Monday, October 22, 2018

October Surprise? Fail!

Every election cycle we must endure the left's feeble attempt to sway voters at the last minute prior to the November elections.  Throughout the last half dozen or so decades, this process is known as the October Surprise.  

This year however, the Dems have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at the electorate, in an attempt to guarantee the so-called, but nonexistent, Blue Wave.  Take for example the constant media propaganda about the imagined universal hatred for Trump; fail.  The savage character assassination of Brett Kavanugh; fail.  The search for Russian collusion within the Trump campaign; fail.   The hidden from expose of dirty deeds of the FBI, the DOJ and other federal agencies known as the Deep State; fail. The censorship of conservative voices on social media; fail.  And lastly, the invading army of unwashed, uneducated paid soon-too-be illegal aliens; fail.

Now we have learned that the so called "caravan" of Central American males between the ages of 18 and 34 has been bought and paid for by elements of the Soros groups, the Communist Chinese Party, and other far, far left deep pocket groups who want to see a bloody confrontation on the United States border.

Just in time for the November 6th midterm election.

View image on TwitterNow the invading army has grown to upwards of seven thousand, and word has it there's another group trying to catch up to join with this massive force.  All designed to force President Trump's hand when they reach the Mexico/US border. To make him look like a blood thirsty tyrant should he enact presidential powers and protect the United Stated form a massive foreign invasion.

We've already learned that this "migrant" group is concealing ISIS terrorists, Syrian Terrorists, MS-13 members, felons, malcontents and other undesirables, but the Dems want to make a spectacle of it, all for the purpose of eroding Trump's popularity.  Oh, and for massive free Dem voters too.

We've also learned that these marchers have managed to cover quite a bit of ground in just a few days.  Which means this is an organized invasion, and buses and cars and trucks have been utilized to mobilize it.   

If this prank turns out like the other failed attempts at an effective October Surprise, and it will, there will be thousands of arrested criminals in a few weeks.  They'll be identified, fingerprinted, photographed, and registered as lawbreakers. And then deported, and sent back to the third world shit holes form whence they came.

And Shumer, Pelosi  and the other anti-American frantic Dems will have yet another fail to call their own.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Told You So: Terror Updates

Further to my last post concerning the invasion force moving up from Central America, it turns out that my worst fears are confirmed.  Yep, I told you so.  After President Trump suggested to Mexico that they stop this invasion, a check point on the Mexico-Guatemalan border was established to stop, stall, identify or otherwise impede the invasion force.  

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The crossing into Mexico
According to no-nonsense Judicial Watch, many of those detained at the border were actually Syrian terrorists caught with fake documents, according to Guatemala’s head of intelligence. At the same time, Guatemalan President Morales revealed that Guatemalan authorities captured more than a thousand gangbangers, including members of the MS-13.  While the US progressive weepy media constantly shows pictures and video clips of female migrants with crying babies, the "caravan" is primarily made up of military-aged males.  And as authorities have revealed, elements of Muslim terrorists and other dangerous criminals are embedded in the horde.  But for US democrats, the welcome mat is already out for these thugs. 

While Nancy Pelosi and the DNC consider these invaders to be likely - well, guaranteed - democrat voters, law enforcement isn't as thrilled.  In fact, high ranking Texas Rangers have warned that it's going to be a Charlie-Foxtrot of the highest order when they get here, and the Rangers are preparing for ISIS and MS-13 assassinations and terrorism following their incursions.  It'll be whitewashed by the media, of course, but remember, going back several years, it was the Kenyan's DHS that was facilitating the implantation of MS-13 into the United States.  Now they're here and crime has risen everywhere they are located. 

FAKE NEWS UPDATE! Muslim Jamal Khashoggi — the Nephew of a Billionaire Middle East Arms Dealer — was Not a ‘Journalist’ — He Was a Friend of Osama Bid Laden Which is Why the Treasonous, Anti-American Mainstream Media LOVES Him [‘Enemy of the People’]
Khashoggi (center)
Speaking of terrorists, this nonsense about Jamil Khashoggi is just that:  total nonsense.  Clue number one is that anytime the leftists rush to defend someone, you can bet that that that someone is one of theirs.  And so was Khashoggi.  The media want to paint him as a journalist - of the Washington Post, no less - but the truth is much different.  He was an embedded Saudi terrorist with very close ties to Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, and he was nothing short of a Islamic spy.  That's why the left loves him.  

But now he finds himself dead ostensibly at Saudi hands while visiting the Saudi consulate in Turkey.  More will come of this story.  Perhaps it is merely as it seems: that it's part of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's attempt to reform the kingdom, and bring it into the 21st century. Yes, they're uber- rich, but they still think in terms of seventh century Arab tribalism.  He's done quite a bit of shaking up so far with arrests and demotions within the family.  Whether he will be viewed as a reformer of merely another ruthless tyrant only time will tell.  After all, some fifteen Saudis have already been arrested and detained in connection with Khashoggi's murder.  

The terrorists - and by that I mean mainly Islamic radical jihadists - continue their jihad unstopped.  Congress has the power to stop the invasions, the terror and the general lawlessness that it alone has enabled.  But if it doesn't, and it falls to the citizens to do the job themselves, there will be hell to pay.

And we will know by November 6th.

Thursday, October 18, 2018


There's an army advancing on the United States' southern border.  Numbering in the thousands, this Central American force pushes ever northward as it seeks to invade the US.  Marching from its origination point in  Honduras, and easily crossing the porous border with Guatemala, this invading army expects to enter Mexico with little or no resistance.

That may be wishful thinking.  President Trump has sternly indicated to Mexican officials that allowing this invading force to reach the US-Mexico border would be a mistake.  Mexico took note, and deployed two Boeing 747 jet aircraft with federal police to the region.  Fully dressed in riot gear, these police agents arrived yesterday in Tapachula, Chiapas, on the Mexican-Guatemalan border.  That's the good news.

The usual invading army age group:  18 to 45
The bad news is their mission is not to stop this invasion, but merely to help Mexican immigration officials maintain order.  Past experience suggests that there will be some back and forth dialog, but at the end of the day the invading army will continue northward.

The issue is heated to say the least, even in the White House.  White House Chief of Staff John Kelly had a vociferous and profanity-laced blow-out with National Security Advisor John Bolton.  One can imagine which position, pro or con, each man took.  

This issue is the main reason Donald Trump was elected 45th President of the United States: to stop this influx of invading humanity, with its attendant disease, illiteracy even in the native language, lack of skillfulness, anti-American ideology, and greed.  Why would any nation take the dregs, the human debris, of other nations?

Yeah, I know.  Because Fidel Castro conned the gullible Jimmy Carter into taking thousands of criminals, crazies, prisoners and malcontents off his hands in the 1980s. The Muriel boat lift, as it was called, wreaked havoc all across Florida with the arrival of these viscious animals.  Watch Scarface again for a history refresher.  

Did we learn our lesson?  Nope.  This century alone we imported millions of these Latino and Arab savages and forcefully located them into suburbia all across the nation.  The reasons given for this were textbook liberal snowflake narratives: refugees escaping war being the most common.  And that led to chain migration, whereby extended families of these unwashed freeloaders could come on over, too. 

So let me get this straight.  The US is responsible for taking in all refugees across the planet who have been harmed by their own leadership?  Stand by, as I look that up in my Cato Institute Constitution handbook.  No, of course there is no provision requiring the United States to be responsible for any persons other than its own United States citizens.

And that brings us to the heart of the matter.  The real reason for all this invasion of undesirables is to enhance and expand the Democrat Party voter rolls.  And it's getting pushback. So much so that one Democrat candidate for congress in Georgia is openly advocating that illegal aliens, undocumented freeloaders, or any other description of non-citizen, be allowed to vote.  Astounding.  In the US, only US citizens can vote.

So that's what the invading army is all about.  This is not an organic march in search of the freedom the the US offers, arising from a yearning to be US citizens.    No, it's planned, calculated, and more importantly, paid for by the Soros groups, the primary funding source for the democrats, who will use every emotional ploy to persuade Americans that taking in these undesirables is the "right" thing to do.  Oh, the children!  The families!  Weep, sniffle.  Nonsense.  These people are literally paid to join this invading force.

Sorry, folks.  This is neither a race issue nor a humanitarian issue.  It's about maintaining the sovereignty of the United States.  And Trump gets it.  Today he demanded that the Central American invaders immediately halt their "caravan" journey to the U.S., or else he'll close the southern border, period.  He has threatened to call up the military to enforce the border closure.  

And that's the right thing to do.

Tuesday, October 09, 2018

The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday

Ever heard that one?  It's one of the favorite motivational sayings of US Navy SEALs.  What it basically means is every day you need to work harder than the last. But when you work hard every day and see what you’re now capable of, yesterday seems easy.  And that's what is facing the nation now as the vicious and unhinged Marxist left continues their assault on America.  And tomorrow, it's only going to get worse.

One might think that with the catastrophic failure of their attempt to torpedo the Kavanaugh confirmation, the crazies would drop back and reevaluate their methods.  Learn from their defeat.  Acknowledge that most Americans - yes, most Americans - are thoroughly appalled and disgusted with the antics of Diane Frankenstein, Maxine Mad Max Waters, Chuck U Schumer and Cory Spartacus Booker and others.  Real people aren't impressed with immature power hungry bullies bashing decent folks, and after-action polls indicate this.  In fact, this kind of behavior repels them.
But do the Marxists recognize the results of their treachery?  No.  In fact, they've now doubled down, pouting and whining as they promise their mouth-breathing base that they will impeach President Trump, then impeach Justice Kavanaugh.  Right after they retake the House of Representatives, that is.  Remember that Blue Wave we were promised?  They believe it, and they're counting on it.  And when it doesn't happen - and it won't - they're be even more incensed.  How dare the rubes in fly-over country deny us the power that is our birthright? 

But worse that that, I fear that the insane Marxists have reached the level of out-and-out physical violence.  It's already started.  Mobs of loud, violent leftists attacking and assaulting conservatives just going about their business.  Riding in elevators, going out to dinner, playing baseball, mowing the lawn.  They  get attacked just because they're not crazy Marxists.  Wait till somebody gets shot.  Oh, wait.  GOP House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was shot and critically injured and several others hurt.  That shooter cased the ball field beforehand, and fired over seventy rounds at the Republicans.  It was a planned attack, and after a year and a half has passed, Scalise is still healing from his wounds.

We can expect more of the same as the "leaders" of the Communist rebellion continue to call for violence against Republicans.  Expect more of the same as billionaires like George Soros and Tom Steyer continue to pump millions of dollars into mob violence from Anti-fa and Black Lives Matter.  And these seditious bastards continue to fund their rebellion without retribution.  There is no consequence.  Yet.

But perhaps one benefit of the Kavanaugh circus was to act as a wake up call for the every day, hard working, taxes paying, God fearing American. The left wants to destroy that guy, and perhaps Americans have finally seen that truth.  These Marxists will never stop.  They will continue with their campaign of personal destruction and physical assault.  Like radical Islam, they are literally at war with us.  We better wise up and acknowledge that.  And govern ourselves accordingly.

So yesterday was the only easy day.  And tomorrow it's only gonna get worse.

Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Meet Phillip Agnew

Phillip Agnew?  Who in the world might that be?  Well if you're a Florida resident and intend to vote in the upcoming Florida gubernatorial election, it may behoove you to find out.

Phillip Agnew happens to be a black Chicago community organizer who is the co-director of the far left Communist progressive radical group Dream Defenders, and who just happens to be cozy BFFs with the Democrat gubernatorial candidate, Andrew Gillum.  How cozy are they, you may ask?  Well, Dream Defenders gave $3.5 million to communist Gillum's primary campaign.  That's not a bad sum considering part of the Dream Defenders' goals are to end "disaster capitalism," eliminate Independence Day, abolish the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and spread disinformation about Israel.

The Dream Defenders' mission statement, set forth in the form of “Freedom Papers,” stresses “police and prisons have no place in ‘justice,’” while calling for an “absolute right” to fully-funded free public education.   These so called "Freedom Papers” advocate textbook Marxist socialist principals such as claiming that “by virtue of being born each of us has the absolute right to adequate food, shelter, clothing, water, healthcare, effective public transportation, dignified work, living wages.” 

In 2013, Andrew Gillum was a Tallahassee city commissioner when Agnew and the Dream Defenders led the takeover of the state Capitol to protest the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of teenage criminal Trayvon Martin. Gillum supported their direct  disruptive activism at the time. The next year, Gillum was elected mayor.  Agnew and the Dream Defenders worked to support Andrew Gillum in Florida’s governor’s race.  Agnew allowed  that Gillum’s democrat primary victory could be used to "transform" Florida into a radical platform.  Transform.  Where have we heard that word before?

Far from being just an ordinary left wing advocacy group, these guys are flat out Marxist seditionists.  They advocate the overthrow of the whole idea of American jurisprudence.  And they have their beady red eyes on Florida's governorship.  In fact, Agnew has stated, “We like to say Andrew Gillum isn’t a friend of the movement, he is a part of the movement."

Now consider that this group, unknown outside Tallahassee, was able to defeat the Democrat Party's favorite son - er daughter - the highly respected Gwen Graham, daughter of Bob Graham, former Governor of Florida, and long time US Senator.  Bob Graham was a leftist-moderate politically, and was well known and respected in Miami and all of South Florida.  So how did these snot-nose Marxist black activists manage to wrest the primary away from the Graham dynasty?  Three words:  Soros and Steyer.

But wait, there's more.  A sicko twenties-something nihilist, Manny Orozco-Ballestas, who had worked previously for Philip Levine's gubernatorial campaign (that was a failed extreme left wing commie Marxist primary candidate), was named the Gillum campaign's director of youth outreach less than two weeks ago.  He didn't last very long at Levine's campaign, either.  He was originally fired for wearing an obscene tee shirt depicting Trump-won red states as "Dumbfuckistan."  And now he's been fired from Gillum's campaign as well,  due to some of his earlier postings on social media that Trump voters - and Trump himself - should be executed.

For most people threatening the life of the chief executive is a capital offense.  Unless, of course, you're a radical democrat.  But that's the tolerant left for you.

So voters, be advised.  These are the kinds of communist agitators and Marxist activists that are running Gillum's campaign.  And with unusually deep pockets, courtesy of globalists billionaires George Soros and Tom Steyer, the Gillum railroad is poised to do some serious damage in Florida.  And there are lots of low information mouth-breathers who vote - and vote often - that could make the Sunshine State a living hell.

Never forget that a decade ago an unknown Chicago community organizer, supported by globalist dark money, actually did manage to get elected President of the United States, and he did in fat make it a living hell with his "transformation" agenda.  Well, that's exactly the kind of "transformation" that will be going on down here south of the South in Florida.

And guess what?  Both the failed Kenyan and his heir apparent Hillary have come out and publicly endorsed Gillum for Florida's next governor.  For many Floridians, that's the kiss of death.  But it sure speaks volumes as to the New Marxist Democrat Party's intent for Florida, and ultimately the United States.

Pete Townsend put it pretty succinctly:  Meet the new Boss.  Same as the old Boss.  I'll get down on my knees and pray we don't get fooled again!