Maybe, Just Maybe
Conservatives may have reason to cautiously regain their trust in government and in the rule of law. For decades, the left has pushed harder and harder to marginalize, ostracize and generally quash any semblance of conservative thought. Further, the left has infiltrated the justice system so thoroughly that any wrongdoing by leftists - the DNC and its operatives, the media, academia and the deep state - is swept under the rug, while any slight misstep by conservatives is pounced upon mercilessly. Note for example the difference in coverage of the Bidens' and Clintons' corruption, as opposed to the trumped up (pun intended) "offenses" of the president. And conservatives as a whole, by their very nature, are disinclined to protest or fight back against this wholly inequitable treatment, they essentially just sit idly by and let it happen.
Yet today we see some evidence that justice may be again rising up in the face of the totalitarian media/deep state persecution of all things conservative, thanks in large part to a plethora of upstart alternative media groups who are actually engaged in honest-to-God journalism, not state sponsored propaganda as is the case with the MSM.
To wit: We see the Feds beginning to investigate Ilhan Omar, the radical Islamist who, although an elected Congresswoman, has broken nearly every campaign and immigration law on the books. As first reported by The Gateway Pundit, conservative watchdog group
Judicial Watch this week filed a House Ethics complaint against Omar
over immigration, marriage, tax and student loan fraud. Whew. That's a bunch of fraud! Oh, yeah, and the State of Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure
Board has already determined that she violated state campaign
finance laws for improper use of campaign funds, not the least of which was paying for her second divorce attorney. As dirty as she is, will the DNC defend her, and keep her from being kicked out of congress? Probably.
Speaking of sex-crazed corrupt democrats, creepy hands-all-over-you Uncle Joe's son Hunter is quite a player himself. While recent revelations have shown Joe Biden bragging about his staging a quid pro quo in the Ukraine by withholding US aid until the Ukrainians fired a prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden, Joe's son and brother James have both been enriched through Joe's political influence as a vice president, and earlier as a US Senator and member of the Senate Banking committee. Hunter's peccadilloes are seeing the light of day, as well, primarily because of the testimony presented in his custody case.
That's probably why Attorney General Barr is still digging. Three weeks ago,the Department of Justice exposed a multi-million dollar campaign funding scandal for Democrats. On Nov. 7, 2019, a federal grand jury in the District of Columbia indicted Ahmad
“Andy” Khawaja, along
with George Nader, Roy Boulos, Rudy Dekermenjian, Mohammad “Moe” Diab,
Rani El-Saadi, Stevan Hill and Thayne Whipple. Cool! Diversity at its finest! George Nadar, the known pedophile and child
porn fan, was a star witness for Mueller’s infamous witch hunt. These perps funneled laundered and illegal money into Democrat campaigns, and worse, almost every Democrat state organization and many super PACs,
including Priorities USA accepted these illegal funds. Individual party leaders took this money,
too, including Adam Schiff, Ted Lieu, Jon Tester, Cory Booker, Hillary
Clinton, and others. What a surprise! Our betters taking dirty money from Muslim operatives.
So that's the good news. This is the type of corruption President
Donald Trump wants to
investigate, and it's what the Democrats impeached him for, likely
because he
was getting too close to the truth. The corruption of the democrats in
power - aka the deep state - is pervasive and far reaching, and it's about time for the federal
government to investigate, charge, and indict these amoral totalitarian
hacks. The problem is, however, that these investigations will
ultimately go all the way to the top, and Hillary Clinton and the
bastard Muslim Kenyan will be exposed for the traitors and criminals
that they are. But we'll see. Investigations like this always come down to a variation of "Nothing to see here, folks." And people get dead when they attempt to look too closely under Hil's and the Kenyan's skirts.
But maybe this time . . . maybe. Just maybe.

But maybe this time . . . maybe. Just maybe.
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