Enemies of the State
Well, well, well. The declassification and ultimate release of the revealing and damaging FISA memo has the swamp denizens running for the tall grass. As well they should. This memo states unequivocally what many of us knew all along, and that is that the Kenyan's reign over the United States government corrupted it beyond all recognition. His Department of Justice has been anything but since he was immaculated. Eric Holder first, then Loretta Lynch, both served their master faithfully. At the country's expense, of course. And in order to secure the Kenyan's so called legacy - the nation's "transformation" into a corrupt, third world shit hole - he had to be succeeded by a candidate as corrupt as he. Enter the detestable Hillary Rodham Clinton.
To assure her transcendence to the office of president, an insurance policy had to be developed that even in the event of her loss in the election, Trump would be taken down and removed from office in short order. Enter the totally fabricated Trump Dossier. It was, as we now have learned, funded by the Clinton campaign, and written by an ex-British spy who hated Trump deeply. With the help of GPS Fusion, an opposition research firm, and some rogue Russian agents. There was Russian collusion all right, Mr. Mueller, only it was by the DNC, not Trump.
The Kenyan's holdovers in the FBI went along with the insurance scam, they knew it was faked and without merit, but were conspirators as well as the DOJ and DNC as they petitioned the FISA court to allow them to spy on Trump and his campaign.
These are dark days for America, as her institutions are now shown to be politically partisan, and serve not the law and the Constitution, but solely the Democrat party and the unelected bureaucrats in Washington DC. But perhaps this memo, along with the obvious bias in the news media, will shown the American people what many of us have said all along. Drain the Swamp.
Here are the enemies of the state:

If Congress has any testicular fortitude, charges need to be brought against all of these bad actors, and others to be named, and they need to go to jail. The government must cleanse itself of the Kenyan's vile and corrupt legacy. Those who violated America's trust must go to prison like all spies and traitors must do.
Then we can make America great again.
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