Era Of The Outsider?
Now normally we wouldn't actually be surprised to hear this kind of thought from hard core, right-brain democrat thinkers who always place emotion over logic and experience - but we know those kind folks aren't politicians. But in last night's debate setting, where nearly two dozen other emotionally charged democrats spewed their anger, frustration, hate and let's-get-even-with-'em-ism, she stood out like a beautiful, inspiring light. And that could be dangerous to them in this election cycle. She's an outsider, a healer - assuredly not a politician - and that could be an advantage when voters - alone and privately - mark their ballots in November next year.
As my readers know, I'm a proponent of all things metaphysical, of the power of thought and will over matter as it pertains to how one may choose to live his life. So I have little criticism of Ms. Williamson's general position on the philosophy itself, but not so much of her application of it. But no matter. I've been there, live there, and endorse it. So it's with some amazement and glee that I see this philosophy coming out of the hate-filled, destructive, corrupt and vile Democrat Party.
Americans yearn for a deeper, richer and more meaningful spirituality than mere adherence to a dogma, whether papal or Islamic or whatever. They want to be closer to the source, one might say. So when someone like Ms. Williamson presents Americans with a path to a deeper spirituality, especially in this day and age of identity politics and unbridled hate coming from the left, I thinks it's going to get some serious traction. But is that enough to be presidential? Who knows. But it will attract a lot of interest.
And if and when the DNC finally figures out why Trump won in 2016, which is doubtful, it might just realize that Americans are on to the globalist scam
of the two party oligarchy, and are tired of politicians on both sides
of the aisle enriching themselves at the public's expense. Trump won mainly because he wasn't one of them, and that's noteworthy because one of the abject lessons in Trump's runaway success is that he proved we don't need professional politicians to run the government.
Out of touch as usual, and missing the message completely, the DNC just fired senior administrators for not being diverse enough, which means they were white, not black or brown or rainbow, or whatever other color the left imagines. It was done for the "optics," as DNC Chair Tom Perez defines it. Oh, I see - for how things look. Deep. See my last post for a brief discussion on race.
So watch this gal. I think she's got something going for her, not just in the fact that she ain't one of them. Poised, cute, articulate, entrepreneurial and firm in her beliefs, she just may be their candidate.
But she can't beat Trump in 2020. But in 2024? That's another matter.