When Will Useful Idiots Learn?
The Negro Solution |
Dear self hating, guilt-ridden white liberals: I told you so. When you embrace insane radical ideologies, those ideologies will sense your weakness, and you will be threatened, harmed and ultimately killed by that which you champion. Let me say that in a shorter sentence for you. They will bite the hand that feeds. When will you learn? Lenin's famous description of "useful idiots" for people like you, mindless people in the Western democracies who always appeased the Soviet Union applies here as well. Those folks like you who make excuses for radical Negroes and their insanity are reaping rewards arising from the Ferguson Effect, spawned by liberal political policies. Negro gangs spread wanton violence all over the country; see the Knockout Game. Displaying symbols of heritage is a capital offense. When they get mad, they riot and burn down their own cities. Poor things. So misunderstood. On the Mizzou campus at this writing, plays are being cancelled because the actors are white, whites are being banned from "black healing spaces," and the first amendment will no longer apply to anyone and everyone, but only to those who espouse the Negro narrative of the evil of "white privilege," whatever that is. So now you've got a war on whites, a war on cops, a war on Christians, and it all happened in the last fifty years under your bleeding heart liberal victimization empowering policies. When will you learn?
The Muslim Solution |
Not content with a fifty-year plan to destroy the Negro family unit in favor of a government controlled, fatherless victim class, you lefty, love and peace hippy liberal types now turn your tender mercies to the death cult of Islam. Muslims, despite your contention that it's a religion of peace, have killed more human beings than all tyrannical despots in history combined. For a thousand years this cult has been conducting brutal terror strikes on people in virtually every country in the world. Even against other Muslims. Sunni? Shi'ite? Wahhabi? Who cares, there's little or no difference. Yet you useful idiots make any lame excuse imaginable to justify the unjustifiable. Today Paris cleans up. Hundreds are dead or wounded. In Germany, Merkel's pussified open border policies are being strongly reviewed for their destructiveness. Berlin and London, too, will be as Paris; it's just a matter of when. Hungary, Slovenia, Austria and other countries built walls to keep out these invading vermin. The walls work. But those Western liberal societies with open borders will be attacked, and attacked again for their weakness. Stateside, the Muslim Kenyan assures us that ISIS is contained. Really? And I can keep my doctor? He even further seeks to increase and accelerate the influx of Syrian "refugees" and jihadists alike who come to the US hiding in plain sight. Even the idiot Al Gore is censored in his climate rants from the Eiffel Tower, as his live televised feed is cut. Do you really think they won't come for you, as well? Just because you're a liberal and embrace fanaticism doesn't mean you are safe from it.
So thanks, Merkel, Hollande and the Kenyan for endorsing and enacting George Soros' globalist open border mandates. Your compassion is so overwhelming. Blindly destroy your culture and society by bringing in millions of uneducated, radical Muslim rapists and killers into our midst. But as Mark Levin said recently, Thank God for the Second Amendment. Thank God indeed! It's true Americans are heavily armed, highly trained, and devoutly committed to defending the homeland despite what destructive policies our leaders impose upon us. So go ahead, Negro or Muslim radicals, bring it on. Make my day. If you dare.