October Surprise? Fail!
Every election cycle we must endure the left's feeble attempt to sway voters at the last minute prior to the November elections. Throughout the last half dozen or so decades, this process is known as the October Surprise.
This year however, the Dems have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at the electorate, in an attempt to guarantee the so-called, but nonexistent, Blue Wave. Take for example the constant media propaganda about the imagined universal hatred for Trump; fail. The savage character assassination of Brett Kavanugh; fail. The search for Russian collusion within the Trump campaign; fail. The hidden from expose of dirty deeds of the FBI, the DOJ and other federal agencies known as the Deep State; fail. The censorship of conservative voices on social media; fail. And lastly, the invading army of unwashed, uneducated paid soon-too-be illegal aliens; fail.
Now we have learned that the so called "caravan" of Central American males between the ages of 18 and 34 has been bought and paid for by elements of the Soros groups, the Communist Chinese Party, and other far, far left deep pocket groups who want to see a bloody confrontation on the United States border.
Just in time for the November 6th midterm election.
We've already learned that this "migrant" group is concealing ISIS terrorists, Syrian Terrorists, MS-13 members, felons, malcontents and other undesirables, but the Dems want to make a spectacle of it, all for the purpose of eroding Trump's popularity. Oh, and for massive free Dem voters too.
We've also learned that these marchers have managed to cover quite a bit of ground in just a few days. Which means this is an organized invasion, and buses and cars and trucks have been utilized to mobilize it.
If this prank turns out like the other failed attempts at an effective October Surprise, and it will, there will be thousands of arrested criminals in a few weeks. They'll be identified, fingerprinted, photographed, and registered as lawbreakers. And then deported, and sent back to the third world shit holes form whence they came.
And Shumer, Pelosi and the other anti-American frantic Dems will have yet another fail to call their own.