent terror activities in Canada, the United Kingdom and Morocco. The House should move bills that strengthen our security from terrorists with increased powers for surveillance, an overruling of the disastrous Hamdan decision and a series of other steps.[Foreign combatants who are not US citizens are not entitled to the rights enumerated in the US constitution. -Ed]
Focus on Iran and North Korea.
The American people are very prepared to believe we face extraordinary threats from a nuclear North Korea and an Iranian regime actively seeking to develop nuclear weapons. Any actions in Iraq need to be recast in terms of their impact on Iran. A weak America in Iraq will be unable to stop Iran. Stopping Iran is potentially literally a matter of life and death. Everything about Iraq should be debated within this larger and much more dangerous context.
Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
An Open Letter to Senator Mel Martinez
I wish to voice my opposition to SB 1348, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007. This bill is flawed in so many ways it concerns me for several reasons.
The first is that far from enacting any meaningful reform, it actually grants amnesty to perhaps 20,000,000 existing illegal aliens, along with their extended families. This country was established as a nation of laws, but it seems that some, like yourself as co-sponsor of this bill, are willing to subvert that basic tenet, and allow lawbreakers to not only skate free, but to enjoy the benefits of citizenship. What do I tell my grandkids about the rule of law, when half their class contains illegal Mexicans? How did my great grandparents become citizens? How did you become a citizen, Senator Martinez? Is obeying the law no longer a requisite for citizenship? Is that your message?
Secondly, with threats of annihilation being made against the county and its citizens almost daily, the last thing the government should do is to throw open the borders and let these aliens roam free among us. Which one is a simple peasant looking for work, and which is a terrorist with a weapon? Is this a risk worth taking in exchange for the dubious benefit of cheap short term labor, or for 20 million future Democrats?
Lastly, this bill doesn't pass the light-of-day test. Where are the committee hearings? Where's the debate? Americans are generous by nature, and despite the spin by the media, they are not xenophobic. Americans welcome immigrants who come here legally, learn the language, work hard and pay taxes, and assimilate into the culture. They are, however, suspicious of back room deals that try to ram bad legislation like this bill down their throats, in the dark of night.
Shame, Senator Martinez, shame. I could expect socialist bills like this from Ted Kennedy or Harry Reid. I supported and voted for you, but I did not give you license to subvert the nation's rule of law, or its border security. Amnesty didn't work under President Reagan, and it won't work now. I urge you to withdraw your sponsorship of this bill, and to vigorously oppose it.
Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
Saturday, May 26, 2007
The Armed Citizen
Proficiency with firearms is not only a requisite in today's world, it's fun too. On occasion I participate in IPSC (International Practical Pistol Confederation) competition, which is fun mixed with training. That competition entails shooting at various targets at various distances, scored by number of hits in the shortest time. This, and most other shooting sports, provides training that is applicable to real-life situations, and can save your life. It did for little Patricia.
A May 15 story in The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) serves as a good reminder of how a person’s support for gun control often changes after a personal experience with crime.
State Representative Michael DeBose (D-12) of Cleveland was an opponent of Right-to-Carry, having voted against the measure twice. All that changed on the night of May 1, when he was confronted by two men, one of whom was wielding a gun. On that night, Rep. DeBose’s sense of security in his neighborhood changed, as did his view on lawful citizens being able to defend themselves.
Rep. DeBose was lucky—this time—that his running, screaming, and summons for help prevented him from being harmed. When asked how this recent experience may change the prism through which he views Right-to-Carry, Rep. DeBose was crystal clear: "I was wrong. I'm going to get a permit and so is my wife. I've changed my mind. You need a way to protect yourself and your family. I don't want to hurt anyone. But I never again want to be in the position where I'm approached by someone with a gun and I don't have one. There are too many people who are just evil and mean-spirited. They will hurt you for no reason. If more people were packing guns, it might serve as a deterrent.”
Welcome, Rep. DeBose, to the growing list of Right-to-Carry converts. While it is too bad it took a life-threatening situation to convert him, we hope he will share his experience, and his newfound respect for the right to self-defense, with his other colleagues who still don’t get it. It is our hope they won’t have to endure a similar experience to do so.
Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
Friday, May 25, 2007
By What Name Torture?
Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
Bye, Bye, Rosie
Ciao, Rosita. Darken our doors no more.
Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
Saturday, May 05, 2007
More Victories in Iraq
"There's little doubt that there was a pipeline coming through Syria that was enabling these people to get into the fight," Adm. Fallon said. "But in the last couple of months, the significant turn to the government and coalition side by people in Anbar I believe has got to be having a detrimental effect on this, because that's the conduit, if you would, where these people were coming."
Admiral Fallon was referring to a number of senior Sunni leaders in Anbar province who have literally switched sides from supporting the terrorist insurgency who now actively support U.S. and Iraqi government troops. What? How can that be? Isn't the war lost? The New York Times must have missed that story. Prominent religious leaders have rejected al Qaeda because the group's indiscriminate bombings are slaughtering innocent Iraqis, according to U.S. military officials. The increased pressure on the underground transit route, the so-called Syrian pipeline "is not particularly hospitable to al Qaeda or foreign fighters; we'd expect to see some positive results from that," Admiral Fallon said.
Meanwhile, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said in a speech yesterday that the United States needs to be steadfast in fighting the war against terrorism. That includes in Iraq, in Afghanistan and everywhere Islamofascists strike. He noted Winston Churchill's comment on the United States in 1943 that "the price of greatness is responsibility."
The current mission in Iraq, following the first mission which was the ouster of Saddam Hussein, has been either overlooked or misrepresented by the American mainstream media. This current task is to unite the three major factions - Sunni, Shi'a and Kurd - into a democratic self-government. When that is accomplished there will exist a substantial stability in the middle east. With democratic governments flourishing, al Qaeda and its murderous factions will have no place to train, arm or hide. When the Iraqis themselves fight al Qaeda and its insane dogma, the end of this war will surely be at hand. And they will then understand that responsibility is greatness.
Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
The Alpha Site: Earth II

The Earth-like planet that could be covered in oceans and may support life is 20.5 light years away, and has the right temperature to allow liquid water on its surface. The new planet, which orbits a small, red star called Gliese 581, is about one-and-a-half times the diameter of the Earth, and is located in the constellation Libra.
Astrobiologists refer to a climate zone known as the Goldilocks Zone, where it is not so cold that water freezes and not so hot that it boils, but where it can lie on the planet's surface as a liquid. In our solar system, only one planet - Earth - lies in the Goldilocks Zone. Venus is far too hot and Mars is just too cold. This new planet lies bang in the middle of the zone, with average surface temperatures estimated to be between 32 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Lakes, rivers and even oceans are possible.
It is not clear what this planet is made of. If it is rock, like the Earth, then its surface may be land, or a combination of land and ocean. Another possibility is that Gliese 581c was formed mostly from ice far from the star (ice is a very common substance in the Universe), and moved to the close orbit it inhabits today. In which case its entire surface will have melted to form a giant, planet-wide ocean with no land, save perhaps a few rocky islands or icebergs.
The surface gravity is probably around twice that of the Earth and the atmosphere could be similar to ours. Although the new planet is in itself very Earth-like, its solar system is about as alien as could be imagined. The star at the centre - Gliese 581 - is small and dim, only about a third the size of our Sun and about 50 times cooler. The two other planets are huge, Neptune-sized worlds called Gliese 581b and Gliese 581d (there is no "a", to avoid confusion with the star itself). The Earth-like planet orbits its sun at a distance of only six million miles or so, travelling so fast that its "year" only lasts 13 of our days. The parent star would dominate the view from the surface - a huge red ball of fire that must be a spectacular sight.
It is difficult to speculate what - if any - life there is on the planet. If there is life there it would have to cope with the higher gravity and solar radiation from its sun. Just because Gliese 581c is habitable does not mean that it is inhabited, but we do know its sun is an ancient star - in fact, it is one of the oldest stars in the galaxy, and extremely stable. If there is life, it has had many billions of years to evolve.
The real importance is not so much the discovery of this planet itself, but the fact that it shows that Earth-like planets are probably extremely common in the Universe. There are 200 billion stars in our galaxy alone and many astronomers believe most of these stars have planets.
Interestingly, Gliese 581c is so close to the Earth that if its inhabitants only had our level of technology, they could - just about - pick up some of our radio signals, such as the most powerful military transmitters. What would happen if we received a signal from them is unclear.
"There is a protocol, buried away in the United Nations," says Dr Shostak of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute in California. "The President would be told first, after the signal was confirmed by other observatories. But we couldn't keep such a discovery secret."
It may be some time before we detect any such signals, but it is just possible that today we are closer than ever to finding life in the stars.
Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
An Open Letter to Senator Reid on His Declaration of Defeat
April 21st, 2007
Senator Reid:
When you say we’ve lost in Iraq, I don’t think you understand the effect of your words. The Iraqis I speak with are the good guys here, fighting to build a stable government. They hear what you say, but they don’t understand it. They don’t know about the political game, they don’t know about a Presidential veto, and they don’t know about party politics.
But they do know that if they help us, they are noticed by terrorists and extremists. They decide to help us if they think we can protect them from those terrorists. They tell us where caches of weapons are hidden. They call and report small groups of men who are strangers to the neighborhood, men that look the same to us, but are obvious to them as a foreign suicide cell.
To be brief, your words are killing us. Your statements make the Iraqis afraid to help us for fear we’ll leave them unprotected in the future. They don’t report a cache, and its weapons blow up my friends in a convoy. They don’t report a foreign fighter, and that fighter sends a mortar onto my base. Your statements are noticed, and they have an effect.
Finally, you are mistaken when you say we are losing. We are winning, I see it every day. However, we will win with fewer casualties if you help us. Will you?
LT Jason Nichols, USN MNF-I,
Well said, Lieutenant Nichols!
Hattip to Gathering of Eagles
Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
Treason in the Senate
So egregious is his statement that soldiers have expressed their shock and revulsion in emails sent throughout the country. In raw and emotional language from the bloody front lines, Cpl. Tyler Rock, of the 1st Battalion, 6th Marines, skewered Reid for being far removed from the patriotism and progress in Iraq. "Yeah, and I got a quote for that [expletive] Harry Reid. These families need us here," Rock vented in an e-mail to Pat Dollard, a Hollywood agent-turned-war reporter who posted the comment on his Web site, Good on ya, Corporal!
Reid, in his blind hatred of the president and thirst for democrat party power, has let politics trump his patriotism. And that graciously assumes he had any to begin with.
Harry Reid. One despicable individual.
Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Flying Imams vs. John Doe
Remember those 5 Imams who made a big scene by praying publicly in the terminal at the Minneapolis airport recently? And during the flight they continued to pray loudly and moved about in the passenger cabin. Clearly trying to incite negative attention in order to use politically correct laws against those who reported their suspicious behavior, they've now sued both USAirways and the unknown passengers who reported their shenanigans, named in the complaints as certain "John Does."
Tired of this nonsense? Join up. Rep. Stevan Pearce (R-NM) drafted a bill to protect such John Does from liability. Here is Rep. Pearce's press release:
Today, United States Congressman Steve Pearce introduced H.R. 1640 the "Protecting Americans Fighting Terrorism Act of 2007." If passed, this legislation would protect individuals from being sued for reporting suspicious activities to law enforcement and security personnel.
The language of the Act comes as a direct response to a recent incident in Minneapolis. As reported in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, the imams engaged in a variety of suspicious behaviors while boarding a US Airways flight, according to the airport police report. Some prayed loudly in the gate area, spoke angrily about the United States and Saddam, switched seats and sat in the 9/11 hijackers' configuration, and unnecessarily requested seatbelt extenders that could be used as weapons, according to witness reports and US Airways spokeswoman Andrea Rader.
As a result of the aforementioned behavior, citizens contacted airline authorities and the pilot informed law enforcement to have the suspicious parties removed from the aircraft. The original incident occurred in November of 2006; now the group has filed suit against US Airways and the
Minneapolis - St. Paul Metropolitan Airports Commission on 17 different charges. Included in the lawsuit as defendants, are "John Does" described as citizens who called authorities to report the suspicious behavior of the Imams.
Rep. Pearce commented on introducing the bill: "It is a sad day in America when our own institutions of freedom are being used against us in the battle against terrorism. When I first heard about the lawsuit brought by the 'imams' in Minnesota, it was clear to me that this was an injustice against Americans who were simply trying to protect themselves. These brave citizens should be recognized as heroes for their efforts to report suspicious activity, particularly activity that has been associated with previous terror attacks.
"As Americans, we must not allow ourselves to be bullied by individuals who seek to disrupt our way of life. We can not allow the sympathizers of terrorism to make Americans wonder if they could be sued before reporting possible terrorist activity. Whether it is an intimidation tactic or a full scale attack, Americans have the right and responsibility to protect themselves and their fellow citizens. I introduced this legislation to protect Americans and keep all citizens alert and vocal as they serve on the front line in our battle against terrorism here in America."
Finally some sanity. Terrorism, by definition, includes low-conflict situations like e-coli in our produce, rat poison in Rover's dog food, and certainly intimidation tactics like this ridiculous suit. And any judge who is worth his robes should immediately dismiss this suit - with extreme prejudice.
Some folks I've talked to have a better solution. They call it SOS. It's not a call for help, however. It means Shoot On Sight.
Have a nice day.
Hattip to Michele Malkin and the guys at Powerline
Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
More Iraqi Progress
Tired of the propaganda about Iraq? Take a look in the paper, on the news, and all you'll see countless stories about casualties and destruction. But progress is being made in Iraq, and it's noteworthy. Here are just some of the achievements being made by US and coalition forces that you will not see in AP, NYT, WaPo, or the LA Times:
- The liberal media isn't going to report the fact that 3,100 Iraqi schools have been renovated, 364 are under rehabilitation, 263 new schools are under construction, and 38 new schools have been completed
- The liberal media isn't going to report that the Iraqi Police Service has over 55,000 fully trained and equipped police officers
- The liberal media isn't going to report that 96 percent of Iraqi children under the age of 5 have received the first 2 series of polio vaccinations
- The liberal media isn't going to report that 47 countries have reestablished their embassies in Iraq
Don't believe it? These facts are verifiable on the Department of Defense web site:
Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
Friday, March 02, 2007
Cassini's Eye on Saturn
Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Solar Activity Threatens Telecommunications

Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Update: A Man With A Gun
Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
A Man With A Gun

Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
Monday, January 29, 2007
War on Terror Global SitRep
Air Force seeks troop racial mix to 75% black and 25% white, reversing current racial makeup of 81% white. Transition is a problem; government's recruitment of unseasoned pilots has increased air training accidents.
Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
Seems Like Old Times
Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
Sunday, January 21, 2007
The Ballad of Smoothride Glide and Lightfoot Cruise; Part II
Every once in while
The stories, they must be told
It keeps the flame alive to spread the news:
So hear ye now the ballad
Of Smoothride Glide and Lightfoot Cruise.
The day was dark and the wind’s a-howlin
Drivin’ the lee rail under
The rigging is singing a mournful song -
So vang the main and sheet the jib -
Hell, storms don’t last long.
Lightfoot’s praying and Smoothride’s laughing
You know how daring serves a fool.
But they’re nicely making way
With forty feet of waterline
Turning gray swells into spray.
The water in the cockpit is ankle deep
And Smoothride’s on the helm.
The jib sheet has gone flying
Lightfoot’s on the for’ard winch
And the halyards are sighing.
Now she may blow down,
And she may not right,
And the mast may crack asunder.
But she’ll make port at her own good speed
Amid laughter that sounds like thunder.
So it’s always a day for sailin’
And it’s always a day for livin’
And a dare fair won dispels the blues.
So take you now this life lesson
From Smoothride Glide and Lightfoot Cruise.
Copyright © 1998-2007 All Rights Reserved
Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Antikythera Decoded

Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
US Sub Hits Fishing Vessel
Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Nuclear High Noon
Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
Broken Vows
"American taxpayers need to hold on to their wallets because the new House rules concerning taxes are not worth the paper they're written on," said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR).
"After spending an entire year on the campaign trail claiming she will not raise taxes, the first vote Nancy Pelosi brings to the floor for a vote as speaker will open the door to billions and billions of dollars of tax increases over the next two years," Mr. Norquist said.
Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise
Monday, January 01, 2007
Harbingers of the New Year?
In Japan, a country of staid and conservative social values, a televised New Years Eve music special raised some eyebrows and caused national broadcaster NHK to issue an apology for the special's "topless" dancers. NHK said the dancers were actually wearing body suits, but I watched the video, and well, watched it again, just to be sure. Judge for yourself.
In Denver, just hours after the San Francisco 49ers and Dever Broncos game, Denver Bronco cornerback Darrent Williams was shot and killed in his limousine during a drive by shooting. Others were hit, as well, and were taken to local hospitals. Williams was 24.
Posted by
Lightfoot Cruise