Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Putin Saves The World

Obama has turned Putin into the world’s most powerful leader
The Eyes Tell All
It's no secret that Vladimir Putin is a man's man.  He's buff, confident, aggressive, and a proven leader  While many have made comparisons of him to our very own Dear Leader, the differences in the two have been glaringly extreme. The Kenyan simply can't compare to Putin in manly terms.    I've made comparisons here in these pages.

So while our president sucks up to the homosexual bully lobby by nominating an openly homosexual man to be Army Secretary, and asserts that the "rights" of homosexuals trump any religious freedoms in the US, Putin is focusing on a clear and present danger to the whole world  - ISIS.

In front of the United Nations, the Kenyan states he thinks that Syria's president Assad is the real problem in the Mideast, publicly contracting Secretary of State John Kerry, who rightly sees Assad as the only stabilizing element there currently fighting against ISIS.  As does Putin.

No Kidding!
So while Nero fiddles, Rome burns.  Thankfully we have a Russian warrior who is willing to unilaterally take the fight to ISIS, and without help from a hand-wringing, frightened United States, to annihilate the 7th century tribalist terrorists.  And when he does, he and Russia will become undisputed world leader.  And this to our nation's everlasting shame.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Cordial Civility vs Polictical Correctness

When I was a young man growing up, we had a mechanism for avoiding thoughtless, hurtful speech which may insult or hurt someone's feelings.  It had many names - diplomacy, discretion, civility, class and consideration are a few, and it was practiced by those of good moral character and fine breeding.  We didn't want to offend anyone then as now, but then it was voluntarily.  Now, not so much.  Unfortunately that noble concept of voluntarily allowing oneself and others the right to free speech, while self governed by a notion of restraint, has been bastardized into the vile censorship we know of today as political correctness.

In contrast to cordial civility, political correctness is simply censorship; the idea that certain ideas and positions must not be spoken of.  In fact, in the paragraph above, I've made several violations of political correctness, just by insinuating that one human could be better bred than another.  Horrors!

Political correctness is the weapon of the radical left, those whose egalitarian worldview is not burdened by logic or direct observation, but by a deep and unyielding belief system.  PC seeks to go all in by stomping out any and all challenges to that belief system, and goes much further than just conversation.

What can be done?   That's easy.  Make a conscious effect to avoid being politically correct, and at the same time be conversationally and cordially civil.  Take the power of the language back from those who seek to pervert it, and use that power to make your voice heard.  Don't let the shrill and rabid shout you down, silence or intimidate you.  Tell the truth, have common sense, and those things will never fail you.

Friday, September 25, 2015

The Parable Of The Cart: Why The Pope Is Wrong On Capitalism

Pope Francis Lobbies Congress for Abolition of Death Penalty, Downplays Abortion
The Vicar of Christ? Or Marx?
Pope Francis came to Congress this week and lectured America about our fascination with self reliance and capitalism.  As he talked down to us - a trait used by other Marxists in power like the Kenyan - he admonished us for many things, not the least of which is our cultural and personal  advancement through evil capitalism.  As we've taken so much from so many, he reasons, we should gleefully give it all back.  Not so fast. Rather than debate the points of his lecture, er, speech, point by point, in seriatim, let's just create a comparative analogy of wealth distribution, and why it has never, ever worked anywhere it has been tried.   

The Parable Of The Cart
image of ox-cart  - Young cambodian farmer on the way to his farm - JPG
The Progenesis of Wealth
Let's say we buy into this wealth distribution thing, and agree to give a hand up (really a handout) to each of a thousand illiterate impoverished people in a hypothetical third world country.  That handout consists of $100 and an ox cart.  How many of those thousand people will make something out of that gift?  How many will take the $100, sell the oxcart, and enjoy the fruits of this windfall until it runs out and they are in poverty once again?  And how many will see the potential, and turn that gift into an enterprise that employs several other guys, and ultimately makes them all money, which indeed will lift them out of poverty? We know the answer to that, because we see it every day.  Despite financial support, most people cannot support themselves, and the reason is not one of education, or opportunity or even means.  Its is singularly one of will.  Many people simply don't want to provide for themselves, especially if others are willing to do so for them.   
Hot dog cart with shop owner vector illustration Royalty Free Stock Photo
Parable of the Cart

I have a real world story on this very topic.  I own rental property, and one of my tenants was an intelligent, single mother whose sole source of income was government "assistance."  She mentioned one day that she'd like to be free of the government's largess, and do something on her own.  I suggested she obtain a hotdog cart, and simply be a street vendor in the downtown area, which in my city was a mecca for bankers, lawyers, judges, and other professionals.  No such service existed, and she would have made a good deal of money just by serving lunch to harried professionals downtown for perhaps just two hours a day.  Preferential financing for the cart, and discounted sources of supplies were available to her.  Her intellect was engaged, but her will to act was not.  And therein lies the problem:  the lack of optimism and will will never be offset by "assistance."  As salesmen have often said of the will to act: Some will; some won't; so what. 

10 Million More Foreign-Born
Yet They Want More.
How clearly the parable above shows Francis' lecture inappropriate.  Even the parable of the tenets in Mathew 25 - invest, don't divest - would suggest the Pope's message is missing the point.  More people have been lifted from poverty and have gained personal freedom through capitalism, which is investing in the future, especially in the United States, than have those who suffer to this day under tyrannical regimes who plunder the wealth and efforts of the providers.  Especially big are American's hearts:  individually we give $360 billion annually in charity.  Who else comes close to that?  How is that not in keeping with Christ's teachings of tithing?  Yet they want more.  They want it all.  Further, America has taken in more refugees than all of Europe combined.  With this influx of millions of millions of impoverished, illiterate- even in their own tongues - invaders, America risks everything by allowing this: her culture, her language, her rule of law and her way of life.  Yet we do it anyway, even in the face of widespread grassroots objections.  My belief is that the fallout of these misguided immigration policies -  especially as it pertains to Muslims -  will be disastrous.  We give even though we owe nothing.  Yet they want more.  They want it all.

I'm not here to bash the Pope.  I too champion the furtherance of Christian views and Christ's teachings.  But one wonders how he can maintain his political positions given his own country's history.  Just a century ago, there were only seven countries in the world that were more prosperous than Argentina.  Those were Belgium, Switzerland, Britain and four former English colonies including the United States.  What happened?  Argentina was burdened with bad socialist policies and decades of political instability which made property rights insecure and investment unattractive.   That means personal wealth was lost, folks.  But these are the very policies the Pope advocates now.  Yet in contrast to Argentina, America with her big heart and rule of law and capitalistic society has elevated more people out of poverty any other system in the history of mankind.  But perhaps Francis knows more about how to become impoverished than he does about becoming prosperous.  Let's hope for America's sake that his advocacies are ignored, and we continue with what actually works.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Jihad and Crusade

The insanity concerning immigration becomes curiouser and curiouser, as Lewis Carrol's Alice so succinctly put it.  Although Alice was pondering her feet when she made that famous utterance, it seems apt for us today to marvel at watching America telescope away from us at an ever rapidly and alarming rate.  Curiouser and curiouser.  But as I've written before, this isn't immigration, it's an orchestrated invasion.

Let's pause to define the parameters of the debate.  On the whole, immigration is a good and desirable activity.  We welcome people to this country for all sorts of reasons.  We have folks coming here to improve their lives in this, the world's best hope for human advancement, and they bring skills with them.  That's a good thing, as it replenishes the labor pool as well as the gene pool.  The caveat here is that immigrants must come into this country legally, they add value to the American way of life, and most importantly they assimilate into the American culture.  

Floodgate Results and Trend
But that is not what we have going on today.  A recent census indicates that some 42-plus million people here are foreign born.  The report, which analyzes data from American Community Survey (ACS), finds that the foreign-born population in the U.S. hit a new record high 42.4 million in July 2014.  The report details that some of “the sending countries with the largest percentage increases in the number of immigrants living in the United States since 2010 were Saudi Arabia (up 93 percent); Bangladesh (up 37 percent); Iraq (up 36 percent); Egypt (up 25 percent); Pakistan, India, and Ethiopia (all up 24 percent); Nigeria and Ghana (both up 21 percent).”  “In contrast to most sending regions and countries, the number of immigrants from Europe and Canada declined,” the report notes.  It's interesting to note that this report counts all immigrants, both legal and illegal.  Yet politicians  - of both parties - tell us we can't deport illegals because, well, we simply can't find them,  Really?  It seems the  immigration service can.

So why is this a big deal, Lightfoot?  Are you concerned about the dilution of the Caucasian race in America?  Are you a xenophobe?  Well, actually, yes, I am concerned about the negative impact upon the white Christian element of this country, and one doesn't need a pejorative label to do so.  And I'm concerned that the influx of human debris that's being imported into this country is here to destroy, not further, the American way of life.  The central American gangs bring criminality here that's shocking even to jaded Americans. And it continues even today.  Consider this.  A 2012 FBI crime study shows:

  • 75 percent of those on the most wanted criminals list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.
  • One quarter of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals, as are more than 40 percent of all inmates in Arizona and 48 percent in New Mexico jails.
  • Over 53 percent of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.
  • 63 percent of cited drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that number, 97 percent are illegal aliens. 66 percent of cited drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 66 percent, 98 percent are illegal aliens.
Main Street, USA 2020
And yet Hispanic crime is just one aspect of the problem.  An even more troubling issue is the collective insistence that the American way of life yield to the views, beliefs and customs of the Muslim scourge.  That demand violates the assimilation part of immigration completely, yet the ruling class continues to import them - and to our peril.  Dearborn, Michigan and Minneapolis, Minnesota are two examples of cities that have seen the true nature of the Muslim scourge.  These links show the the propaganda that is being printed:  Islam is peace, and "hey, we're not ISIS."  The reality is quite different, however, as is evident from Sheikh Muhammad Ayed, who said during a recent sermon at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque of Muslims taking root in America and Europe, "We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries – whether you like it or not."  That's ethnic dissolution from a white perspective, so for me, I'll pass.  And across the pond, this reality is beginning to dawn on some.  In the last few weeks European countries have begun to see what some in the US refuse to see:  that this is a Muslim invasion - a jihad - of countries of white, Euro ethnic peoples.

Image result for crusades
History.  Again
It's not about refuge or human rights.  It's about conquest.  The Muslims tried to conquer Europe a thousand years ago, in the same way they are now, but were repelled by the Crusades.  Today, they are trying again, however this time there's a systematic invasion of both Europe and America.  When our politicians finally shed their self-censoring political correctness, and see what's really going on with the Muslim problem, I suspect we may have a different take on the matter.  That is, before it's too late.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Allah Said, Build Me A Clock

in an article our most common fears forbes magazine listed
We Should Fear What's Real
The word "phobia" is defined as an irrational fear of something.  For example, Agoraphobia is one's irrational fear of the open outdoors, even though the open outdoors has never caused one any harm.  Arachnophobia is one's irrational fear of spiders, even though a spider has never caused one any harm.  Yet those who suffer from these fears do so contrary to direct observation, that is, irrationally.  But the word "Islamophobia" is an oxymoron because first, one's reaction to Islam is a natural biological reaction to a very real and present threat, and secondly, because that reaction is most assuredly not an irrational fear; it's instilled from direct observation and experience.

Texas Muslim Student Clock
Clock?  Or Bomb Timer?
So the left wing progressive flame throwers are all abuzz about the recent detention and arrest of one Ahmed Mohammad, a 14-year old Muslim Sudanese boy who brought a homemade digital clock to school to impress his teachers.  We're stiffing creativity because of racism, they scream.  Well, that won't fly because Islam isn't a race.  It's an ideology made up of people of many races.   This poor boy's arrest is the result of the preoccupation with Islamophobia.  Nope.  As shown above, there's no such thing as Islamophobia.  It's only a clock, the progressives loudly protest.  Really?  How can you tell?  (See image.)  Considering the Texas school's zero tolerance policy, it can be said that officials did the right thing in investigating the nature and purpose of this ominous looking device, encased as it was in a small metal briefcase.  This is the same zero tolerance nonsense that got a kid busted for a "gun shaped" pop tart.  And another for a "gun shaped" piece of paper.  And yet another for wearing an American flag T-shirt.  

These latter examples were most likely overreactions arising from absurd political correctness.  The former, however, was a reasoned response to a possible threat.  Was the clock really innocent, as the MSM would have us believe?  Or was it a test of the systems in place for the protection of Americans from the horrors of  the evil perpetrated by Muslims practicing their Islamic "faith."  Whichever is the truth, we must always be vigilant, and follow the Reagan dictum:  "Trust, but verify."  This fear is not irrational.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

What? We Need More Invaders?

Enemy Occupied Territories
Apparently the regime believes we do.  To the the Kenyan's hate-filled, anti-white, anti-American worldview, it's imperative.  Why?  Because invasion and occupation is necessary to completely annihilate the white, Christian culture of the United States in order for it to become a more perfect nation of cross cultural pollination.  In other words, we must look like the third world.  It's only fair, you know.   So with that in mind it's not surprising that a recent study shows that the United States admits 250,000 Muslims annually just to meet its arbitrary "immigration" quotas. Immigration is a euphemism for cultural invasion.  The rate of Muslim immigration has been increasing since 9/11. Between 2001 and 2013, the United States permanently resettled 1.5 million Muslims throughout the United States. Unlike illegal immigrants, legal immigrants granted lifetime resettlement privileges will be given automatic work permits, welfare access, and the ability to become voting citizens.  Read that as "permanent welfare." But to the Kenyan, too much is never enough.  So he's decreed that we shall import 10,000 Syrian refugees on top of the already insane levels of cultural dilution.  Of those, I wonder how many are Christian and how many are Muslim.  Now let's look at why this is a bad idea, apart from the fact that in all previous administrations the Constitution requires that lawmaking is the responsibility of the Congress rather than of the Executive Branch.  In the Kenyan's tyranny, the Constitution is just a quaint document, not the framework of our system of law.  To him, he is the law. But I digress.  Here's what Islam is all about, and why it is absolutely and completely incompatible with Western systems of law and culture.  Thanks to Dr. Bill Warner of Polictical Islam for this statistical methodology as applied to the Islamic texts:
  • Islam is far more of a political system than a religion.
  • There is no unmitigated good in Islam for the Kafir (non-Muslim).
  • Islam’s ethical system is dualistic and is not based on the Golden Rule.
  •  Islamic doctrine cannot be reconciled with our concepts of human rights and our Constitution.
  • The great majority, 96%, of all Islamic doctrine about women subjugates them.
  • The Sunna (what Mohammed did and said) is more important than the Koran in a Muslim’s daily life.

Syrian Passports For The Asking
I've written here previously, everywhere Muslims have been relocated, a state of Islamic occupation has been established.  There are already "no go" zones in Dearborn and elsewhere, and when the local governments and police just give up on enforcing American law, and cave to Sharia law, what you have is a foreign invader occupying your territory.  Bad idea.  Yet to do so voluntarily is simply cultural suicide.  As to the Syrian "refugees," it's been found that 80% of them just happen to be males between the ages of eighteen and thirty-four.  Now add to this unholy scenario the fact that the invasion of criminal illegal aliens from the south , comprising yet another demographic of evil that will stress the overburdened policing agencies, as well as wreak even more havoc on the American citizen.  Are we seeing a pattern here?  The Kenyan is literally importing foreign fighters into the US, and ultimately granting them citizenship.  Ponder the obvious and predictable results.
ISIS Goals

So what are the ultimate goals of radical Islam, as embodied in ISIS, and also as Islam itself?  The Atlantic recently published a report on that very question, and what it found is most disturbing.  Islam is an ideological fervor wrapped in political means to an end, and that end is a war against civilization leading ultimately to the apocalypse.  But for an organization as impervious to persuasion as the Islamic State, few measures short of military and ideological adjustments will matter, and the war may be a long one, even if it doesn’t last until the end of time.  This war has been going on for a thousand years, so why would we think today will be any different?  Islam is a cancer that must be removed, killed, and completely and utterly eradicated.  And do so before it destroys you.  But don't just take my word for it, read it here

Monday, September 14, 2015

Starting The Week Off Positively

Just read the news this Monday morning.  It's hilariously frightening.  And you just can't make this stuff up.  No wonder sales of guns, ammo and non-perishable food is on the upswing.

Our Humanitarian Immigration Policy
What all the crack-pot, white tribal Tea Party folks knew all along has been shown to be true.  Those lovable El Salvadorian gangs - you know, those guys who come here to pick fruit - are actually taking over organized crime in Los Angeles, and moving ever eastward.  The Italian mafia should be this organized.  La Raza and other leftist anti-American groups are thrilled by the porous southern border, but most Americans are not. And this is why.  It's an act of love to let them in, Jeb! tells us. Murder, extortion and rape are coming soon to your town.  Lock and load.  

Global Financial Failure 
Benjamins Are Harder To Keep
Americans have unsustainable ratios of personal debt. In fact, consumer debt is roughly $4.5 trillion, while the amount of actual physical U.S. currency is only $250 billion.  The national debt is north of $17 trillion, and GDP is now less than that.   So all the national and consumer income can't pay off the existing debt, and is now in danger of failing to even service it.  If the Federal Reserve Bank raises interest rates in an attempt to curb borrowing, the entire house of cards will come crashing down.  And that's a global situation.  If global financial systems crash, civilization will stop, then degrade, and then finally cease to be.  Even if you have a backyard garden, you simply cannot raise enough food to feed yourself and your family indefinitely.  And that is if you have a backyard.  Only a handful of countries - mostly Mideastern, along with Russia and Iceland by the way - have a debt-to-GDP ratio of less than 10%.  In the US, even despite record income tax revenues - the average worker now pays over $19,000 in taxes - were found to still leave a $530 billion deficit.  See you in Iceland, but bring a good jacket.

More Deceit From the Kenyan
irgc drills
Khamenei Threatens to Bomb US Navy
The lies emanating from this administration have become the stuff of cliches: "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" being the most famous.  And while he spends his energies making the US less safe by importing criminals (see above), and by cutting our armed forces, he adds salt to the wound by openly helping our enemies.  A report by the Wall Street Journal has brought to light that a convicted fraudster was instrumental in selling the treasonous Iran deal to the lapdogs in the Democrat congress.  Like ObamaCare, the side deals have been kept secret, so we still don't really know what the full impact may be - but can certainly guess.  But we do know the Kenyan's stated goal has always been  to "fundamentally transform America," and so far he's done a fine job, too.  But what is really galling about this homosexual mulatto's stance on Islam is his refusal to identify our enemy.  He gives aid and comfort to Iran, yet whitewashes Islam's1,200 year old jihad against whites and Christians. It's no wonder many American believe he's a Muslim.

Nice Tits
Femen Protesters Outside Paris Grand Mosque in 2013.
In a bit of tomfoolery, two topless hard-line feminist Femen protested a Muslim conference at the Muslim Salon in Pontoise, France, a town just outside of Paris.  The conference, Is It OK To Beat Your Wife, was interrupted by protesters with "I'm My Own Prophet" and other slogans written across their bare chests.  In normal Islamic fashion, Muslim attendees summarily ogled and groped the women before hustling and kicking them off stage.  This Femen group has been at it for years, and they're decidedly left wing and anti-Muslim.  Have more fun here.    

Americans are being assaulted on all fonts.  If you can keep your powder dry - and your dry goods, as well - and if you can maintain a positive mental attitude through these trying times, you just may survive.  If you survive, you've got to admit:  it's pretty funny.

Thursday, September 03, 2015

The Chickens Come Home to Roost

It's ironic how the more things change, the more they stay the same, isn't it?  Back in the 1960s, vocal and violent political radicals started springing up all across the US, mostly on college campuses.  They were anti-establishment, they hated "the man," they didn't want to fight for their country so they created an anti-war mentality to justify their cowardice, and they claimed they wanted nothing more than "power to the people."  I remember it well, because I was there. Unlike those leftists, I went to college, showed up for induction into the Armed Forces when my draft number was called, and actually held a job developing  housing.  But I watched them carefully then, and have continued to do so since.

Weather Underground Terrorists
The FBI investigated many of these subversive groups and individuals, and that only enhanced the radicals' romanticized appeal to the unwashed collegiate impressionable youths.  It was learned through these investigations, although little was made public through the press, that they were almost all recruited, trained and funded by the Soviet Union communists, directly and indirectly. But there was little public outcry then, largely due to the much publicized McCarthy hearings during the House Committee on Un-American Activities in the late 1950s, which left the populace with a "What, this again?"  attitude.  However, McCarthy was right in his exposure of communists and Soviet spies in the State Department and elsewhere in American media and culture.  But the public was numb to his evidence and warning by then, and the 1960s radical movement grew unchecked.  Many of those subversives, who at the time were guilty of bombings and murder, are now prominent leaders in government, academia and politics.  How that actually came to be is subject to conjecture.  The fact remains, however, that in the ensuing decades the nation has moved way, way to the left - to the totalitarianism we have today - and it's because of the influence wielded by these radicals as they infiltrated the press, media and academe.  Over the last few decades, they have become the political norm, the cultural tenet, and the scholastic curriculum.  In short, they have become "the establishment man" they hated so viciously years ago.

Homeland Security A Citizen With A Gun
As It Should Be
But now we see the pendulum swing to the right.  The militant Negroes are still not happy with their communal lot after enjoying 40 years of liberal "progressive" protection as a victim class.  They're out killing cops again, allegedly for keeping them down.  Whatever that means.  And the American voter has had enough of voting for candidates who lie about the changes they are going to make when elected.  Americans realize the economy is the worst it's ever been, that there's a government sponsored invasion of the homeland, and that we just gave a mortal enemy a nuclear weapon. The American voter now realizes he's not represented in congress by any stretch of the imagination, and his candidate's motivation is clear: he's in congress to become wealthy, and to "grow" in office, not to remedy any voter concerns.  In fact, they legislate in direct contravention to the will of the voter - of the people themselves.  So today it's no surprise that three of the leading 5 candidates on the Republican ticket are not politicians, and the other two are anti-establishment candidates.  The voters are rejecting the political elite's business as usual, and it's happening on the other side of the aisle as well.  Hillary is being rejected, and the Dems can't find a good horse to run, either.

Anti-establishment.  That's a word not heard much since 1967.  I guess the radical left's karma ran over its dogma.  The chickens have come home to roost.  Meet the new boss.  Same as the old boss.  How fitting.  How ironic.

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

News Bites

Soon To Be Extinct:  RINOs
The official established Republican party elites and their heavy weight donors are in a panic.  There are sixteen candidates running for the Republican nomination, but I guess that's an insufficient number for them.  Now they're seeking "help" from twice lost RINO Mitt Romney to join the fray now that Jeb's support is slipping.  Never mind that the Republican base, the conservatives out in fly-over country, has sent the Washington establishment an undeniable and clear message: they do not want another inside-the-beltway squishy, liberal conservation for their candidate.  The have Boehner and McConnell to fill that role.  That's why, at this writing, Trump and Carson are the top contenders according to most - if not all - polls so far, and Fiorina is gaining ground, as well.  They are not professional politicians, and and as such, have a far higher degree of veracity with voters than the other candidates.  Even Ted Cruz, arguably the most, if not the only, conservative of the Republican field, trails Trump and Carson by a significant margin.  The phenomenon that is Trump's popularity is well documented, and the GOP and RNC will ignore it at their peril.  

Indexed Finger on AR
Is That 30-Round Mag Fully Loaded?
The race war in America continues, thanks to help from the media and the Kenyan's administration.  Today a Chicago cop was shot and killed, and while details are sketchy, the perps were identified as at least one Negro and two Caucasians.  Some in the mainstream media, in overwhelming censorship, have refused to release the racist manifesto of the insane homosexual Negro shooter in Virginia last week. Meanwhile, in Waller County, Texas, fully armed Black Panthers chant  "off the pigs" while "protesting in front of the police station.  Imagine if an armed white man started shouting epithets to cops, he'd be taken down in a New York minute.  Unreal.  Racist fringe groups like Black Lives Matter and FYF are responsible for cop killings, and but for a compliant media, would have been arrested by now.  But the White House doesn't condemn any of these cop killings, it encourages them.  Hillary, ever the opportunist, uses the killings to advocate for gun control, either ignorant or dismissive of the fact that general crime rates are down because more citizens have guns.   Except in Negro communities, where license to kill is a birthright.  Hey Kenyan, the science is settled on this matter. 

Mt. McKinley Denali

Speaking of the Kenyan and unsettled science, he's in Alaska to participate in a reality show promoting global warming, of which science is far from settled.  While's he's there, the Dear Leader assumes it's within his power to arbitrarily rename a national monument.  Mt. McKinley is now Mt. Denali.  But considering the insanity of this president's policies, one is never surprised at his narcissism.  It goes without saying that perhaps the Kenyan should climb that mountain, and seek God's enlightenment that exists at the metaphorical mountaintop.  But we know that will never happen.  In his mind, he is God.  Maybe he got an erection, too.