Friday, May 25, 2007

By What Name Torture?

For all the weak and wobbly who were so concerned about imagined US military abuses of terrorists held at Gitmo, news all but ignored today reveals the existence of a how-to manual for torture. Not for such heinous acts as water-boarding or sleep deprivation, but for the real, medieval variety of torture. Surprisingly, this how-to manual was not issued by the pentagon for field use by US troops. Nope, it's an Al Qaeda issued manual.

In a recent raid on an Al Qaeda safe house in Iraq, U.S. military officials recovered an assortment of crude drawings depicting torture methods like “blowtorch to the skin” and “eye removal.” Dragging victims behind a car, and how to electrocute victims were also portrayed. Along with the manual, soldiers seized various torture implements, like meat cleavers, whips, and wire cutters.

We will wait patiently while human rights groups and vocal news outlets across the globe decry this barbaric heinous activity. Any minute now. Just be a moment . . . No, there will be no such outcry. Amnesty International, the New York Times and their ilk criticize only US methods of information gathering, which they label "torture." Dismemberment and disfiguration, of course, are perfectly acceptable methods for genuine freedom fighters. And those things are certainly not "torture'.

Meanwhile the insane rabid Islamofascists, with the tacit approval of the global "human rights" community, continue with their barbaric medieval beheadings, the most recent of which forced a 12-year-old boy to do the heinous deed, while his elders give him instructions. Check the actual footage of this barbarism - banned in the western news outlets - if you dare. But be warned, it's real and it's graphic.

But don't wait for the "human rights" community to point out the blatant child abuse, or the savage beheading while still alive of this civilian, or the pure evil and hypocrisy of the "religion of peace."

As hypocrisy sits on its throne and laughs, evil flourishes.

Hat tip to The Jawa Report for the still photos of the beheading.

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