Friday, November 03, 2006

Random Thoughts Before the Election

With just three days before the 2006 midterm elections, there are some things voters should remember when casting their ballots.

First, consider who is endorsing the Democrats. What a surprise: terrorists are, because they know the Dems will be soft on terrorism, and they'll cut and run in the first 100 days. I believe they want us to lose.

"Of course Americans should vote Democrat," said Jihad Jaara, a senior member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group and the infamous leader of the 2002 siege of Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity.

Of course they should.

Second, the Dem's political strategy of outing gay Republicans will surely backfire on them. If their platform is tolerance, why out gays at all - even if they are Republican? Problem is, it won't happen until after the election, if at all.

Third, it's day 14 or so, and the MSM still hasn't picked up the Ted Kennedy story about his sellout to the USSR in 1983 during the cold war. Nor have they run with the Harry Reid sweetheart million-dollar land deal.

Fourth, if the MSM put out as much ink about Democrat scandals - and there are plenty of them - as they do Republican scandals, there wouldn't be the spread in the polls we're seeing now.

And finally, there's one more thing to consider. Democrats historically have to move to the right to get elected. Voters should not be fooled into thinking Dems will work toward a victory in Iraq, stabilizing the mideast, protecting the US from rogue nuclear wannabe nations, securing the borders, keeping taxes low, promoting personal responsibility, and maintaining the booming economy. Once elected, they will abandon those campaign promises, and vote every time for bigger and more intrusive government, paid for by your hard earned dollars.

Hopefully the GOP party faithful will recall these and other news items, and realize who really is the party of corruption.

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