What Did You Expect?
The entire online media is abuzz with indignation resulting from freshman Muslim Democratic MN Representative Ilhan Omar's comments downplaying the Muslim attacks of 9/11. To refresh our memories, here's what she said in a speech last month at a fundraiser for the Council on American-Islamic Relations:
"CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties."
"Did something?" Three thousand innocent American civilians lost their lives in those terrible few hours. The world was shocked at the audacity of that attack, while Muslims danced in the streets. And exactly what civil liberties did she and her fellow cultists lose? Muslims in this country have become a protected class, and as such are virtually untouchable. And suppressing any criticism of Islam or its activities is CAIR's expressed mission statement. But to add insult to injury, and to further prove her insensitivity for the innocent lives lost, she continued:
". . . [I urge] Muslim Americans to make people uncomfortable with their activism . . ."
Unbelievable. Can you image if a conservative said something like this about, say, black on black crime in Chicago? Of course her fellow Muslims, along with the intellectually challenged AOC, wasted no time in defending her. After all, making people uncomfortable has been the Muslim Brotherhood's standard operating procedure for decades. It even has a written plan for the cultural jihad of North America. That is a plan to eradicate our democratic republic of self governance, and replace it with sharia law. I wrote about this in depth in these pages last August. Read that post again here.

So there you have it. That's who CAIR is. Yet she begs for money from this known terrorist group, one that was founded as a sworn enemy of the United States. And while there she's saying some very subversive things like inciting violence against Americans. Further, she's not even accurate about CAIR's founding. It was actually begun in 1994 in response to the movie True Lies, which the perpetually offended Muslims considered to be negatively stereotyping jihadists. It's a comedy staring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis, and the story line was pretty much spot on, but no matter. But our dear Ilhan is not merely a misinformed loose cannon. Oh, no. She's promoting the jihad operation of the cultural conquest of the US as outlined by the Brotherhood. She's a foot soldier, but not for the Americans of the Minnesota district that elected her. Nope. She's on the front line for Islam. She's a hijab flaunting, in-your-face subversive. And the democrats will circle the wagons and see to it that nothing is done to her; no recrimination, no loss of committee memberships, and no loss of her job representing Minnesotans.
The hijrah clock image above is a great visual graphic that describes the timeline about which we should be concerned. The Arabic word hijrah basically means the Muslim Era. But in this context it also means emigration, referring to the Islamic emigration - invasion - into Western countries. Spreading out. Taking over. There really is a plan. They've told us about it in their own words. And they are actively implementing it, as noted in the image, by placing Muslim operatives in congress. Yet a lot of folks still don't fully realize the threat that Islam as a ethos, and Muslims as its practitioners, pose to the American culture.
So perhaps in a misguided attempt to be politically correct, or tolerant, or worse, "woke," these poor souls in Michigan and Minnesota are committing cultural suicide by electing these enemies to the halls of power.
A great parable that demonstrates this folly is the story of the scorpion and the frog. The scorpion convinces the frog to take him across the river, promising not to sting him when they reach the other shore. The frog relents and takes the scorpion across, and the scorpion stings the frog to death. Dying, the frog asks, "I did what you asked, why did you sting me?" The scorpion answers, "You knew I was a scorpion. What did you expect?"
Muslims in congress. What did you expect?
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