Step It Up: Next Phase
Interestingly enough, following a wave of terror attacks and the murder of Israelis, Prime Minister Bennett publicly encouraged Israel’s private gun-owners to have their weapons with them at all times. How about that? Can you imagine Dubya or the Kenyan or Sleepy Joe ever encouraging Americans to be prepared to defend themselves in this way?
Me either. In fact, the US has gone in the opposite direction concerning armed citizens, ever demonizing the gun, the gun owner, and the very notion of self reliance. In fact the deep state and its Marxist apparatchiks have done everything imaginable to exacerbate the dangers facing normal American citizens. Consider policies such as de-funding entire police departments, welcoming foreign invaders and criminals onto our soil, and refusing to prosecute certain criminals, allowing them to go free to continue their chaos.
The United States is among those nations with the largest population of privately held firearms. And like Israel's Bennett, the American has seen the writing on the wall. Consider this stat from Small Arms Survey, a Swiss left wing analysis organization whose stated mission is to "strengthen the capacity of governments and practitioners to reduce illicit arms flows and armed violence":
The Small Arms Survey estimates that of the one billion firearms in global circulation as of 2017, 857 million (85 per cent) are in civilian hands, 133 million (13 per cent) are in military arsenals, and 23 million (2 per cent) are owned by law enforcement agencies. Our studies suggest that the global stockpile has increased over the past decade, largely due to civilian holdings, which grew from 650 million in 2006 to 857 million in 2017.
Assuming that these numbers are remotely accurate, I can well imagine that the global stockpile has increased over the last decade, primarily due to insane one-world policies pushed by the globalist and depopulationist elites. These policies I might add, are designed solely to impoverish and enslave the good citizenry of Planet Earth. But given that Americans alone own close to 400 million of those firearms - that's more than one for every man, woman and child in the United States - it would seem that we've got the elitists outgunned. By a vast margin. The FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) stats show that in 2019 there were 28 million checks (rounded to nearest million); in 2020 there were 40 million; and last year there were 39 million. Granted, there does not exist a one-to-one ratio of background checks to guns sold, but it's close enough for government work.
And that brings up an interesting point. In light of our collective power over the powers that be, why do we sit idly by and allow the destruction of our nation, our culture and our belief system when it is obviously within our ability to stop it? Could it be complacency? Disinterest? Cowardice? I don't think so. I think it's that we simply neither fully realize the severity of the threat, nor of the pure evil that is the globalists' goals.
To those men and women who have recently bought a firearm, I have some advice. Now that you're a gun owner, learn the manual of arms. Join NRA, CCRKBA and GOA. Take a class. Learn how to care for your firearm - clean it, maintain it, load and unload it. Learn how to properly and effectively carry it. Go to a range and learn how to shoot it - and hit what you're aiming at. Do this often, because skillful shooting is a perishable skill.
As an American citizen, it's your God-given right to keep and bear arms. And because of the government imposed imminent dangers now facing us, it's time to take things to the next phase.
It's time to step it up.
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