Friday, June 10, 2016

What's Wrong With California?

What can one say about the great state of California?  Notorious for its weirdness and intellectual spaciness, it's been called the Land of Fruits and Nuts and Commiefornia, among other monikers not so printable.  But what's the deal over there on the left coast?  Is it something in the water?  Fukushima radiation?  El Nino?

Let's see what's unique about California.  The wine is so-so (that is, once you get out of the valley and onto the coast) when compared to real and established vineyards elsewhere in the world.  Home to the world's breeding ground for technological innovation, it's still a place of seemingly one-mindedness that, in equal measure, both intrigues and appalls sensible folks who live elsewhere.  The home grown politics are bizarre, even in the context of today's Snowflake generation, and run counter to virtually all established constitutional constructs.  The courts make decisions based on rulings based on meaning that simply isn't there.  The geography is magnificent, I will concede that, but it's the people who live there who make things unpalatable for the rest of the country.

The instances are many.  In Kalifrornia, one doesn't need legal standing as a US citizen to practice law there.  Can you imagine hiring an attorney to represent you in a, oh, say a personal injury suit against an illegal alien who ran you over in his Honda Civic, and the lawyer you choose isn't even an American?  Oh, well, he went through school here, and graduated law school here, so he's a defacto citizen, right?  Nope.  But only in California.

Image result for aztlan
Mythical Aztlan
Speaking of lawless lawyers, how about the facts surrounding one Judge Gonzalo Curiel of San Diego?  He's the judge who has been appointed to decide the bogus and meritless class action fraud suit against Donald Trump's Trump University.  So what's the rub?  Well, it seems the good judge is a member of a radical, anti-American racial group known as La Raza.  As you may know, La Raza is a group of Mexican racists who think that Aztlan still belongs to Mexico and they should have it back.  And that the gringos who live there should go back to Europe.  Peachy.  Imagine the outrage if a Scot-Irish-German American Southerner from, say, Mississippi, called for all Yankees and Negros to emigrate back to their respective ancestral homes.  There would be lynchings of southerners in every tree from here to Boston.  No doubt about that.  The irony is that it's not Caucasians who are here illegally; it's Hispanics.  And despite Americans' largess, they continue to bite the hand that feeds.  Operation Snowflake, indeed.  But, as we've been taught through the left's insidious political correctness, Caucasians are the only race capable of racism; Negros and Hispanics cannot be racist simply because of Caucasian oppression.  Pause here for deep breath.  So we are to believe that Trump can get a unbiased ruling with a racist judge trying this bogus case?  And the fact that the Anointed One herself is under criminal investigation by the FBI is a mere coincidence.  Tit for tat, so to speak.  Only in California.

Lest we stray too far from lawless lawyering, let's consider the matter of Edward Peruta v. County of San Diego, heard in the 9th United States District Court of Appeals, wherein  Appellant Peruta sues for relief of San Diego's unconstitutional gun ban, seeking to legally " . . . carry concealed firearms in public . ."  Considering that a vast majority of states recognize concealed carry as a right guaranteed by the Second Amendment, and considering the US Supreme Court's validation of the right for individuals to keep and bear arms, it's still not astounding that the 9th COA would rule in this way, ignoring and denying existing case law.  Why, you ask?  Because the 9th is most overturned court in the country, consistently ruling not from law, but from a left-wing social justice ideology.  As they have done so in this case.  And again, only in California.

Image result for map of location of hi-tech companies in californiaMoving into technology, it's amazing to me that so many US high tech companies are located in Silicon Valley, and around the Bay Area in general.  The region is home to many of the world's largest technology companies including Apple, Google, Facebook, HP, Intel, Cisco, eBay, Adobe, Agilent, Oracle, Yahoo, Netflix, and others.  While many of these firms espouse an egalitarian philosophy, even defining the corporate hierarchy as being flat rather than vertical, eschewing managers for team leaders.  As a regional manager for one unnamed multi-state San Jose corporation some years ago, I can personally guarantee that that philosophy ends at the corner office.  There are workers bees who are all equal, to be sure, but there are also Queens.  Really.  But the ruse persists, and social justice warrioring is a top priority with many of these tech firms.  Politics have bled into the highest levels of management in the largest of these firms, and the results are Orwellian when the feel-good cyber-security spin is peeled away.  This is crony capitalism at its best, and only in California.

And what's the genesis of the oh-so-delicate snowflake concept?  It arose, consensus has it, from the Self Esteem movement, where success is guaranteed, and one is owed a place in the world.  And what do we reap after a generation or more of this silly utopian nonsense?  Metrosexuals, homosexuals, transsexuals, pajama boy, androgyny and  "men" who aren't men.  Oh, yeah, and feminists who bemoan the declining number of masculine men.  And where should we look for this ridiculous cultural trend ?  Only to California.

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

The Silent Lie

Image result for political correctness slang
 . .  And Proud To Be!
Readers of this blog know that I have have always considered political correctness - the silent lie we all must endure - to be nothing more than blatant censorship.  Here's why:  if someone tells you not to use a certain word or phase simply because it may offend someone, that's censorship.  And when those censored words or phrases coagulate into an idea, that idea is thereby also censored.  That's serious censorship.  So, censorship forces one to re evaluate the words or phraseology one uses, simply to avoid being censored.  The problem is that, in a civil discourse, very little speech is so incendiary that mature adults must be protected from whatever offense may occur, however slight or unintended.  This is a very powerful weapon used by the left to control the discourse, and by extension, the meaning and intent of ideas.

Image result for political correctness slang
Over Educated, Intellectually Challenged
Let's say I use the word "nigger."   I would immediately be labeled a "racist" even if the utterance was without content, simply because that word is at the top of the list of "offensive" words.  And why is that?  Because someone was offended by its use.  The word is merely a variation of the word Negro, which identifies a race of human beings.  It came about because it's easier to pronounce than Negro, primarily because of the oral construction of consonants and vowels in the English language.  Nothing demeaning about it at all, save for the artificially manufactured offensiveness attributed to it.  One may note that Negros use that very word with each other, with no offense given or taken.  Another variation of Negro is "nigga," which has been recently used in public by a Negro comedian in reference to our very own Dear Leader.  Yet no offense was given or taken by either party, and the matter shrugged off.  So we can see that both variations are merely words, and in of themselves contain no malice.  But they're essentially banned from use by our betters in the political class, rendering any use by Caucasians including use by Mark Twain verboten.  Yet terms like whites, whitey, crackas, gringos, redneck, trailer/white trash, Cletus, yokel, privileged, pink, or other "offensive" derivatives can be use with impunity.  How revealing. The irony of political correctness is that a value judgment - a thing abhorrent to the radical left- must be made as to its application.  In this case the Negro race is judged to be somehow inferior to the Caucasian race and therefore, since leftists have the solution for every problem, must be protected from offense, real or imagined.  And that protection is the manifestation of banning certain words or phrases - or any attributes that may accompany -  that could apply to that race.  

Report: Media Give Gorilla Death 6 Times More Coverage Than ISIS Beheadings of Christians
Muslims Beheading Christians
Once the general populace becomes accustomed to having its language modified for the benefit of some, to the detriment of others, it's easy to  control ideas and opinions across the board.  We can't call illegal aliens invaders; they're undocumented workers.  Convicted felons are now simply judicially challenged.  That's a much softer a description of law breakers, isn't it?  And the Muslim terrorists by whatever brand they may operated under - IS/ISIS/ISIL, Al Qaeda,, Hammas, Boko-Haram, Taliban, CAIR, Muslim Brotherhood, et al - aren't terrorists at all. Nope, they're refugees, or asylum seekers, or migrants or civilian combatants. Describing these savages and their abhorrent actions in softer terms makes it easier to sell the small print:  Islam is a religion of peace, when it is neither a religion nor peaceful. 

I believe most Americans clearly recognize political correctness for what it is: Orwellian Newspeak  Thought Control.  Yet somehow there's been no grass roots resistance to it, as the media, political leaders and teachers perpetuate the fraud on a continuing daily basis.  Yet.  It's about the silent lie; to distort the actual meaning in the world for the benefit of radical leftist political thought.  The popularity - and terror to some - of Donald Trump's appeal is that he not only eschews political correctness, but mocks it as well.  The American electorate loves that, but the entrenched power elite find it a threat.  

And that speaks volumes about the silent lie and the real purpose for its intended use.

Monday, June 06, 2016

Did We Forget?

A View Into Death's Face
Seventy-two years ago today, an unimaginable eternity ago given today's culture, Allied Forces led by the Americans, stormed the heavily fortified beaches at Normandy, France.  Over thirty-six hundred Americans lost their lives that day in a matter of just a few hours, and 29,000 during the entire battle.  To put that in perspective relative to today's terms, that's 6 times as many Americans lost in the entire Iraqi War.  Six times the KIA, in a few hours.  Most of those survivors are gone now, but we promised we would remember their sacrifice that led to the year-long liberation of Europe, and ultimately the defeat of the Nazi ideology.  But have we remembered?  In the mainstream media, as well as in the alternative media, I found only one reference to D-Day:  Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts comic strip, remembered.  The strip today showed Snoopy swimming ashore amid the barricades.

Never Forget Why I Died Here
I guess that war was so long ago, and was fought over things that aren't meaningful today, that celebration of those 29,000 - and all the others on both sides who were killed  - just isn't worthy of remembrance any more.  Things like national sovereignty, personal freedom, and the forceful resistance of tyranny, are just  quaint ideas that are out of fashion today.  Today we celebrate only the Self, the center of being: the I, Me, Mine.  Self sacrifice for a greater good is long out of style; today's philosophy is to sacrifice all for Self.  We don't fight for a national identity; today we "fight" for multiculturalism, an ideological abomination that satisfies no one, and damages the psyche as well.  We "fight" for safe spaces, where the truth of the real world cannot reach nor harm us. We "fight" for an extreme minority of sexually confused individuals to dictate a new set of sexual and societal mores to the majority, in defiance of millennia of established cultural behavior.  And worse, to consider oneself a "patriot" or an "American" is to be ridiculed and demeaned by our enlightened betters.  But in any of the aforementioned "fights", did anyone actually make the ultimate sacrifice?  Was it a matter of such importance that one would lay down one's life for it?  No.  It's just background noise.  It's a distraction; a deviation from our normal, safe and secure lives.  It's just for a little excitement in an otherwise predetermined, boring life.

But when a new threat rears its ugly head here in the heartland, when a dirty nuke goes off in your city, or when a suicide bomber decimates a sporting event or a concert, you may get a dim realization of what seven million American men realized here in the heartland in 1941.  That there are things worth really fighting for:  your family, your way of life, your personal freedom, your country, and in this new 21st century, your God.

Friday, June 03, 2016

Civil War?

So you still think it's just hyperbole to say that the country is embroiled in a simmering civil war?  A war that's ready to break out into open conflict?  American versus American.  Hyphenated Americans versus culturally sound Americans.  Sexually confused Americans against everybody else.  Black Lives Matter against anyone who's white or a cop.  Media cartels versus free thought.  Schools versus parents.  If so, perhaps you may want to think again.  Consider these news stories from just this week:

Hillary Clinton, the most corrupt politician in American history, isn't yet indicted for high crimes and treason by selling political influence to the nation's enemies.  But her operatives are being deposed.  Cheryl Mills requested the video of her deposition by the FBI be sealed, and  Hillary's IT guru, Bryan Pagliano, takes the fifth after being granted immunity. Clinton's lawyers are striving to keep the Clinton Crime Foundation alive, while Judicial Watch and others are seeking an end to the Wall Street/Foreign Interests/Globalist espionage and corruption in the highest levels of the failed Kenyan's administration.  Selling influence to enemies, both as a public official and as a private citizen, is an act of war.

Image result for america at warFrom out of nowhere comes the fact that American deaths are on the rise.  Especially deaths of whites during the Kenyan's reign of terror and totalitarianism.  The Kenyan was supposed to end racial strife in the US seven years ago.  Instead of that and stopping the rising of the seas, this rabid totalitarian has incited a racial divide not seen for a hundred and fifty years.  The race war has begun, and is ongoing.

Trump supporters in San Jose are attacked after the rally by a mob of predominately Mexicans and LaRaza supporters who incited the violence.  American flags were burned as Mexican flags were raised, and many Trump supporters were brutally attacked and bloodied by these illegals.  The major, being the LaRaza dupe that he is, blamed the Trump campaign for, well, campaigning.  Even the police were attacked, and they retreated, leaving the American Trump supporters to their own defenses.  Even the soon-to-be-Baker Acted Glenn Beck, in an interview with noted author Brad Thor, insinuates that Trump's assassination may be a good thing. Open calls for murder, and warfare in the streets of America sure sounds like war.

On the pure propaganda front, it seems the aging supreme Jew globalist, George Soros, may pass on to eternal rest in the near future, but his anti-nationalist, open borders, globalist fantasies will live on in the new immaculated Jew, Mark Zuckerburg.  As you know, On Tuesday, it was announced that Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft and YouTube will be working with the European Union (EU) to censor and “criminalize” perceived “illegal online hate speech” within 24 hours, as well as “promoting independent counter-narratives” that benefit the EU. The coordinated effort of social media giants acting to censor free speech  on a international basis is certainly war.

The importation of enemy foot soldiers into the US is most certainly an act of war.  But the Kenyan continues to neuter the Border Patrol on the southern border, while anti-American actors pour through.  Entering the US illegally are not just illegals seeking employment in the US, as the Kenyan would have us believe.  Oh, no.  We're talking about full blown fighters, who over the last few years have invaded, established, and collected themselves as an underground and invisible fighting force, ready to strike. Not just Mexican cartels, not just Mexican LaRaza anti-American  radicals, but Muslim jihadists from the Middle East, wending their way through the smuggler's silk road through Central America.  Still think there's no threat from Muslims through the southern border?  Where is, and who's got the suitcase nuke?  This is unmistakably war.

Image result for american courtsAnd last but certainly not least, is the assault on all things American by the judiciary.  Over the years the Supreme Court and other courts, have exhibited ever expansion of judicial power. The effect of decisions handed down has resulted in an attack on the American civil society that compels the nation to follow courses of development that, were they to be legitimate, would have emanated from the political institutions of the country, not from the legal institutions.  Legislating from the bench, un-elected  judges appointed for their political leanings rather than their judicial prowess, have changed the civil landscape for the worse, empowering leftist theory at the demise of the Constitution.  It remains to be seen if this trend can be stopped and reversed, even over decades to come.

And that, my friends, is truly an act of war.