Told Ya - It's Hillary
Well, well well. The democrat global clown show - known to most as the Impeachment - has been successful. Two hundred thirty-two rabid house democrats, feverish with TDS, voted to impeach the forty-fifth president of the United States, Donald J. Trump. Two democrat house members voted Nay, one voted present, and not a single Republican voted Yay. So according to the constitution, the matter is now to be handed over to the Senate, who will try the case and acquit or convict. The smart money has it that there's exactly zero chance of a conviction in the Senate. So, the clown master, Herr Nancy Pelosi, will stall sending the so-called Articles of Impeachment to the Senate. After all, she knows it will not go in her and the democrats' favor, but she's done all the damage she can do to Trump at this point. And that was the goal all along: drape the shame of impeachment onto Trump's legacy. But history is written by the winners, so we'll patiently wait for that final assessment.
Meanwhile, the long knives have come out for Uncle Joe. The indisputable fact is that the guy is as corrupt as the day is long. Further, he and his son are politically toxic from all that Ukrainian hryvnya finding its way into the Bidens' collective pockets. That's going to be hard to overcome in the candidate debates, especially against Trump. Also, Biden's not healthy, doctors are saying; and he's not got both oars in the water. Others are telling us dementia is catching up to Uncle Joe. So turning their backs - again - on their own past-vice-president, the DNC seems to have another darling in mind for their nominee.

And there are other clues, too. The Kenyan - bless his heart - has come out and publicly opined that women indisputably make better leaders than do men. Well, he would know, I guess. He tried to castrate and pussify the entire nation during his eight year reign of domestic abuse. And came mighty close, too. But now we have adult males back in charge and things are getting better all the time. That's why Hillary and her crime network want to re-enter the arena of public office, and continue their campaign of corruption and destruction.
So it seems very much as if she's setting the stage to come into the 2020 presidential fray - back by popular demand as she so arrogantly describes it - to save the DNC and America with her brand of tyranny. And who will be her running mate? Rumors range from Mike Robinson (aka Michelle) to John Kerry. I wouldn't bet against the Kenyan himself trying for a lame comeback as her Veep. Constitutionally that's unlikely, but the Kenyan has the vile and corrupt Eric Holder as his wing man, never forget, so the rule of law matters little here. All these folks are pathetic human and political failures who have been undermining American interests for their entire lives. Yet they lie in waiting, hoping for another chance at fulfilling their fantasies of crippling America before Attorney General Barr flushes them down the drain. So there's that.
But watch out for Hillary 2020. She's got a brand new Franken-face, and she's destined to become the first female president, even if that slaps the face of the oh-so-woke LBGT-WFT sexually cofused anger mob. But history has shown that ego and hubris know no bounds, and our gal Hil is out to prove it yet again.
Meanwhile Trump will carry the election in a landslide in both the popular vote and in the electoral college. Bring popcorn.