Friday, July 26, 2019

Tone Deaf? Or Worse?

What's it gonna take?  A three-year long investigation?  Exposure of a corrupt media?  Maybe a Congressional hearing?  Oh, wait.  We have had all those.  And the result of all that investigatin' goin' on was that the whole thing was an elaborate hoax.  A fable.  A con.  What we did learn - not the story the hoaxers where spewing - but rather that a corrupt DoJ and FBI, staffed with appointees of the despicable Kenyan who are also loyal to our gal Hil, had targeted President Trump and his campaign in order to nullify a duly sanctioned election.   It was their self proclaimed "insurance policy" to be implemented in the case of Trump's election.  It was all an elaborate con, one that deliberately destroyed many people's lives, including retired Lieutenant General Micheal Flynn, a true American patriot.  There was harm done to other undeserving citizens, too, and those who perpetrated  this coup must be persecuted.  All of them, no matter how high it may go.  With extreme prejudice.

Yet in spite of all that, along with Robert Mueller's disastrous performance this week, stammering, stuttering and essentially debunking his own Mueller Report as well as the continuous Russia-Russia-Russia narrative spewed by the lapdog and compliant media, it all unraveled.  In public.  On live television.  But the Dems double down.  Facts don't matter to them; only intended results do.  And that's "Get Trump."

But the seriously deranged left just can't seem to grasp the reality of current events, because as definitively damaging the hearing was, they continue unabashedly with the same old Russia-Russia-Russia-Orange-Man-Bad narrative.  And the Kool-aid drinkers gulp it down.  And ask for more.

Barack Obama Joined Onstage By Hillary Clinton At DNC ...
Those idiots!  We got away with it!
But what if the radical left is not simply deranged?  What if they're not merely tone deaf?  What if there's a darker, deeper and far more worrisome explanation?  Supported by leftists in congress and in the media?  What if nothing - and by that I mean literally nothing - shall stand in the way of protecting the nefarious and totally criminal and corrupt activities of Hillary Clinton and the despicable Kenyan?

That sounds like an internal hard coup.  A mutiny.  A takeover of a duly elected government.  Planned and executed.  And all against the will of the American people.

And if so, that's treason.

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