The American Gestapo
Waco, Texas. Ruby Ridge, Idaho. Elian Gonzalez, Florida. Michael Cohen raid, Washington DC. Roger Stone raid, Florida.
In the first two distances above, the US government under Janet Reno's Department of Justice under the Clinton administration stalked, attacked and murdered dozens American citizens - men, women and children. Their crime? - Simply exercising their rights of freedom of worship and of association.
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Your government's Deep State at work |
In the third, the same Reno-Clinton gestapo - under force of arms - snatched a 6 year old Cuban boy and deported him back to Castro's communist Cuba. His crime was he was the subject of a custody dispute.
In the Cohen raids, FBI SWAT elements raided Cohen's office, his home, and the hotel room where he was staying, seizing hundreds of boxes of private client documents and client bank statements, and later kicked in his residence in the early morning hours to terrorize his family, handcuff him and take him away. His crime was that at one time he was President Trump's lawyer.
And last night, again in the dark of night and with with dozens of heavily armed FBI SWAT elements, the Deep State gestapo under the command of Robert Mueller, kicked in an American citizen's door, terrorized those within, handcuffed Roger Stone, and took him away. His crime was that he once worked on Trump's presidential campaign. And oddly enough, CNN was there an hour before the raid, clearly indicating a tip-off to the state-run media.
Contrast these political atrocities to the evil criminal enterprise run by the vicious Hillary Clinton. Her crimes are real and treasonous. She allowed sensitive congressional classified email to be intercepted off her network server by two Muslim tech operators under her direct employ. She arranged for a Russian conglomerate to acquire a significant portion of Untied States uranium production. She, using her campain's funds, bought and paid for a false dossier to be created, the sole purpose of which was to sabotage the Trump presidential campaign. And she arranged for Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to rig the democratic primary nomination in her favor against Bernie Sanders. And much more. But there have been no FBI SWAT raids on her compound. No handcuffs and abduction in the dark of night for her. Why? Because our gal Hil personifies the corrupt and out of control Deep State. She literally is it.
And what about the corruption at the FBI and the DoJ? Where are the arrests of Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Strzok, Page, Rosenstein, Mueller and the others complicit in the soft coup being perpetrated on a duly elected president? Well, there was one, but that arrest was of an FBI ex-contractor whistle blower Dennis Cain, who was about to spill the beans on the treasonous corruption at the very top of those agencies. Hadn't heard about that, you say? That's because it's contrary to the state run media's established narrative and therefore spiked. Read about it here.
But there is a solution. And it's one that should be applied today, right this minute, to stop this slide into tyrannical statism where we find that there are two sets of laws. One for the Deep State elite, and one for the rest if us. And that solution resides, and has done so for over two hundred and forty-two years, in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. I know it's been a long time since we all sat through Civics 101, so let me help clarify that to which I refer.
And what about the corruption at the FBI and the DoJ? Where are the arrests of Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Strzok, Page, Rosenstein, Mueller and the others complicit in the soft coup being perpetrated on a duly elected president? Well, there was one, but that arrest was of an FBI ex-contractor whistle blower Dennis Cain, who was about to spill the beans on the treasonous corruption at the very top of those agencies. Hadn't heard about that, you say? That's because it's contrary to the state run media's established narrative and therefore spiked. Read about it here.
But there is a solution. And it's one that should be applied today, right this minute, to stop this slide into tyrannical statism where we find that there are two sets of laws. One for the Deep State elite, and one for the rest if us. And that solution resides, and has done so for over two hundred and forty-two years, in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. I know it's been a long time since we all sat through Civics 101, so let me help clarify that to which I refer.
. . . We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. . . .
So current events over the last few decades would indicate that the country has strayed far from the intent of its founding, through both Republican and administrations. What's the common denominator? The Deep State, which is the un-elected bureaucrats who can't be fired, and who continue their statist policies regardless of promises made by those we elect. The enemy of the people.
The tyranny of the Deep State needs to be stopped, and its willing participants charged with treason, arrested, tried, and if found guilty, executed as proscribed by law. Harsh? Not at all. Then and only then can we return the government to operate with the consent of the governed. By force of arms, and in the dead of night if necessary. It's not only our right, but it's our solemn duty.