The results of the 2014 midterm elections are in, and the consensus is that the Kenyan's policies and his worshipful sycophants are definitely out. Republican candidates held the House and
retook the Senate, and captured several key gubernatorial wins, as well. Quite a showing, especially on the heels of the overwhelming victory in the 2010 midterms just four years ago. Although the Kenyan won two consecutive elections hands down, the electorate seems to regret both of those elections, as they try to right the ship of state in the midterms.

So now the pressure is really on. First, the Kenyan will use these last two years of his regime to punish the plebeian masses for their disloyalty to their master. We can expect ever defiant executive orders left and right.
Amnesty by the end of the year,
gun control, doubling down on the disastrous ObamaCare, more IRS abuses,
federal interjection into trivial private citizen matters and more can be expected as the Kenyan exacts his revenge and implements his totalitarian ideology. Even as hard liner Democrats turn on him - think Harry Reid for one - he will deny that this election was the smack-down of the last six years of his regime. He will continue to view his America-brought-to-her-knees policies as successful - he alone was the guiding hand bringing the country through the castle gates of his utopian totalitarianism. He still wants to be the leader who destroyed the most free, prosperous and enlightened nation the world has ever seen, so deep is his hatred for freedom and individual liberty. Be warned and be prepared, as psychopaths never admit they're wrong.

Secondly, for the Republicans, after the glow of their hard won victories subside, their work will be considerably hard. The most important issue will be to address the
invasion of the southern border. Not only are there some 34 million illegals in the country now, but blanket amnesty will literally open the borders like floodgates. These folks are not educated, civilized people seeking a better life in the US, far from it. They are, and will continue to be, the most unworthy and undesirables imaginable. Unschooled, unwashed, disease ridden, and criminally inclined, most will tax the system to failure. Which is exactly the Kenyan's plan. Using the
Cloward-Piven maxim - overwhelming the system to destroy it - he intends to cap his ill-begotten legacy by literally changing the moral fiber and color of America.
Republicans need to seek out and punish the wrong doing and unconstitutional endeavors arising from this regime.
Persecute and imprison Eric Holder for his roles in Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, his meddling in Ferguson, Missouri, his sanctioning of the
Black Panthers to deter voters in Pennsylvania and elsewhere, and any and all other crimes he's committed, either known or to be discovered. Put
Lois Lerner in jail. We cannot survive as a nation when some criminals are deservedly punished for their crimes, while others, especially those in high office, are not. The new congress needs to guard against the onslaught of unconstitutional mandates, executive orders, and general tyranny dished out by this illegal regime. In fact, it's my opinion that everything that's been done in this regime is invalid, notwithstanding any legal standing, due simply to the fact that the
Kenyan is not qualified constitutionally to hold the office of President. That on its face nullifies all his policies, notwithstanding endorsement by a cowardly and compliant congress. The constitution and the rule of law cannot stand if this egregious, blatant violation of
Article II, Section I of the US Constitution is not remedied.

Will the Republican led congress have the intestinal fortitude to not only stop this illegal and unconstitutional regime, but to reverse the damage already done? To restore the public's faith in its cherished institutions? Time will tell, but we are definitely at a constitutional crossroads, and failing to get it right in Washington will ultimately result in getting it right at Concord Bridge.
Molon Lube.
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