Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The War at Home

Osama bin Laden once said that the war with the US would be fought equally on two fronts: on the battlefield and in the US press. He's right, of course. On the battlefield the war has been won and the US continues to win, but the propaganda war is all but lost. Thanks in large part to the New York Times and the Associated (with terrorists) Press, who have done everything they can - including fabricate sensational stories - to help us lose. Evidence of that loss is obvious by the outcome of the midterm elections, where the electorate was dumbed down and disheartened by the constant drumbeat of defeatism from the MSM.

The current US involvement in the middle east "peace process" became first hand in 1979, when the pitiful ideologue Jimmy Carter supported the Islamic uprising against the Shah of Iran. The Shah was disposed, and the Ayatollah Khomeini turned the country into a radical theocracy. That brand of radical Islamofascist ideology spread globally throughout Muslim communities, and nearly three decades later, we're still dealing with the consequences of the insane liberal policy that has caused untold carnage and misery, including thousands of American deaths.

So now the US cobbles together the Hamilton-Baker Iraq Study Group to "dialog" with Syria and Iran and to "talk with" the terrorists who call the shots in Iraq. While 75% of all American military causalities in Iraq have been caused by Iranian-built IEDs, we find we need to "talk with" Iran. And while the vast majority of the "insurgents" killed in action in Iraq are Syrian nationals, we need to "talk with" Syria, as well. The lunacy of this plan is obvious; it's asking your enemy to structure your defeat. Like asking Jeffery Dahmer to cater your next affair - you may find you're the banquet.

Not surprising that of the ten members of the group, six are liberals. Three are Clinton administration hacks, including William Perry, Clinton's Secretary of Defense who bailed out on rescuing the downed Blackhawk pilots in Mogadishu, Vernon Jordan, Clinton's attorney, and Leon Paneta, Clinton's Chief of Staff. We also have Sandra Day O'Connor, former liberal Supreme Court justice, and Lee Hamilton and Chuck Robb, two Democrat congressmen. Only four, Edwin Meese, Lawrence Eagleberger, Alan Simpson and James Baker are Republicans.

Does anyone doubt the outcome of this study group? This is a war for our cultural survival, yet liberals simply cannot grasp the fact that there is no negotiating with radical Islam - we can't talk our way out of this. We can expect that part of this to-be-negotiated settlement will undoubtedly be that Iran gets nukes. After all, Clinton's dream team gave North Korea a nuclear reactor, and the Chinese got both US designed nuclear warheads and delivery systems. What did the US get in exchange for this nuclear technology? Threatened annihilation from both countries. Why would we think Iran will act any differently? The Islamofascists want us dead, converted or reduced to dhimmi status. One wishes the US contingent would think more like them. We need to kill them all, for given half a chance and the means, they will certainly kill us all.

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