Friday, March 03, 2017

Give No Ground

One thing I learned years ago is this:  Never debate a psychopath, an idiot, an ideologue or a Muslim because they are simply incapable of absorbing facts, and trying to do so will annoy everyone.  They can transmit, but are not programed to receive.  Included within these groups are those media types who insist on being called "journalists."  However, perhaps a better moniker would be "propagandist."  That being said, it astounds me that any of the New Republicans - that is you, me, Trump voters and the Trump administration itself - are even listening to the shill temper tantrums emanating from the manic left.  That includes the MSM, certain far left congressmen, and anonymous sources in the deep state.  If you listen to these fake news accusations and respond to them, by default you acknowledge them, and thereby give power to the accusations. It's like trying to answer the gotcha question, "Have you stopped beating your wife?"  There's no good answer.  It's insanity to even engage in a dialogue like that.  It's a no win.  Ignore it.  Smile.  Respond in kind.  "Well, your wife really enjoys it."  But by all means don't give any credence to it by recusing oneself, for instance.  You can't win by showing any acquiescence.  They'll just want more.  Then more.

Image result for obama's coup d'etat
Wanted dead or alive:  public enemy #1
What we're seeing now with the got-Flynn-now-get-Sessions-with-Russian-conversations nonsense, is nothing less than an insurrection.  A seditious rebellion.  In your face, and not so silent.  It's a coup d'etat planned and executed by the Kenyan in abstentia and perpetrated by those psychotic ideologues mentioned above.  

Frankly, I know of many folks who are fed up with the slander and fake news coming out of the MSM and elsewhere, and I can safely say that many are considering treating this coup d'etat with its proper response.  It's a target rich environment, after all.  Take them on, and give no ground.  

And start with the head of the viper.

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