Eighteen Years Ago
The despicable Islamist Ilhan Omar made that remark in reference to her attempt to defend the attack on the United States by radical Muslims. Yes, some people did in fact "do something." That "something" was that these savages hijacked four US commercial airline carriers, and flew two of them into the World Trade Towers in Manhattan, New York City. They flew one into the Pentagon Building, and the last was overtaken by its brave passengers - at the cost of their lives - and crashed into a field in rural Pennsylvania. Nearly three thousand people died on that day - September 11th - eighteen years ago today. Most were civilians. That's more Americans killed than were killed at Pearl Harbor in 1941.
But even though the United States' response was swift, it differed vastly from the events following Pearl Harbor. In the later case, we fought against a nation state: Japan. In the former case, we fought - and still fight today - an idea that flourished in several nation states. Islam isn't a race, it's not an nationality, it's not confined geographically. It is a cult, and must be treated as such; not as a nation of equal standing to us. And it must be eradicated as it is wholly incompatible with any civilized culture on the planet.
And as I have explained in these pages numerous times (here, here, here and here), this constant Muslim onslaught against western civilization by these seventh century cultists has been going on for fourteen hundred years. The vicious attack on the United States, now known as 9/11, is just one more battle in this millennia-long war. And now some of the electorate in deep-blue states have actually elected these monsters, and sent them to the halls of congress.
One reason we must always remember history, including the Revolutionary War and the War of Northern Aggression by the way, is because if we forget treachery like that of September 11, 2001, we just might be conned into electing some of our existential enemies to govern us.

Even if they're obvious in their intents by wearing the hijab. Right in your face.