Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Cultural Jihad

It seems to me that there exist two clear and present threats to our Western culture and the American way of life.  One is recognizable, and has manifested itself in numerous ways.  It's right before our eyes.  The second is more innocuous.  It has seeped into the American psyche and now lives there comfortably. The danger posed is that the second prevents us from recognizing the first.  I'm referring to, of course, Islamic cultural jihad and political correctness respectively.

Now before you roll your eyes and start calling me all the over-used, inappropriate and mindless slurs like racist, Islamophobic, white nationalist, fascist, Nazi, bigot - did I miss any? - I submit to you that that reaction just serves to prove my point.

1,400 years of crazy
Consider this.  In 1991, a document, written by and for the internal use of the Muslim Brotherhood, and never intended to be made public, titled Explanatory Memorandum of the General Strategic Goal for the Brothers in North America, and was discovered during a 2004 terrorism trial in Falls Church, Virginia.  It was translated from Arabic, and outlines the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic goals for North America.  It clearly defines their war, and their war is Cultural Jihad.   Read it in its entirety here.  If you aren't fluent in Arabic, here are the main points:

Page 4:
“Enablement of Islam in North America, meaning: establishing an effective and a stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims’ causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims’ efforts, presents Islam as a civilization alternative, and supports the global Islamic State wherever it is.”
Page 5:
“…the Movement must plan and struggle to obtain “the keys” and the tools of this process in carry out this grand mission as a Clivilization Jihadist responsibility."
Page 7:
“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers. . .  [W]e must possess a mastery of the art of 'coalitions' , the art of 'absorption', and the principals of 'cooperation.'"
Page 18:
“A list of our organizations and the organizations of our friends”
Page 18 is where the Muslim Brotherhood listed its front groups in the U.S. Note that prominent organizations like CAIR (Council American-Islamic Relations), ISNA (Islamic Society of North America), ICNA (Islamic Circle of North America) and others are named here as Brotherhood organizations..  Far from benign, these  front groups are in effect the Muslim Brotherhood itself, which has been declared a terrorist organization by the United Nations, and even by the FBI while it was under the Kenyan's control, who actually supported the Brotherhood and its activities. 

But to further drive the point home, the Brotherhood's motto is this: "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope."

So there it is.  Straight up.  No spin.  In their own words, they have stated their belief that it is their religious duty to subjugate all peoples of the world under the tyranny of Islam and its sharia law.  And they have said that continuously for fourteen hundred years.  They've been very clear about their intentions.  So why don't we believe them and take it at face value?

As I have pointed previously out in these pages, Islam as an ethos, and sharia law in particular, are inherently incompatible with the Western idea of self governance, especially so with the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights that form the foundation of our nation.  Look no further than the two events in Europe, and one stateside over the weekend.

In London, a Muslim jihadist rams his car into dozens of bicyclists before crashing it into the Parliament building.  London's Muslim mayor Khan responds by suggesting a ban on cars in the area.

In Sweden, Muslim jihadis attack three separate Swedish cities simultaneously, setting fires and destroying property.  The Swedish government continues to bury its head in the sand, and refuses to admit that the 600,000 Muslim invaders it has welcomed has anything to do with their skyrocketing crime.

In New Mexico, a female liberal judge let a Muslim terrorist along with four of his illegal alien conspirators walk free after they were arrested for creating and maintaining a terror training compound there, where children were taught to shoot up schools, and where at least one child died.

See the pattern?  And there are hundreds more events like this all over the world, where people die as Muslims enact their murderous manifesto.  And Western law looks the other way, censored by some insane notion of moral equivalency.  And, my friends, it's only a matter of time - weeks or months perhaps - before this kind of chaos, death and destruction will be occurring in your cities and towns.

This begs the question of why are we even considering allowing any Muslims into the country, when - in their own words - they openly vow to destroy us and implement their own failed 7th century theocracy here in the US? 

The answer to that is the second threat I noted above: political correctness.  The term "politically correct" was coined in the 1920s by the Soviets and their ideological fellow travelers to describe why the views held by some folks needed "correction" in order to be in sync with the party line.  The American left, founded in large part upon the ideology of the Soviets, has adopted that term as well as its application.  As a result, we've been bullied into group think and self censorship, leading to the idea that certain groups of people, or ideas themselves, cannot be questioned.  Critical thinking is not allowed.  Institutes of higher learning indoctrinate, they do not educate.  This Orwellian thought control has seeped into our national psyche.  And the media propagandizes this nonsense day in and day out.  Unrelentingly.  We are told by the enlightened elites that we cannot speak about the invasion that is openly and clearly happening right before our eyes.  It's not politically correct to speak of the danger that Islam poses, not only to us, but to everyone in the world.

In fact, if one does speak the truth, one is first bullied into submission, then summarily censored, mocked, ostracized, maligned and destroyed.  And that process is called "politics of personal destruction." The term was used extensively by Hillary to refer to the destruction of Bill Clinton's accusers in the numerous and infamous rape-abuse scandals that dogged his presidency.  And who is it that uses these diabolical methods today to intimidate and silence their opponents?  It is the American left and their apparatchiks in the Deep State, whose stated goal is the subjugation of the American Way.  And Islam is the Deep State's useful idiot - a term coined by Stalin, by the way - to bring to fruition the end of America as we know it, and its replacement by a tyrannical theocracy under the left's control.

Image result for muslim invasion
They're telling us their plans
And so the enlightened elites and the entrenched Deep State tell us that we must bring invaders into our country in vast numbers, to demonstrate how tolerant we are.  They won't hurt us; they are the representatives of peace. Immigration is our strength.  Dhimmitude is our salvation.  This is what eight years of the Muslim Kenyan got us. And, by the way, if you clicked on that last link, the word dhimmi means several things in Arabic. "Enslaved" is probably a better definition than "protected," because a dhimmi is "protected" only by virtue of his enslavement.

In the face of this, as well as full-on censorship of conservative voices in social media, news media, college campuses and elsewhere, one can sense the impending onslaught.  And the source of this repression of ideas is the Soviet Socialist ideology, dusted off and re-instituted, and rapidly being forced upon us.

Just to be clear, let me repeat.  Islam is here to conquer, not to assimilate.  They tell us that themselves.  We are under siege by a cultural invasion - a jihad - and the American left and the Deep State are aiding and abetting it.  It's one enemy on two fronts.

Wake up.  Make an effort.  Pay attention.  Tell the truth.  Think critically about what you're being told.  Open your eyes and see the world for what it really is.  Don't just buy into the elite's and the media's propaganda.

And sooner or later, be prepared to fight it like hell.

Thursday, August 02, 2018

Applied Zen In Law Enforcement

A manageable definition of Zen is that Zen emphasizes rigorous self-control, meditation-practice, insight into Buddha nature, and the personal expression of this insight in daily life, especially for the benefit of others.

禪 Zen
Zen Buddhism
So consider this:  What would happen if law enforcement, while pursuing their job of ensuring public safety, practiced an Americanized version of this Buddhist philosophy?  Would serious crime drop?  Would police-civilian confrontations be lessened?  And would the unfortunate perception of some police as bullies with badges change for the better? I wonder that too, and I think it would.

My readers know that I'm firmly pro law enforcement, and that I'm also very metaphysical in my personal philosophy.  But an interesting conversation with an off duty sheriff's deputy today made me think that there may be a viable marriage between Oriental thinking and Occidental law enforcement.

In this conversation today - two guys just having a philosophical chat as guys will do - it was revealed that we both shared some background.  We're both from the same county, same schools, studied Oriental martial arts, and understand some basic metaphysical dynamics.  His discipline is Jujitsu, mine is Tae Kwon Do.  So it was natural that we discussed the application of these disciplines as applied in the execution of our individual duties in our jobs.  I've done that for years in my career, and he has in his career as well.

One of the main tenants of Oriental martial arts is that once you learn to fight, once you become the warrior, you no longer have the need - or the urge- to fight.  The agitated ego is replaced by a deeper, calmer awareness.  The knowledge that a student of these disciplines will understand is - that along with the power to deprive another of his power and his life - there comes a sacred responsibility.  A better solution to a given situation therefore,  rather than ending in injury or death, could be a thoughtful de-escalation though self control, and as an extension, control of the situation. 

Well now.  Could that really work?  In the mean streets?  Where the boys in blue are targeted?  In the face of anti-police vicious gangs and thugs?  He and I think it could, of course.  It has been tried in the past, and successfully so, on a local scale.   And on a one-on-one situation especially.  Let it trickle up.  From street to training to doctrine.  But police don't really get that kind of training.  They get "you enforce the law" training that may or may not be the best way to get people to obey and respect the law.  

This is not an indictment in any way of the current policies and procedures that law enforcement use to do their jobs.   That said, even if something works pretty well, could there not be even more and better improvement?  I think so too.  But we'll refrain from asking that of the FBI.

As the wise man has said, sometimes a deep revelation can slap you upside the head when you least expect it.  That's the universe trying to get your attention.  It has a message for you.

Better listen up.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Crazy Continues Unabated

After returning from a delightful cruise earlier this month to Half Moon Cay, then to Nassau Bahamas, where I could be found sailing and snorkeling and general sun tanning, I return to find the craziness continues unabated. Consider these gems:

TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) has become a recognized mental illness, requiring professional treatment.  Shrinks also refer to it as Trump Anxiety Symptoms.  Yes, I kid you not.  The condition is recognized, and defined:  

Urban Dictionary defines Trump Derangement Syndrome as “a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump, to the point at which they will abandon all logic and reason.”

Symptoms may include these six, as well as others.  The snowflakes are melting, and Dorothy is still in Oz.  On the bright side, I wonder if they - the snowflakes - realize what they're experiencing now is what we all went through under the tyrannical eight-year reign of their Kenyan.  Karma's a beach, ain't it?

How about the fall in value of two of the most tyrannical oligarchs in the world?  Stateside, I guess Facebook users finally are shocked - shocked! - that Facebook isn't really simply a forum for people to keep up with their neighbor's cat, or their classmates' kids or travels overseas.  Nope, Marky-Mark sells the most intimate details of Facebook users' existence to anyone on the left with large amounts of cash.  Stockholders were not amused as Zuck lied through his teeth to Congress, and are now suing senior Facebook executives for mismanagement.  When a industry behemoth like Facebook looses one-quarter of its value in one day, and that's $120 billion, folks, well, something is amiss.  Many lefties argue that as a private company, Facebook can do what it wants.  Ironically, that's an about-face in political philosophy for those on the left, but that's another argument.  Facebook is a public company, and government has the power to regulate and/or break up monopolies, as it has done in the past with Standard Oil for instance.  In this case, Congress should both regulate and break up Facebook.  And Google.  And Twitter.

On the other side of the planet, things are just peachy in Iran.  Trump's tariffs and sanctions against Iran has plummeted the value of the Iranian rial to an absurd 100,000 rials to one US dollar. The mullahs scream that they're going to retaliate by using that one nuke they're trying to build.  OK, sure.  But use it where?  On whom?  Meanwhile Iranians can't exchange their worthless paper to US dollars fast enough.  The banks saw that coming and have stopped it flat out.  I guess the mullahs have already run through the billions in US cash that the treasonous Kenyan gave them, pulled directly from the American taxpayers' coffers. Even the low value Iraqi dinar is worth roughly nine hundred times more than the rial.  Should the Iranians ever decide to overthrow the ruinous Islamic theocratic mullahs that run the country,  Iran could be a welcomed trading partner, and I might add, a valuable ally in the Middle East.  But not until.

Venezuela is effectively in the same boat as Iran. Tyrannical socialism has ruined that once viable country into a proverbial third world shit hole.  The inflation rate in Venezuela is so high the government has just looped off the zeros on the end.  Yeah, that should do it.  Talk about mismanagement!  Venezuela sits on a sea of oil, but can't utilize that asset, proving once again that socialism fails every time it's tried.

Here at home again, I'm waiting for the mainstream propaganda arm of the Democrat Party to finally report on the real corruption in the government.  Specifically to demand the arrest of those central to the Kenyan's reign, known as the Deep State.  Charges need to brought against the seriously crazy:  Hillary, Obama, Kerry, Holder, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Lerner, and Mueller,  And that's just to start.

But for now, I'm not going to hold my breath.

Monday, July 09, 2018

The Global Slaughter of Christians

It's no surprise that the persecution of Christians, on a global scale, is not front page news in the established fake news/propaganda media outlets.  No, you won't find mention of this story in any of what Facebook's fuhrer Mark Zuckerberg euphemistically calls the "trusted, established media."  The reason for this is that Christian persecution - and execution - that is happening in countries all over the world doesn't fit the elite's established narrative.  Consider my last post wherein I described the method by which the "news" is designed to create support and acceptance of  a predetermined outcome.  And the outcome in this narrative is the advancement of the cult of Islam, and the demise of Christianity.  As we've discussed here several times, the two ideologies are mutually incompatible.

A report released in late 2017 examined the plight of Christians in China, Egypt, Eritrea, India, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria and Turkey from 2015 until  the end of 2017. The research showed that Christians suffered from crimes against humanity, and some were hanged or crucified. The report found that Saudi Arabia was the only country where the situation for Christians did not get worse, and that was only because the situation couldn’t get any worse than it already was.  The report focused on Middle Eastern countries like Iraq and Syria, where the authors argued Christians would have been entirely wiped out if it weren’t for military action and the assistance of Christian humanitarian organizations.  Admittedly, other groups get hit as well, such as Hindus, Buddhists in India.  Islamists kill everybody and anybody, even other Muslim sects.

Burned and mutilated Christian bodies
But the worst is slaughter at the hands of the Muslim terrorists is from the Fulani "herdsmen" in Nigeria.  Using machetes and firearms to massacre more than 200 people in a predominantly Christian region over just a two day period in June, the murder of innocents is a testament to the group’s growing murderous blood lust that has far surpassed Boko Haram’s. Observers have estimated that the number of unarmed farmers who have been killed by Fulani terrorists so far this year varies between 1,750 and 6,000, including women and children.  Supposedly the dispute is simply a tribal matter, where cattlemen - the Fulani - are at odds with resident farmers, who have toiled the land for generations.  People were killed by being hacked apart, by being riddled by AK-47 fire, or by being burned alive.  Pretty gruesome.  

A truck load of Nigerian Christians
But tribal rivalry is not the reason for the slaughter.  The Fulani only attack areas that are predominately Christian.  So the issue here is Islamic terrorism.  Nigeria was founded as a Christian nation, until our very own Kenyan interfered in the national presidential election in 2015 by supporting the current Muslim president over the Christian incumbent.  And immediately the Muslims had free reign to plunder and kill.  

Human rights groups have advocated that the Christians fight back, rather than be exterminated.  For years now, though, the Christians have been saying that they have no cheeks left to turn.  If they decide to fight back - for which they are totally justified – Nigeria will become a war zone.

Well, that's the whole point to the uneducated savages that adhere to the Islamic death cult.

Monday, July 02, 2018

The Third Way Con: It's A Trap

Remember the so called Third Way?  It's actually a term that's been kicked around for more than a century, but in contemporary usage we can remember that both Tony Blair and Bill Clinton used the term.  Supposedly it referred to a solution to seemingly irreconcilable ideologies from the left and the right; a third solution.  In those days - the 1980s - there was an impasse in global power between the capitalistic west, primarily the United States, and the socialistic east, primarily the Soviet Union.  Blair and Clinton, and even George H. W. Bush before them, proposed the Third Way as the obvious solution.  But what the heck is the Third Way?

As we now realize, the Bush-Clinton-Blair cabal was simply espousing an ideology that was essentially a One World Order.  Remember George H.W. Bush's reference to the New World Order?  That was the implementation of the Third Way.  But at the time, the Third Way was moving forward societal  change on a global scale in an innocuous way.  Behind the scenes.  In the dark of night.  Off the general public's radar.

Image result for hegelian dialecticToday, as we witness chaotic change in literally every level of societal endeavor, we also begin to recognize that the Third Way is the application of Hegelian Dialectic.  What the heck is that, you may well ask.  Basically it is the system that is being used by the ruling class to manipulate the public into fulfilling its predetermined agenda.  It should be noted that the Marxists, Communists and Socialists have adopted Hegel's Dialectic to further their global ambitions.

Let's define it, so we can understand it.  Dialectics is a term used to describe a method of philosophical argument that involves some sort of contradictory process between opposing sides.  Socrates' famous dialectics involved a person-to-person back-and-forth argument designed to support Socrates' philosophy.   In Hegel’s (19th Century German philosopher, G.W.F. Hegel) dialectics, the arugument relies on a contradictory process between opposing sides, usually the state versus its citizens. 

The Hegel dialectic recognizes an argument (thesis) in conflict with its polar opposite arugument (antithesis), which demands a solution that is neither (synthesis).  Whew.  Heady stuff.  But it's not so confusing if we apply real world examples that are actually happening now.  In the example above, the USA's dominance of world politics and economy (thesis) was opposed by the USSR's communism opposite (antithesis), which demanded a global authoritarianism instead of either (synthesis).  That's how the globalist authoritarians have managed to carve out a political foothold in every nation, in every society.

The modern elite has taken this a step further by predetermining a synthesis, their specific agenda, and then developing events that arrive at that synthesis through artificial means. If the global elite has a result they would like to have, whether it be increased authoritarian rule or a war that solidifies their power, all they have to do is devise an anti-thesis that will lead to the outcome they want. This is commonly done through false flag attacks, where the government of a nation attacks itself so that it can respond in the way that it had wanted to all along.  It’s recognized that only through that attack would citizens agree to the planned, redetermined synthesis. False flag attacks are not an uncommon way for governments to fulfill their goals.

Think now about the immigration debate.  Apply the Hegelian Dialectic to that chaos.  Polarized ideas at odds with each other.  Pro-immigration versus America firsters. No middle ground.  Or the gun control issue.  Gun grabbers versus pro-rights advocates.  No middle ground.  People tire of the conflict, and take the only solution offered.  Enter the Third Way:  no borders, nullify the Second Amendment.  See how this con is being run?  This is how, over the last fifty years, Americans have - little by little - literally voted away their rights.

The next time you're in a political discussion, keep in mind that the argument you're making may very well not be the real issue.  Consider what may be the ultimate goal of the elites, whether they be the deep state, the progressive agenda, or fake news purveyors.  Think it through: who benefits from which outcome?

From Families Belong Together Protest, Wash. DC
The image at right perfectly describes the conflict.  Paid protesters fan the flames, heighten the chaos, until the real Americans are exhausted with the fight.  This is the Hegelian Dialectic in actual practice.  We always knew what the global elites were doing, but the Hegelian Dialectic shows us how how they are doing it.  By exposing the game, we can now learn how to win it.  And that's pretty much what's been happening over the last eighteen months.  

Against all odds, Donald J. Trump won the election by promising to win the battle against the entrenched political globalists elites, and give the country back to we the people.  

And he's  doing that by not invoking the Third Way.

Monday, June 18, 2018

America's Most Hated

We Americans like to rank things - and I mean everything - so I'd thought we should take a stab at ranking the things that Americans hate most.  By Americans, I'm referring to the fine folks who make this country, who work and pay taxes, and who live predominately in fly-over country.  Not the self absorbed, social-warring elitist narcissists that tend to populate both coasts.    So without further ado, here we go, in no particular order.

1.  The Swamp
This is the collection of unelected bureaucrats who actually  run the country from the bowels of the various institutions that make up the Federal Government.  It's so vast, it can't really be identified by name.  But it can be felt in the regulations, injustices and corruption that trickles down to normal folks, usually in a negative way.  The deep state.  It's Mueller's witch hunt and his and Rosenstein's intimidation of everyone. It's the corruption at the State Department (Hillary), The Department of Justice (Holder, Yates, Lynch), Internal Revenue Service (Lerner) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Brennan, et al).  It's what gave us eight corrupt years of a Muslim mulatto Marxist who publicly promised to "transform America" into a socialist, top-down-driven authoritarian banana republic.  And he almost did.

2.  Social Justice Warriors 
Deliver us, oh Lord, from the tyranny of the perpetually offended Puritans.  I use the word Puritan, not in the original Christian sense, but in the sense that this is a group who feel superior to everyone else - reveling in their purity and piety despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary - and who are bound and determined to force their rigid and irrational views everyone else.  These idiots make up most of the oh-so-woke elitists in Hollywood, academia (Ivy League and State colleges as well), the NFL, Netflix, social media giants (Facebook, Google and Amazon), fake news outlets (CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC), the #MeToo supplicants and countless others.  Please, Hogg and Garcia, go back to school and learn something before preaching to adults about that which you know so little.  Give us a break with your constant whining about perceived slights that never occurred, or did happen but were of no consequence.  You're merely showing us that you are over educated for your level of intelligence.

 3.  Muslims, MS-13 and Illegals
More than a few polls have clearly shown that, by large margins, real Americans are fundamentally opposed to illegal immigration - forced or otherwise.  Those same Americans are whole heatedly in favor of meritorious immigration, however, which is immigration by those who can move American culture upward and forward.  That means skill based qualifications.  What Americans don't want- and have been  loudly saying so - is uneducated, unclean, illiterate, diseased, religious fanatics coming ashore and, well, basically screwing up the place.  They cost taxpayers money, and they bring no value.  Well, except as potential Democrat voters.  And that right there is the sole reason we're fighting this wave of human debris that is intent upon destroying the American culture.  And dream.  But some big political donors believe this is simply a cheap labor issue, and hey - what's the worse that can happen?  But Americans know.  They have to live among these savages who bring their violence, crime, lunacy, disease, and drag on the economy to neighborhoods all over the nation. But our government - see The Swamp above - insist on importing this disruptive element into American society.  And this I will tell you this with a degree of certainty:  it will not end well if the influx is not stopped, and those illegally here already are not deported.  Count on it.

4.  The Crime Machines
The worst criminal in American history is Hillary Rodham Clinton.  This fact will be proven, even if it's years or decades after her death.  It would take a textbook to detail her criminal activities throughout her years in public office, and several have already been written.  She's the one who coined the term "politics of personal destruction," and everyone who has gotten sideways with this witch has been either completely personally destroyed, or dead.  And even as investigation after investigation has revealed her crimes, deceit and traitorous sedition, she remains unindicted.  She's not in prison where she belongs. No, she's free to continue collecting her blackmail and extortion payments, and to run her pay-for-play schemes.  And why do you suppose this is?  Because on one wants to go up against her or the Kenyan's community "outreach" destruction machine.  No one.  Vile, destructive and corrupt to the core, these two crime machines make Japan's Triads or Sicily's Mafia look like mere schoolyard bullies.  See The Swamp above.

We can see that these groups fall into the category of Enemies of the State.  Rather than enacting a solution to the nonsense above, like implementing a total and concerted removal - and replacing - of the entire Federal Government, we placate ourselves with silly ranking lists.  

Well, it's easier to complain than to act.  Ask any Democrat.

Wednesday, June 06, 2018


Today is the seventy-fourth anniversary of D Day, the Allied amphibious invasion on the beaches of Normandy during World War II.  That assault began the drive across Europe, liberating towns and villages all across western Europe, and ultimately the defeat of the Third Reich.   

Image result for d dayOn June 6, 1944, more than 160,000 Allied troops landed along a 50-mile stretch of heavily-fortified French coastline in Normandy, France. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower called the operation a crusade in which, “we will accept nothing less than full victory.” More than 5,000 Ships and 13,000 aircraft supported the D-Day invasion, and by day’s end, the Allies gained a foot hold in Continental Europe. The cost in lives on D-Day was high. More than 9,000 Allied Soldiers were killed or wounded, but their sacrifice allowed the Americans and her allies to begin the slow, hard slog across Europe.

Other than Fox, did you see any mention of this historic date in any of the mainstream media?  Neither did I.

And that's a shame.

But don't expect the hate-America-first media to remind us of the heroics and sacrifice that 18, 19 and 20-year old American boys made that day and in the months following.  Rather, watch some movies and series that were superb in production, historical accuracy and message.  I'd recommend these: Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, The Longest Day.

It's ironic that Hollywood honors this historic day and the men behind it, but the so-called media will not, and does not.  These films put this event into the proper perspective without propaganda or  slant,

It is history.  And history should be remembered.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Memorial Day: North and South

On Memorial Day, most folks look forward to a day off from work, and maybe some steaks and burgers on the grill with friends and family.  Oh, and a few adult libations.  And yes, from time to time they remember fleetingly,  acknowledging all those Americans who gave their all to America.  But there's a couple of interesting things about Memorial Day that most folks don't know about.

Memorial Day began as a Confederate holiday in 1866, the year following the end of the War of Northern Aggression, which was then called Decoration Day.  Wesley Pruden describes it in this way.

The ladies of Columbus, Georgia, went to the graveyard with broken hearts to decorate the graves of their husbands, sons and brothers who had died defending hearth and home from the depredations of old William Tecumseh Sherman on his infamous march from Atlanta to the sea.
Image result for The Confederate gift to the nationThe ladies of Columbus decorated the graves with flags and flowers in remembrance of what love and sacrifice had wrought. They decorated the few Union graves among their dead with flowers, too. “They were cruel,” said one of the ladies of the Yankee invaders, “only to be true to their cause.” This simple act of generosity was quickly noted by several important newspapers in the North.
“The action of the ladies on this occasion,” said the Daily National Intelligencer in the nation’s capital, “in burying whatever animosities or ill feeling may have been engendered in the late war towards those who fought against them, is worthy of all praise and condemnation.” The Cleveland Daily Leader agreed: “The act was as beautiful as it was unselfish, and it will be appreciated in the North.”
And so Decoration Day became a day of remembrance and reconciliation across the land, later to be called Memorial Day, and still, particularly in the small towns of the South, a day of decorating graves of Confederate soldiers of the War Between the States with flowers and flags.
Memorial Day embraces the sacrifice of all Americans, and Confederates as well, and those brave men would not understand or condone the tearing down of statutes that memorialize those sacrifices, nor of the petty act of breaking out the tiny images of Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee from the stained glass windows in the Episcopal Washington National Cathedral in Washington DC.  Despicable.

Image result for nra images, logosAnother interesting national concern arising from the ashes of that terrible war was the implementation of a civilian rifle proficiency program.  In reviewing the casualty statistics of the war, the Union brass realized that the Southerners, being primarily agrarian, were expert sharpshooters, while the Northerners were largely city boys, and were not very good shots at all.  Dismayed by the lack of marksmanship shown by their troops, Union veterans Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate formed the organization in 1871.  As the the military is drawn from the citzentry, it was decided that it was past time to teach American civilians how to shoot, and shoot well.  The primary goal of this new association would be to "promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis," according to Col. Church.

And with that decision, the National Rifle Association was born.  Today, the NRA encourages shooting sports, promotes and defends the Second Amendment, advocates for political activism, and teaches gun safety, pre-licensing education for states' concealed carry permits, and gunsmithing. The NRA enjoys huge popular support, especially as the left continues to seek the abolition of the Second Amendment and the universal cconfiscation of all guns   In fact, over six million Americans are dues paying members of the organization, many for precisely this reason.   

Molon Labe.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

The Great Censorship Movement

It appears that the great Censorship Movement is very much alive and well, thank you.  And it's growing and thriving all over the world.  Let's just look at two examples, one in the UK, the other in the US.

Image result for facebook censorshipStateside, pretty much everyone has now come to understand that the real purpose of Facebook, what with Marky-Mark testifying - er lying - in front of congress recently, is to collect and sell data on its users.  But, they tell us, we're not politically aligned necessarily, and we don't censor conservative voices.  Gee,  they say, we don't do bias here at Facebook, we want all sides heard.  OK, that's what Facebook's management wants you to believe, anyway.  But the reality is something quite different than the company's talking points.  Consider that one Matt Margolis, a best selling author, regularly uses Facebook ads for promoting his books.  Now several of those books are exposes on the evil and corruption in the Kenyan's regime, er, administration.  According to PJ Media

The last time he tried to advertise his latest book, The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obama, on Facebook they banned him for a week for "spamming." Facebook never explained how paying for advertising and then distributing that ad in conservative groups is "spamming." Now Facebook is doing it to him again. This time Margolis attempted to buy an ad for the re-released and updated version of his first smash hit, The Worst President in History; The Legacy of Barack Obama. After filling out the appropriate form, Margolis received this response from Facebook: "Your ad was not approved because your Page has not been authorized to run ads with political content. What to do: Complete the authorization process."
So,in order to engage in commerce by selling his book, Margolis started the long and arduous process to "authorize" the ad.  The ad, mind you, represents income to Facebook.  But nope, we can't have an ad promoting a book that exposes the corruption of our Dear Leader The Kenyan.  Even if we loose money by doing so.  But wait, in fairness, Facebook did - sorta - agree to run the ad if only Margolis would give Facebook his home address, a copy of his driver's license (both sides), and his social security number.  Right.  That should do it.  Now let's be clear: with the revelation of what Facebook really does with your private information, I'm sure any trusting soul would gleefully render his driver's license and his social security number without question.  And neither did Matt Margolis.  So if you're a conservative, and you write conservative books - especially if they are unflattering to the Kenyan or his gal Hill - you have zero chance of buying ad space on Facebook.  Censorship?  Hell, yeah.

Tommy Robinson arrested for showing the truth
Or how about the unbelievable case of Britain's Tommy Robinson across the pond in the UK?  On Friday, the saga of Tommy Robinson entered a new chapter.  British police officers pulled him off a street in Leeds, where, in his role as a citizen journalist, he was live streaming a Facebook video from outside a courthouse. Inside that building, several defendants were on trial for allegedly being part of a so-called "grooming gang," a group of men, almost all Muslim, who systematically rape non-Muslim children, in some cases hundreds of them over a period of years or decades and in so doing prepares them for a lifetime of sexual slavery.  Forced prostitution.  But rather than focus on the heinous crimes of these Muslims animals, the British government found it more expedient to charge, arrest and incarcerate the journalist.  No trial.  No appeal.  Straight to prison for thirteen months.  Consider that because the vast population of prisoners are Muslim, our Mr. Robinson has a very good chance of becoming dead before his sentence ends.  That's British injustice for you.  Worse, yesterday there were protests from large crowds of angry Brits who recognized the application of George Orwell's warnings in his book 1984.  Protests were held at 10 Downing Street, as well, and those citizen concerns have also fallen on deaf ears.  Haven't heard of this, you say?  Well, it's because some heavyweights have essentially instituted a complete media blackout on it.  Of my British cousins I ask, doesn't Neville Chamberlain's infamous policy of appeasement teach you anything about the proper way to deal with tyranny?  It seems to me that the Nazi threat of then is the same as the Muslim threat of today.

So isn't it curious, that on two separate continents, in two separate cases of ham-fisted censorship, we find that the truth about Muslims - whether outed or closeted - are so tyrannically implemented?

Actually, I think it tells us a lot.