Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye 2014

And good riddance to a most troubling year.  The accelerated demise of American culture was on full display this year.  We witnessed the chipping away at the Constitution in so many ways:  the enactment of KenyanCare, the government sponsored first ever unanswered invasion of sovereign US soil, the invited pandemics (that thankfully so far has failed), the release of our nation's enemies to fight against us again, the rise of the guilty-until-proven-innocent concept of law, and the war on cops.  Whew!  If the American people don't get involved in this coup d'etat, and fight this insidious cancer, there will be no future for our kids and grand kids.  That's not hyperbole, it's a fact.

But what can we the people do?  I have two suggestions.  First, get educated on the real goals of this administration and its supporters behind the scenes, and see though the obfuscation.  Read two tomes, if nothing else:  Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals, and  Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto.  Don't buy them, that supports their cause.  Find them free on the internet.  Those two works embody the game plan for the End of America.
My Sentiments Exactly!
Second, disregard Political Correctness in all its permutations.  Political correctness is intolerance and censorship in disguise.  Do not let these people change your language.  Don't let them diminish it, either.  Say Merry Christmas, or God bless you.  Don't shrink back.  It is absolutely okay to have your own feelings, opinions and preferences.  Don't let them take the English language away form you.  Don't use their substitute words.  A homosexual isn't "gay,"  Negros (the proper name of the race) are not "African Americans."  They are Americans who are black.  A Muslim terrorist isn't a "freedom fighter," or a "combatant,"  he's a terrorist.  An illegal alien isn't an "undocumented worker" or an "immigrant."  He's a criminal border crasher.  Never allow yourself to be labeled "phobic" because you have a moral code.  Erosion of morality is essential to destroying the social fiber that makes us civilized.  I am not homophobic just because I don't endorse a homosexual lifestyle; and I'm not a misogynist simply because I don't adhere to the radical feminist movement.  Nor am I greedy if I own property and am financially comfortable.  And I am not destroying the Earth or changing the climate because I drive a sport utility vehicle.  I drive it because is utilitarian. And I am not a knuckle-dragging redneck due to the fact  that I own and use firearms.

Sound familiar?  There are many, many more examples of ridiculous and insidious political correctness that seeks to change you into acknowledging and accepting decivilization and tyranny. If you engage in mainstream media - TV and print - and you're a normal, red blooded American with both a moral and religious upbringing, you'll find yourself subject to ridicule from these sources.  Do not believe it.  You're normal; the hate-spewing media is not.

So next year join me as I abandon and avoid political correctness.  Recognizing it in all its permutations is the first step, and standing up to, and fighting against it is the second. But for now, put away the nonsense for a few hours and enjoy the New Year's party, and have fun. Here's to a better, more prosperous and more spiritually free new year!  Welcome 2015!

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