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You Boys're Getting Too Big For Yer Britches! |
The Bush and Clinton dynasties have brought the country a world away from Reagan's shinning city upon a hill, and after all these years of the left's "progressive" policies, Americans are far worse off than they were when the public mood under Reagan was optimism The American culture is being deliberately erased, and voters are aware that their current sorry condition is a result of a deliberate, policy driven goal. Americans are less optimistic about their future, they are financially worse off, they live in more volatile and dangerous world, they are being invaded ethnically and culturally, and they have demonstrably less personal freedom.
And as dynasties go, few voters outside the black community believe that the Kenyan was a legitimate candidate and that he was lawfully elected. Most - in their hearts if not openly admitted - believe he was a plant by New Word Order globalists, and he is continuing with the "Big Plan" of socialist totalitarianism that the previous dynasties had begun. That plan is close to being realized, and while being ever marginalized as mere nut-job-tin-foil-hat conspiracies by the media and the ruling class, Americans have begun to realize something is very definitely rotten in the state of Denmark. And The Donald exposes it in a way that bypasses the pejorative spin the media and the ruling class put on it. Trump exposes the Big Lie.
What's the Big Lie? The revelations about NSA spying on everyone and everything, the government's refusal to manage the borders, the influx of radicalized Islamofascists within our cites and towns, the insane and suicidal foreign policies, the too-comfy relationship between government and technology giants like Google, the corruption of crony capitalism, the over regulation of everything, the politicized courts, the possibly outright traitorous activity by Hillary Clinton while Secretary of State, and many other examples have demonstrated to all that the federal government is working at odds with We the People, and that we're being misled on a daily basis, and for a very nefarious purpose.
And that, dear readers, is why there is so much buzz around Donald Trump, much of it hate-filled rhetoric from both left and right. Big Politics - Democrat and Republican alike - feel his challenge to their established status quo, and is going out of its way to destroy him, lest he upset their firm and total grasp on power. November 2016 is still a long way off, and Trump may not get the GOP nomination, and he may not be elected, but he has changed the dynamic and the political conversation for the better. For the time being anyway. He has shown the emperor with no clothes, and he just may be the crack in the foundation of the insidious, seditious power cabal that rules us today. And that is a historical phenomenon for our day.
So let's hope that, whoever the next president may be, the constitutional provisions of self governance prevail. Because should they fail, the alternative to a duly and fairly elected government by the people will be very chaotic, long term and most unpleasant.
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