You Really Want A Race War?
You Really Want a Race War? |
Since our dear leader, the Kenyan, took office so many dark years ago, race relations have disintegrated substantially. Not only has distrust been fostered by this illegitimate regime, but outright radicalization has been fomented as well. The well known white-on-black shootings by Dylann Roof in Charleston, a shooting in which the DOJ couldn't wait to press hate crime charges after Roof acknowledged he wanted to start a race war, fit the left wing narrative perfectly, and the media and other swooning castrati on the left just wet themselves with fuzzy condolences. Oh, the injustice, the unfairness, the hatefulness of it all. Those evil white Southern devils keep killin' dem po' black folk, and it jus' ain't right. Can't we all just get along? Sure. Right after we ban the Confederate flag and revise history, of course.
comes a bitter, black, homosexual loser with serious self esteem
issues, and he murders two white people and wounds a third - all while
live on the air! Oops. That narrative got stood on its head yesterday, despite the shooter's acknowledgment that he wanted to start a race war. Beat that, Roof, Holmes and you other wannabe glory hound shooters. Think of it - fame and glory is Vester Flanagan's because he's the first to conceive and execute the nation's first televised reality snuff film! What a fitting exit statement for a self hating, dissed Negro faggot! Outstanding. The bar of human civility has been permanently lowered thanks to this twisted, victimized, evil self absorbed radicalized killer. If the Kenyan had a son, he'd be just like Vester.
Wiping With An American Flag: Genius! |
Actually this race-baiting, white hating administration has radicalized Negros into a frenzy not seen for a generation or more. They are lapping it up, too, as they strive to hate something bigger than themselves. To wit: A recent phenomenon is FYF, acronym for Fuck Yo' Flag, which is a bunch of bitter, angry Negros that make the New Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam look like chamber of commerce members. Deeply intellectual and tolerant, as most groups on the left are, FYF finds a new outlet for its pent up frustration and hate. They'll be marching on Atlanta come September 11, but have no fear of white opposition, because as they state in tweets, they'll be carrying openly. How utterly cute. Better think that one through, Sunshine. We will have to wait to confirm if they are also homosexuals, in addition to just being run-of-the-mill bitter, hateful, gansta thug Negros.
Heterophobia Unmasked |
So while Roof, Flanagan and other disillusioned shooters are calling for an all out race war, which I agree could turn out to be some wholesome fun, I have a more reasoned approach that will solve all the mistrust and hatefulness on both sides - black and white. It's very simple. Just ban the homosexual symbol of hate, heterophobia, bigotry and intolerance. Ban the rainbow flag.