Friday, December 07, 2018

December 7th, Patriots

As the wheels begin to come off this ol' jalopy we know as the American culture, we take a moment to remember the Japanese attack on the US Navy at Pearl Harbor in 1941, resulting in 2,335 American causalities.  That attack occurred on December 7, 1941, and as President Roosevelt then so aptly called it, was a day that will live in infamy.

Today, in our egalitarian "woke" culture, we can't be bothered acknowledging acts of patriotism, of heroism, of self sacrifice or of self reliance.  We have to tuck our "toxic masculinity" deep into emotional hiding.  And with the passing of President George Herbert Walker Bush, the last of the warrior presidents, we are likely never to hear of this day of infamy in the state run media again.  But patriot bloggers, yours truly included, will carry the torch. 

Yes, today we must not repel, as we did in 1941, but welcome another invasion.  An invasion of uneducated, diseased, morally and legally challenged, and intellectually vapid peasants storming our southern border.  They seek personal enrichment from the unlimited benefits offered by American politicians, paid for, of course, by American taxpayers.  
Worse, we suffer yet another and far different invasion.  That invader is already here.  And, as the 2018 midterm elections recently demonstrated, radical Muslims have now been elected to Congress by brain dead and misinformed electorate.  Those invaders seek the total overthrow and destruction of the American culture in favor of an obsolete and savage seventh century theocracy.

How far we've fallen as a people over the last seventy-seven years.  We don't fight those who would harm us.  We're gutless.  We don't stand up to bullies anymore, even in our own country.  Consider the beat down given us by shrill feminazis, the sexually confused lobby, the politically correct left, the perpetually offended and the rabid anti-white, anti-Christian bullies.

I say enough.  Let's use their tactics against them.  As a viable mission statement, I quote from the Koran verse 2:191:
And slay them wherever you come upon them, and expel them from where they expelled you; persecution is more grievous than slaying. But fight them not by the Holy Mosque until they should fight you there; then, if they fight you, slay them — such is the recompense of unbelievers.
So there it is.  They tell us their intentions.  We should take the fight to the enemy.  After all, it's what they have planned for us.   Personally I'd rather kill, than be killed.  Our children and grand children deserve a county free in deed and spirit, like the one we inherited from our fathers, not the tyrannical mess we cowards have allowed to occur.  If we can regain our pride, our dignity, our resolve and ultimately our country, it's going to come from a hard fight.
And we will kill them wherever we find them.  Amen.

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