The War Between And Among The States
Back in the middle of the nineteenth century, a war broke out between the several states over what role, that is to say how much power, the federal government should have over the rights of individual states. Four years and 600,000 lives later, it became clear that it would be a lot, as the Constitution took a sharp turn toward centralized federal power. Folks in the north called it the Civil War. Folks down south refer to it as the War Between the States, or the War of Northern Aggression. The later is probably the most apt.
Fast forward one hundred fifty-eight years, and we're hearing the same kind of rumblings - discontent with how Washington DC is handling things. This time however, the issues are somewhat different, but the concern of how the far more controlling federal government is managing - or recognizing - states' rights is the same. And this time, it's not so much North versus South as it is Left versus Right. There is serious anger on both sides. And both sides glare angrily at Washington.
In the last dozen years or so, primarily under the Kenyan's tyrannical reign, the left has become more emboldened, as well as radicalized farther and farther to the left; toward full blown Marxism. The left wants to take the country all the way into tyrannical socialism. The right wants limited government, and the preservation of the Constitution as it was written. Racial tensions, again due to the Kenyan's prompting, have deteriorated to levels not seen in this country. This time, though, it's the radical blacks who are spewing hate and divisiveness. I've always acknowledged that human beings are essentially tribal in social settings, that is, folks like to be with other folks who are like them. But that isn't racism. That's familial bonding. The hate and violence the left puts out comes in the form of groups like the Black Panthers, SPLC, BLM and Antifa, among others. That's not tribalism; that's tyrannical racism. It's hate, and it comes from the left.
Consider that California residents will be voting in November on a referendum that could split California into three separate states: NorCal, SoCal and Cal. They have over 600,000 signatures to ensure the Cal3 initiative will be on the November ballot. A deeper look into the genesis of this movement will reveal that the great divide in political outlooks within the state are irreconcilable, or so it would seem - at least to six hundred thousand Californians. While a divorce is sometimes the first thing warring factions consider,the result of separation could be devastating, both fiscally and politically.
Even South Carolina, noted for secession, is feeling the pain of creeping Federal tyranny. Several representatives have introduced a bill that would allow an open debate about the pros and cons of seceding from the Union should gun confiscation become law.
Some on both sides of the issue have said that there can be no reconciliation between the two; that a divorce is not only necessary, but desirable. The USA must be split into separate countries that embody local citizens' political stance. They maintain that this is necessary because there is no way the two - left and right - can come to a compromise. Individual freedom on the right is incompatible with centralized socialism of the left.
But that aside, I propose that the United States be preserved for several reasons. First, the logistics involved in such a division are staggering: we're dealing with political points of views, rather than geographical identity. Second, in the history of man, this miraculous experiment in self government has demonstrated itself to be the best yet devised. Why destroy that, especially in order to placate the insane ideas of the radical left? The left can't be reasoned with. They want the complete destruction of the ideals of Judeo-Christian values, limited government, and individual freedom upon which the United States was founded. Nothing else will do. There's no point in giving them half the country; it wouldn't satisfy them at all, anyway. Think of the ramifications of having a hostile nation on your border. Ask Israel or Poland or Hungary how that feels.
The only solution to this ideological divide the country is facing is the elimination of one side or the other. Period. Total defeat or total victory. The left and all of its manifestations is a clear and present danger to the American way; it's an enemy within the gates. No civilization can withstand an internal enemy. The left must be defeated at the ballot box, in social media, in the schools, in the streets, and by any means necessary. We can't be squeamish, because given the chance, annihilation is exactly what the left has planned for the rest of us.
So be prepared, a showdown is imminent. The left won't stop, and sooner or later, planned civil disruptions will be occurring in your very own front yard. The fate of the nation - and the last best hope for mankind - is literally at stake. Freedom is often taken for granted by those who never have had to fight for it. And it can disappear forever if that fact is ignored. Maintaining the American way of life means defending it. And that means by force of arms if necessary. We need to be vigilant, informed, and strong. And we need to be ready.
Our confederation of individual states must be preserved as the beacon of freedom that it is. And the enemy within must be vanquished.

Even South Carolina, noted for secession, is feeling the pain of creeping Federal tyranny. Several representatives have introduced a bill that would allow an open debate about the pros and cons of seceding from the Union should gun confiscation become law.
Some on both sides of the issue have said that there can be no reconciliation between the two; that a divorce is not only necessary, but desirable. The USA must be split into separate countries that embody local citizens' political stance. They maintain that this is necessary because there is no way the two - left and right - can come to a compromise. Individual freedom on the right is incompatible with centralized socialism of the left.
But that aside, I propose that the United States be preserved for several reasons. First, the logistics involved in such a division are staggering: we're dealing with political points of views, rather than geographical identity. Second, in the history of man, this miraculous experiment in self government has demonstrated itself to be the best yet devised. Why destroy that, especially in order to placate the insane ideas of the radical left? The left can't be reasoned with. They want the complete destruction of the ideals of Judeo-Christian values, limited government, and individual freedom upon which the United States was founded. Nothing else will do. There's no point in giving them half the country; it wouldn't satisfy them at all, anyway. Think of the ramifications of having a hostile nation on your border. Ask Israel or Poland or Hungary how that feels.
The only solution to this ideological divide the country is facing is the elimination of one side or the other. Period. Total defeat or total victory. The left and all of its manifestations is a clear and present danger to the American way; it's an enemy within the gates. No civilization can withstand an internal enemy. The left must be defeated at the ballot box, in social media, in the schools, in the streets, and by any means necessary. We can't be squeamish, because given the chance, annihilation is exactly what the left has planned for the rest of us.
So be prepared, a showdown is imminent. The left won't stop, and sooner or later, planned civil disruptions will be occurring in your very own front yard. The fate of the nation - and the last best hope for mankind - is literally at stake. Freedom is often taken for granted by those who never have had to fight for it. And it can disappear forever if that fact is ignored. Maintaining the American way of life means defending it. And that means by force of arms if necessary. We need to be vigilant, informed, and strong. And we need to be ready.
Our confederation of individual states must be preserved as the beacon of freedom that it is. And the enemy within must be vanquished.
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