Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Meet Phillip Agnew

Phillip Agnew?  Who in the world might that be?  Well if you're a Florida resident and intend to vote in the upcoming Florida gubernatorial election, it may behoove you to find out.

Phillip Agnew happens to be a black Chicago community organizer who is the co-director of the far left Communist progressive radical group Dream Defenders, and who just happens to be cozy BFFs with the Democrat gubernatorial candidate, Andrew Gillum.  How cozy are they, you may ask?  Well, Dream Defenders gave $3.5 million to communist Gillum's primary campaign.  That's not a bad sum considering part of the Dream Defenders' goals are to end "disaster capitalism," eliminate Independence Day, abolish the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and spread disinformation about Israel.

The Dream Defenders' mission statement, set forth in the form of “Freedom Papers,” stresses “police and prisons have no place in ‘justice,’” while calling for an “absolute right” to fully-funded free public education.   These so called "Freedom Papers” advocate textbook Marxist socialist principals such as claiming that “by virtue of being born each of us has the absolute right to adequate food, shelter, clothing, water, healthcare, effective public transportation, dignified work, living wages.” 

In 2013, Andrew Gillum was a Tallahassee city commissioner when Agnew and the Dream Defenders led the takeover of the state Capitol to protest the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of teenage criminal Trayvon Martin. Gillum supported their direct  disruptive activism at the time. The next year, Gillum was elected mayor.  Agnew and the Dream Defenders worked to support Andrew Gillum in Florida’s governor’s race.  Agnew allowed  that Gillum’s democrat primary victory could be used to "transform" Florida into a radical platform.  Transform.  Where have we heard that word before?

Far from being just an ordinary left wing advocacy group, these guys are flat out Marxist seditionists.  They advocate the overthrow of the whole idea of American jurisprudence.  And they have their beady red eyes on Florida's governorship.  In fact, Agnew has stated, “We like to say Andrew Gillum isn’t a friend of the movement, he is a part of the movement."

Now consider that this group, unknown outside Tallahassee, was able to defeat the Democrat Party's favorite son - er daughter - the highly respected Gwen Graham, daughter of Bob Graham, former Governor of Florida, and long time US Senator.  Bob Graham was a leftist-moderate politically, and was well known and respected in Miami and all of South Florida.  So how did these snot-nose Marxist black activists manage to wrest the primary away from the Graham dynasty?  Three words:  Soros and Steyer.

But wait, there's more.  A sicko twenties-something nihilist, Manny Orozco-Ballestas, who had worked previously for Philip Levine's gubernatorial campaign (that was a failed extreme left wing commie Marxist primary candidate), was named the Gillum campaign's director of youth outreach less than two weeks ago.  He didn't last very long at Levine's campaign, either.  He was originally fired for wearing an obscene tee shirt depicting Trump-won red states as "Dumbfuckistan."  And now he's been fired from Gillum's campaign as well,  due to some of his earlier postings on social media that Trump voters - and Trump himself - should be executed.

For most people threatening the life of the chief executive is a capital offense.  Unless, of course, you're a radical democrat.  But that's the tolerant left for you.

So voters, be advised.  These are the kinds of communist agitators and Marxist activists that are running Gillum's campaign.  And with unusually deep pockets, courtesy of globalists billionaires George Soros and Tom Steyer, the Gillum railroad is poised to do some serious damage in Florida.  And there are lots of low information mouth-breathers who vote - and vote often - that could make the Sunshine State a living hell.

Never forget that a decade ago an unknown Chicago community organizer, supported by globalist dark money, actually did manage to get elected President of the United States, and he did in fat make it a living hell with his "transformation" agenda.  Well, that's exactly the kind of "transformation" that will be going on down here south of the South in Florida.

And guess what?  Both the failed Kenyan and his heir apparent Hillary have come out and publicly endorsed Gillum for Florida's next governor.  For many Floridians, that's the kiss of death.  But it sure speaks volumes as to the New Marxist Democrat Party's intent for Florida, and ultimately the United States.

Pete Townsend put it pretty succinctly:  Meet the new Boss.  Same as the old Boss.  I'll get down on my knees and pray we don't get fooled again!

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