The Apocalypse Is Here!
Apocalypse! The arrival of the end of the world. The signs are all around us. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies. Rivers and seas boiling. Forty years of darkness. Earthquakes, volcanoes; the dead rising from the grave, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together – mass hysteria.
Okay, that's all from Ghost Busters. The real, first Ghost Busters movie, that is. I've credited the source, so it's not plagiarism. Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis showed some serious prescience in that metaphoric comedic exchange of dialogue. But superimposed over today's events, one could very well assume that - with the similar advent of all those aforementioned events - the end is very near, after all. Let's see if that's true by examining just a few popular notions.
Gender fluidity. Wikipedia attempts to defined this term under the umbrella of something called Non-Binary Gender. Gender fluid people, we're told, often express a desire to remain flexible about their gender identity rather than committing to a single definition. That presumably means that one can identify as a him or her contrary to their actual natural birth sex. That means these folks identifying as "flexible" are sexually and emotionally confused. But the pointy-headed PC elitists who seek to establish a new nouvelle culture ignore biological science, and bend over backwards to enable this oddly interesting aberrant mental health pathology. And now we have these psychiatric patients running around loose, and worse, dictating changes to the English language, especially as it pertains to pronouns.
The Rise of Idiocy. Look no further than the so-called "Squad," or as I call them, the Four Mean Girls for examples of public displays of idiocy. I've decided to add a new member to the now Five Mean Girls: Stacey Abrams will now join the ranks of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley. These women - I assume that they identify as such - are all radical socialist anti-American Democrats. Inexperienced, arrogant, and self absorbed, these harpies personify the loud and shrill demands coming from those who are over-educated with limited intellect, brainwashed by decades of Marxist propaganda, and who are ardent status quo protestors. Yet the same pointy-headed elitists give them all the air time they need to affirmatively assure the adults in the country just how idiotic they and their demands really are.
The Culture of Death. Babies? Who needs 'em? Just kill 'em. Pre-birth, mid-birth, even after birth. We can chop them up and sell their body parts. Hey, it's a good market, and far more lucrative than running an auto chop-shop. And - get this - it's legal. In fact, the federal government actually pays us to do this! How rich is that? Morals? Ethics? Screw that, we're talking 'bout the Benjamins, baby. And no, mass shootings and increased violence have no genesis whatsoever in this worthwhile endeavor.
Global Warming. The truest sign of the end times. We've destroyed the Earth by driving SUVs that like, run on gasoline and stuff, and Mother Gaia is taking her revenge upon us by heating up the planet, melting the ice caps and generally wreaking havoc. Whew! Like, that's so, like deep! The Five Mean girls have warned us that because Gaia's mad at us, we only have twelve years left to live. That includes Bambi, pandas and baby elephants too. AlGore is reportedly livid that the FMGs stole his scam, changed the name to the Green New Deal or something, and are getting airtime with it. Oh, wait. Hold on, an update is coming in. Okay, NASA now admits that any climate "change" - change from what to what? - is just a function of Earth's ever changing orbit around the sun. Closer, hotter; further, cooler. Man has nothing whatever to do with climate, whether it's warming, cooling or static. So it's a hoax, you say? Oh, okay. Well then. Never mind.
Censorship. We mustn't forget to include the war on free speech in our list of Signs of the Apocalypse. Normal people - by that I mean conservatives and others who are not wide-eyed crazed totalitarians - can't get a word in edgewise what with the masters of the universe dictating for us rubes what constitutes acceptable discourse. And banning whatever they don't like - which is pretty much everything. "Hate speech," whatever that is, is effectively banned, and is now defined as anything the wide-eyed crazed pointy headed elitists decide it is. Worse, with political correctness forced upon us for the last several decades, people are bullied into self censorship. And self censorship of course, brings us one step closer to the Borg group think the elitists want. Tyranny begins with censorship, and we're already at that point.
Censorship. We mustn't forget to include the war on free speech in our list of Signs of the Apocalypse. Normal people - by that I mean conservatives and others who are not wide-eyed crazed totalitarians - can't get a word in edgewise what with the masters of the universe dictating for us rubes what constitutes acceptable discourse. And banning whatever they don't like - which is pretty much everything. "Hate speech," whatever that is, is effectively banned, and is now defined as anything the wide-eyed crazed pointy headed elitists decide it is. Worse, with political correctness forced upon us for the last several decades, people are bullied into self censorship. And self censorship of course, brings us one step closer to the Borg group think the elitists want. Tyranny begins with censorship, and we're already at that point.
Clearly there are more indicators of the coming of the end, but they are too numerous to list here. Suffice it is to paraphrase the late great Jim Morrison: Nobody gets out alive. So there's that. And further, a wise man once asked: Can a tree go to heaven? But I digress.
End times? Apocalypse? Maybe one day. But not yet. Not yet.