The genie is out of the bottle. The cat is out of the bag. We've reached a tipping point. There are other homilies one can use to describe this situation, but these will do. The point is we've reached a point in our national history from which there is no turning back. The overwhelming rate of change at every level is now unstoppable, and we the people will not be able to adapt to it.
Let's see if we can identify some of the liberties we've lost in the few years.

I've made my position clear on this matter
here and
here. We're being invaded by elements hostile to the
American Way and the world's highest standard of living, and who wish to see it destroyed. Our leadership, under the hapless Kenyan, seeks not to elevate those with less than we have, but to reduce our standard of living to a third world level. Excluding, of course, his cronies on Wall Street and elsewhere. Today,
leaked internal training documents from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reveal Border Patrol agents are now receiving
guidelines instructing them that the vast majority of illegal immigrants
in the U.S. are off limits to federal agents and are substantially
immune to detention and deportation. In addition, Border Agents are no longer law enforcement agents, they are social workers. I remind readers that all of this immigration policy is in direct contravention of existing US immigration law. What does this say to immigrants who have come here legally, obeyed the law, learned English and paid taxes, and assimilated into the American culture? With the invasion of tens of millions of undesirables through this unlawful policy, immigration policy will never be the same again.
National Security

Americans are spied on like never before. Everything we do, say, watch, or think is monitored. The U.S. intelligence community is officially made of
17 organizations, but there is even more to the story. A
groundbreaking investigation from the Washington Post found some rather daunting figures. 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies are
working on intelligence, counter terrorism, or homeland security in the
U.S. Just
the NSA alone is contracting with more than 250 companies on intelligence work, including big names like Northrop Grumman and SAIC. Many intelligence agencies are doing redundant work, such as 51
federal and military organizations that track the flow of money in and
out of terror networks. We the people pay through the nose for this "security" that is watching mostly us. When the Kenyan opens our borders indiscriminately, when the Kenyan will not categorically condemn Islamic jihadists, one would think we might need all this security. But it's directed at us, not our enemies. More liberties are sacrificed as the Kenyan's police state grows ever bigger, and ever more belligerent. And that genie will never go back in the bottle.
Armed Federal Police

Thomas Jefferson never wanted the new America to have a standing army, or to engage in foreign affairs, and would be appalled at the police state that exists today. He believed in the tenacity of the American people, and considered them the militia, and that was all that was necessary to defend the homeland from all enemies, both foreign or domestic. Hence the word militia in the Second Amendment. But now alphabet agencies such as NOAA, FDA, IRS, and any others, now arm their agents with sidearms. In the face of this militarization of the nation's agencies, an
idiot professor in Wisconsin calls for the repeal of the Second Amendment, and
Representative Keith Ellison, a Muslin Democrat from Minnesota, did so as well. Obviously neither of these idiots understand the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, nor God-given liberty.
All this is just cultural evolution, of a civilization progressing some will say. A greater number of others will say something different as we witness the demise of the personal liberty concepts of the American system of self government. And that genie had better go back into the bottle.
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