Thursday, March 19, 2020

Keep Calm & Carry On

SARS CoV-2 protein spikes
By now everyone in the world is shaking in fear over the Corona Virus 2019, also known as SARS-CoV-2, Chinese Coronavirus, Wuhan Coronavirus, kung flu, and CoV19 among others. Although this virus is really just a naturally mutated strain of Corona viruses, which are the culprits for the common cold and influenza, the media driven hype has stopped the world.  Literally.  And there is no reason under the sun for that dramatic overreaction.  It's just all media-driven hype.

But it's the very nature of commercial consumer news gathering to be the first, the loudest, and the most dramatic entity to "break" a news story.  Fame and fortune and potential advertising dollars are the goal, and that's fanned by the DNC's relentless drive to destroy America.  Validity and collateral damage be damned. Remember the press's mantra:  If it bleeds, it leads.  And so, whether it's an unverified leak from some anonymous government source, or a scoop of a existential eminent danger, the news people shoot first, and ask questions later.  And they've done it again.

In its never-ending campaign to destroy this president, the DNC/national media pulled out all the stops on this one.  They remember 2015, when they won back the House because of the way they were able to twist the events surrounding the terrible damage to New Orleans done by Hurricane Katrina into a political weapon and use it against George W. Bush.  Hey, if it worked then, why wouldn't it work now?  "Trump's Katrina" has already been floated about as a meme.

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But this flu virus ain't no hurricane.  Further, it's not the threat that it's being portrayed to be for at least two reasons.  First, it's not a pandemic; less so than is the normal seasonal flu, in terms of the ratio of deaths-to-infection.  And second, it's easily and permanently defeated.  One study in Australia shows that a person's normal immune system can beat the virus.  And yet another study by three independent researchers - and peer reviewed, by the way - shows that a cheap and readily available antimalarial drug, Hydroxychloroquine, not only cures Coronavirus, but prevents it as well, and has been prescribed for over fifty years to folks like soldiers, doctors and peace corps volunteers who venture into malarial areas.  It works.

But by no means should one not take this outbreak seriously - be vigilant and aware as one would be with any virus or pathogen outbreak.  But draconian governmental overreactions to this situation are beyond logic, and do nothing but prompt fears of impending martial law.  Shutting down entire industries - cruise lines, theme parks, bars, restaurants - over irrational fears of the flu is unnecessary at best and terrifying at worst.  Releasing prisoners, as is being done in Ohio, Illinois and California, is foolish, and is more of a public danger than this flu. Refusing to arrest burglary and theft suspects, as in Philadelphia, is also absurd.  And banning firearm and ammo sales at any time is unconstitutional on its face, especially in a national emergency.

So once again, we have a classic example of Rahm Emanuel's famous dictum, "Never let a crisis go to waste."  The DNC/MSM cabal has done a magnificent job of creating a global panic, and it's all for naught.  If you get this flu, you can and will be cured of it.  If you don't get it, you don't.  So ignore the left and its DNC/MSM propaganda machine, and go about your life.  Help those whose lives have been unnecessarily destroyed as best you can.  And learn from this experience how vile and utterly destructive the left can be as they "not let a perfectly good crisis go to waste."

Ignore them, keep calm and carry on.

Monday, March 09, 2020

Joe's Veep

The entrenched, established Democrat Machine seems to be solidly throwing their  considerable support to Joe Biden.  Well, what else can they do?  Support crazy Bernie?   No, that's not gonna happen. As I posted earlier, to do so would give credence and credibility - not to mention straight up endorsement  - to the far left Marxist/Islamic/AOC/Omar wing of the party.  And we just can't have that.  So the big machine sends out the memo to all their prior candidates - get on board Joe's ship, or die where you stand. But Joe's a lost cause - he can't win.  And they know it.  Poor Joe, bless his heart,  can't remember where he is, or what he's taking about, or even his name.  No matter, the DNC will prop him up, turn up his oxygen, and pretend he's their boy.  What a spectacle!  It's like watching a drunk karaoke performer;  it's so bad it's embarrassing, but it's funny as hell just the same.  Poor Joe.  I'm not even sure he realizes he's the punch line of a cruel joke.  Or maybe he does:  he knows he's not Bernie Sanders, and that's all he needs in this race.
Please, not again!
But who's gonna be his running mate for veep?  The DNC wants a woman, so the field is open.  Amy Klobuchar? Michele Obama?  Even delusional failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams has not-so-discretely throw her considerable hat into the ring.  But no, not any of them.

But even though she was warned by the DNC some months ago not to enter the 2020 race, and is as unpopular to the American voter as any candidate has ever been, our gal Hil is neverltheless making all the requisite noises.  She can't campaign - her narcissistic attitude and her health prevent it - so she'll hunker down in the shadows until the powers that be finally acquiesce to her joining Joe.  But every single thinking adult in the room knows, however, that Joe will, if elected, bow out gracefully, citing "not being up to the job", and presto! The witch is president without ever being truly elected to the office.  That would suit her just fine.  Okay, it's her turn, after all.  It was hers twice before and she got robbed by all those deplorable white male misogynists, after all. In that event her resume will eclipse any and all future female comers:  she will have been First Lady, Secretary of State, Vice President and - at last! -  President.  Her ambition, arrogance and condescension know no bounds.

So that's what the democrats are going to put up against Donald Trump this November.  It's all they've got. Hillary again:   If you can't win fairly, democrats lie, cheat and steal.  It's the democrat way!

Friday, March 06, 2020

Delicious Irony

The smoke has cleared from this week's Super Tuesday train wreck, but there are still some embers alive in the fire.  The Democrat Machine has again apparently sabotaged Bernie Sanders' campaign, which represents the new young commies like the Squad, and have thrown their support to Creepy Joe, who represents the white, corrupt and aging party elite..  Again.  Now that in itself is interesting for several reasons.
Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden: Old Democrats
First, because President Trump himself has said that a campaign against Comrade Bernie would be tougher than one against Ol' Joe, it seems logical that the DNC would want to give Trump a harder run by putting Crazy Bernie up against him.  But no.  If they did that, it would be a tacit surrender to the party's hard, hard leftward drift, and the old white Democrat establishment would have to hand the reins of the party over to the Socialists/Marxists/Islamists/Communists like AOC, Ilhan, Rashid and the rabid Bernie Bro's who advocate for the leftward "transformation" of the United States.  And no matter what happens at home or abroad, the crusty white Democrat Machine ain't never - I say never, Amen! - gonna willingly hand over their power to young idealists/Islamists/radicals like they themselves once were.
The  Squad:  New Islamic/Marxist Democrats
Second, we now are witnessing an internal power struggle in the aging Democrat party; the established white guys versus the young idealistic radical people of color.  The irony is lost on the established white guys, and I include Nanny Pelosi in that cadre, that it was they themselves who imported, trained and groomed those who now challenge their status quo.  Talk about the Squad biting the hand that feeds. And the old guys are terrified of these new commie upstarts. At any rate, we see battle lines drawn as the crusty corrupt Democrat Machine squares off with the Antifa militants that they raised.

But to add a little more injury to the DNC's civil war, neither faction can beat Trump in November.  They know it and Trump knows it.  So for the DNC the solution becomes obvious:  Run Joe, sabotage Bernie.  Again.  Only time will tell if the hardcore Bernie Bros and their cohorts in Antifa take to the streets.

But eventually they will try to end this civil war, and attempt to put together a coalition of the Perpetually Corrupt and the Perceptually Angry in their all-inclusive party structure, and hope for the best in 2024, when they won't be up against Trump anymore. But if populism remains the driving political force for a decade or more, the Democrat Party may be experiencing its own death throes. And if that does in fact become the case, their destruction will be by their own hand.

And that will be a delicious irony.