Monday, May 01, 2017

Sorry. Not Sorry

What is the fascination with human homogeneity that drives the social justice warrior mentality?  What must the enlightened ones think who insist that we all must be the same in word, thought and deed?  One struggles to find a logical rationale for such a belief.  It seems that it is a religion in of itself; that is, a belief system with little or no basis in fact.  Let's explore the phenomenon.

It would seem to anyone who has a nodding acquaintance with anthropology, historically speaking, of course, will understand that mankind, in general, is essentially tribal.  Whether by "tribal" we mean race, ethnicity or community, it is a natural fact that we humans best enjoy association with folks who look, think and behave as ourselves.  That is not to deny that we, as tribal humans, dislike or are "phobic" around those who are not like us, it's just that similarities attract.  Take Arabs and Jews, for example.  That conflict is three millennia old and continues today.  So why then, must we all conform to whatever the shrill and vocal left determines is politically correct?  Forcibly categorizing people into an unnatural homogenized group is nonsense.  We are not only different according to our individual race, ethnicity or community, but individually unique, as well.  Separate, but alike.  And that's not contradictory.  But to the left, diversity means homogeneity.  And homogeneity isn't something for which to strive.

Image result for confederate history revised
Let's take for example this recent example of erasing any and all history that is considered politically incorrect.  Well, not so recent as erasing - and/or revising - history been going on for centuries.  But recently the City of New Orleans has decided it's politically expedient to remove all statues relating to Confederate heroes.  Why?  Simply because some Northern limousine liberals and a handful of black activists were offended.  By what?  By history.  The Confederate States of America was a sovereign nation, and New Orleans was a part of that nation.  Louisianans, both black and white, volunteered and fought for that cause.    Why should that offend anybody?  One could argue that the "offense" has been manufactured so that there will always be a racial divide in America.  Horrors!  The 1860 War of Northern Aggression was fought over many things, slavery being only one of many issues in contention at the time. And if one were to concentrate on slavery as a sole issue, which has been successfully accomplished by fourteen decades of revisionist history, one would readily stipulate that the American experiment of self government was one of the most free systems that has ever existed.  Consider the historical entirety of slavery, and the USA and CSA  aren't even among the honorable mentions.  Consider Rome.  As a nation-state, it enslaved the entire known world of white, brown and black skinned peoples.  As did the Greeks and Macedonians before them.  Japan has a sordid history of enslaving what is now Korea.  Africans kill and enslave their own people even to this very day.  The Muslim world is no better.  Slavery in the Ottoman Empire was a legal and significant part of the its economy and society.  Selling slaves was good business.  And one of the worst examples of cultural annihilation can be found in Spain's ruthless conquering of and enslaving the indigenous brown skinned peoples of South and Central America.  By comparison, America's hands - both north and south - are blood free.

So why the brown-shirt rush to erase American history?  The removal of the statues of Lee, Davis and Beauregard took place in the dark of night, with workmen literally wearing helmets, Kevlar vests, and face masks.  Does that sound like it was well supported by the city's residents?  Or does that smack of Stalinesque style tactics?  But those of us who may recall George Santayana's observation that  those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it know why.  Erase the past, and control the future, as paraphrased from George Orwell's famous observation.

It's to instill a divide between those who do not seek human homogenization and those who do.  We are all one.  Rubbish.  We're as different as cows are to horses.  Blacks have their own culture and that's fine.  Hispanics theirs as well.  Asians bring their culture, too.  And all of this is celebrated as it should be.  So why can't white, Southern WASPs have their culture and history?  There's only one reason and that's the left's hatred of centuries of Caucasian cultural accomplishment.  

I, as do millions of others, identify as a Southerner.  And April is Confederate History Month.  Some of my forbears fought for Alabama in that terrible war.   Others wore blue and fell at Gettysburg.  And one landed on these shores from the Mayflower.  This is all true.  That line - my line - which goes back far beyond that landing in 1620, all the way to the Scottish Highlands, is White, Anglo-Saxon and Protestant.  WASP.  Why can't I have my heritage?  My genealogical history?  My family anthropology?  Why do a handful of liberals along with some misinformed, angry blacks get to overwrite my heritage?  Because of slavery?  Nonsense.  If that's the case, these folks need to get a history book, and get over themselves.  And I have nothing even remotely close to white guilt.

So sorry.  I'm not sorry.

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