For Democrats It Could Be Worse, And It Is
Even considering the skepticism and doubt Republican voters are experiencing regarding the apparent status quo in Washington's swamp, it could be worse. Stunned by news that the same old same old is seemingly undefeatable, voters are left scratching their heads. They're wondering why even vote if the democrats are going to continue to run the show, even - and especially - when they lose. But it could be worse. As recently pointed out in these pages, President Trump clearly needs a little more time to implement his vast voter approved plan despite the stonewalling by Democrats and RINOs. If you're a Republican or a Libertarian, there's hope. If you're a democrat, it could be a whole lot worse. And it is.
Getting used to wearing orange |
Consider what the Democrat Party has become. The face of the party, Hillary Clinton, has pulled the party down to a deeper and darker place. Even after five months, the enlightened Mz. Clinton still cannot fathom how she lost a perfectly good rigged election. While professing to take responsibility for her loss, she doesn't. She still blames the Russians for hacking John Podesta's emails and releasing them to Wikileaks to be made public. That excuse is fallacious. Russia's hopes for the US election outcome would have obviously been the devil they know as opposed to the devil they don't. Russia would rather deal with a US president who was merely corrupt, rather than a maverick with his finger on the nuclear trigger. And not to be satisfied with just blaming Russian hackers, she also blames FBI Director James Comey for reopening the investigation into her email scandal just weeks before election day. That dog won't hunt, either. Comey has stated that not saying something - even at that late date - would have been an “act of concealment,”
and that he was faced with two choices: speak or conceal. Concealment
would have been “catastrophic.” So our gal Hillary gets caught in dealing in classified information, and she blames the discoverer of that fact, along with the investigator of that fact. But she never blames herself for engaging in that act. Nope, it was the Russians, Comey and the fact that she's a woman in a misogynist America that gave Trump the White House.
No pro-lifers need apply |
So as the Democrat Party goes down in flames with the crooked and exposed Hillary, who stands to lead the progressives? The best and brightest, of course. Take Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez for example. (The last time I saw a mouth full of teeth like his was on a moray eel under a reef in the Cayman Islands.) Speaking at the communist-inspired May Day celebration, Perez told the crowd that the Democrat party recognized and welcomed illegal aliens, further asserting that the Democratic party and the immigrant community share the same values, centered around diversity. Immigrant community? Yep, that'll sure win the hearts and minds of the ignored white middle class in America. Not to mention elections. But hey, the Dems can count on that illegal vote to make up for alienating all those real and legal Americans. Or so goes the thinking at the highest levels of the DNC. At least they had the foresight to not nominate Keith Ellison, a radical Muslim from Minnesota, to the post. They do have standards, after all.
As the disgraced party leaders Clintons, Weiners, Braziles and Wasserman-Schultz all exit stage left, stepping carefully over the dead bodies that always seem to surround democrats, the party rolls out its new crop of leaders, sliding ever further to the radical left. As they vainly try to be all inclusive with Black, Hispanic and Muslim leadership, they are deliberately alienating the white American middle class in the process.
Just when you think it can't get any worse, it does.