Useless People
We just don’t need the vast majority of the population in today's world. I think the biggest question in maybe in economics and politics of the coming decades will be what to do with all these useless people? The problem is more boredom and what to do with them and how will they find some sense of meaning in life, when they are basically meaningless, worthless? My best guess, at present is a combination of drugs and computer games as a solution for [most]. It’s already happening. I think once you’re superfluous, you don’t have power.
Harari identifies a trans-humanist vision of the future in which
brain-computer interfaces make our grounding in the material world
obsolete, human relationships become meaningless due to artificial
substitutes, and the poor die but the rich don’t.
Well now.
That certainly explains the current political and cultural chaotic nonsense with which we have had to contend. It would seem that the self identified mega-brains of the world - Klaus Schwab, the despicable Kenyan, Mark Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates, to name a few - have now decided that humans are just hackable animals, and can be controlled through an application of Big Tech and AI. Their trans-humanist consensus is based on the fact that AI can indeed outperform humans in certain tasks, playing Chess or Go, for instance. The reason for that is AI can compute multiple moves and strategies far faster and deeper than even champion players when the game is bounded by rules. The Trans-humanists' contention is that artificial intelligence is simply so much better than the human intelligence that created it. Clearly, the prospect of Human-AI-Hybid individuals becoming "gods" while the rest of humanity sinks
into uselessness and meaninglessness. And this notion excites these people. So the elite get a brain chip implanted, and we, the useless of the world do not. Then of course, are thus relegated to be disposed of.
But just how probable is this?
Not very.
Other deep thinkers scoff at Harari's insatiable ego and hubris by noting that AI isn't very well adapted to creative thinking. So while some mundane jobs may indeed fall to AI, or H+ (self titled "Trans-humanism"), spacial reasoning will - at least for now - remain in the domain of natural humans. In fields such as medicine, law, counseling, creative thinking and writing, accounting - and even such things as interior design or hair styling - AI automation is neither possible nor plausible. So how many "useless people" will there truly be?
But there’s another side to all this, and is probably a more important and dangerous one: Harari considers free will a “dangerous” myth, a point with which neurosurgeon Michael Egnor has taken issue. Egnor argues convincingly that it is the denial of free will that is a cornerstone of totalitarianism: “Without free will, we are livestock, without the presumption of innocence, without actual innocence, and without rights.”
So while the deep thinkers at the Davos and TED clubs get all giddy about their rise to godlike overlords over the rest of us plebs, it’s clear that given Harari's intense, dramatic focus on “useless,” “meaningless,” and “worthless” people, that he is advocating complete totalitarianism completely. Eugenics, which is antithetical to God himself, just never seems to become dépassé.
And therein lies the evil.
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