View of Thomas Ridge, Appalachian Trail, 6,000 Elev. |
Returning from my week-long respite from the nonsense that passes for current events, I return to find that the idiocy has not abated. Shame. Following my commune with the Spirits of the Mountains, this re-immersion into man's reality is truly wearisome. For a week I shed the trials and tribulations of modern day life in exchange for the serenity and true reality - the zen - of the mountainous forests, the trails, and the rivers and waterfalls as I do on an annual basis. I hiked several dozen miles, and for while, was freed of the 21st century angst that curses most of us. But, as with any pleasant dream, one must always awake.
The good news is the threat of an ISIS attack during the Independence Day weekend didn't occur. But the threat itself is disruptive, so the terrorists had their minor victory just in that. The weather stepped in to either cancel or delay many fireworks displays, at least here in Florida. But we didn't get bombed.
The bad news is that the distraction concerning the Confederate flag seems to have backfired, in the South, at least. I toured through several southern states last week, and in every town, city, village or wide spot in the road, American patriots defiantly flew the Stars and Bars. Good. The Confederate national flags and the battle flag itself are as much a positive influence on the American experience as are the flags of Spain, France, Britain and Portugal, all of which represent countries with their own historical blemishes. Look, everyone in history gets screwed at one point or another: the Indians, the Negros, the Southerns (during and after Reconstruction),
ad infinitum. It's just the nature of human beings, so get over your victimhood. Yet in glaring contrast to the left's fainting spells over all things Confederate, the Rainbow flag of the homosexual movement is as offensive to some as the Confederate battle flag is to others. But no calls are made to ban it. Ditto for the black ISIS flag, which can be seen in every violent Islamic snuff video. We are allowed to see those icons of repression shoved in our face as evidence of our tolerance. That's free speech, you know, but the Confederate flag must come down - no free speech there. In today's
FUBARed worldview, free speech exists only for the self righteous, who, despite their rhetoric, have no tolerance for any ideas, beliefs or opinions not their own, especially those opposed to their own. To further the cultural not-so-metaphorical book burning, the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP, that politically left, anti-American Negro group, is calling for the
sandblasting of Stone Mountain. Already
Gone With The Wind is banned, and even the new novel by Harper Lee,
Go Set A Watchman, written a half-century ago but recently published, is decried by mostly Yankee reviewers as nothing more than a Southern bigot writing about a Southern bigot. Yet millions of middle schoolers were required to read
To Kill A Mockingbird as an example of proper racial social justice. But the revisionists have now decided that the book's antagonist, Atticus Finch, was a racist bigot after all. These are works of fiction, of course, but they seem to serve the left's book-burning revisionist ambitions. The political rewriting of history is underway again as the left tries to eradicate the South and its culture and heritage, and their outrage over fiction novels present just such an opportunity. They've been at it for years, of course, but with this homosexual mulatto oddity currently occupying the Oval office, their efforts have been sanctified at the highest levels. That doesn't mean they will be successful, however.
Southerners Serve In The US Military In Highest Numbers |
It's time to take our American culture back from the perpetually offended in Washington DC, and clean house on that corrupt den of iniquity. I am a solid proponent of the re-establishment of the
militia of the several states, as outlined in the constitution. That original definition is that the militia consists of, and is, the citizenry itself, with its own private arms, apart from the national guard. Ever hear of the
Minutemen? The militia is a legal and viable entity whose purposes include, along with defense of state and nation, the instilling of fear - and respect - in those elected officials tasked with our governance. Thomas Jefferson once said, "The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." I for one hope the tree gets more tyrant blood than patriot. The censorship continues, and the American people are increasingly wary of the consequences - the
frog is in hot water already, and is just now aware of it. And, to the consternation of the politically correct castrati on the left, it's the South that will produce the patriots who are the militia, as always, and that scares the hell out of them.
The Gadsden Flag |
Many people have openly stated that the philosophy Molon Labe ("come and take it") should be today's battle cry against this intrusive and tyrannical federal government. I agree in part, but my tactic here is more of an offense than defense. I say we retake Washington DC, by recall optimally but by arms if necessary, and remove every single federal government official, whether elected or appointed, including all of congress and the supreme court. That is not sedition; it's required by the constitution to reclaim government from sedition or tyranny as redress by a free people. A curious departure here: the constitution has no provision for removal or recall of corrupt supreme justices, because the Framers never imagined that a president would appoint corrupt political hacks rather than constitutional scholars to the land's highest court, or that a compliant congress would approve such an appointment. So justices are appointed for life and there's no provision for their removal. Well, except for one. And while that may be a radical thought to entertain, I believe the time has come to entertain the very same thoughts the Founding Fathers had in 1776 about ensuring their liberty. And that is to take our liberty and free speech back from the book burning, politically correct, racist, homosexual Zionist culture-erasing totalitarian imbecile tyrants of today.
Don't tread on me.