The news in general is an entertainment industry, I think. Really. What passes for news most assuredly falls into the "you just can't make this stuff up" category. Consider:
ISIS Executes 150 Women
The Religion of "Piece" |
Why would they do that? Because these women refused to
marry and breed with these jihadists. Soliciting idealistic young girls from the west, these jihadists seem to have run out of available women at home, although in this slaughter some women were pregnant. Oops! Oh well, we'll just start over. As we're told endlessly by the mainstream media, Islam is a religion of peace, of conservative values. Yet "militants" run brothels and keep sex slaves. They even allow women
from the West to perform “
sexual jihad” for the terrorists. Remember the "4-F Rule" back in high school? Find 'em, Feel 'em, F*ck 'em and Forget 'em? For jihadists it seems to be working. You can't make this stuff up.
The Emperor Has No Clothes
I can't hear you, America |
Back in early 2012 I had an interesting conversation with one of my heroes, the honorable Newt Gingrich. We were discussing the inevitability of a complete usurpation of power by the Kenyan should he be reelected. I expressed my concerns that the Constitution, as well as the rule of law, would be trampled upon by this narcissistic Marxist poser. Newt, ever the optimist, assured me that there were so many limitations in place - both in the law itself and in common political practice - that such a thing could never happen here in America. Far from this being an "I told you so" post, I do think that many of the fears conservatives had about this Kenyan have in fact become reality. Now, despite - hell, in direct retaliation to - the
landslide rejection of his policies through the recent midterm elections, he's even more embolden to act lawlessly. His executive orders are constitutionally questionable, as are his mandates through executive memoranda. A bloodless
coup d'etat has been achieved, and many Americans are not even aware of it yet. Precedents have been set. You can't make this stuff up.
Cyber Surrender
The Interview |
Only in America can the mightiest nation in the world cave in to the lamest of threats from a third-ranked communist nation.
ABC news confirmed that North Korea hacked into not only South Korean cyberspace, but Sony Entertainment as well. Apparently incensed that Sony would produce and release
a movie about the fictional assassination of Kim Jug-un, North Korea has intimidated Sony into pulling the movie in the face of threatened violence to movie goers. Are you kidding me?? This is either the most cowardly act a company can manage, or it's the most innovative marketing ploy ever. I, for one, can't wait to see the movie. As the Kenyan mealy-mouths about "taking the threat seriously," he also encourages us to go to the movies. Gee, thanks.
Newt Gringrich tweeted "No one should kid themselves. With the Sony collapse America has lost
its first cyber war. This is a very very dangerous precedent." And the primary actors now have
full time body guards. It's no wonder that
testosterone supplements are in such high demand. There is none to be found in Washington DC, that's for sure. You just can'r make this stuff up.
Havana Cigars and '50s Cars, Baby!
1956 Oldsmobile Delta 88 |
What is there to say about the "normalization" of relations with Cuba? The Kenyan has a pen and a phone you know - consider it done. Every other president since Kennedy has held the murderous Castro thugs at bay. But now - by Kenyan executive fiat - we'll have a new embassy in Havana, and despite claims that sanctions will stay in place, the Port of Tampa should be bustling again. The pro-American Cuban exiles in Miami are having a fit, of course. They can still remember their families killed, and their lands and businesses stolen by
El Jefe. And they remember the famous
Alpha 66 and the disastrous
Bay of Pigs invasion. Rhetoric notwithstanding, exportation should be Cuba's main economy: I haven't had a decent cigar since 1997 when I was down in the Cayman Islands, when a
Cohiba was
the ultimate Havana cigar. And what about those
cool, retro 1950s American cars? I gotta get me one o' dose! But the US gets nothing in exchange for this: no guarantees of individual liberties, or anything else. But in this administration caving is normal. Normal relations with Cuba? You just can't make this stuff up.