Thursday, March 27, 2014

All Enemies Foreign and Domestic

What is the greatest threat to the American way of life?  

Islamafacists?  Nope.  We've killed them whenever and wherever they raise their insipid 7th century hajji heads.  They pose a threat level concern, of course, because they wage an unconventional war that focuses on asymmetrical fighting.  Dangerous, yes, but they're not our prime enemy.  

Russians?  Nope.  The current foreign policy concerning Russia is very different from what you may read in the hyperventilating mainstream media.  This administration killed our shuttle missions so we could pay the Russians to take our astronauts to our own space station.  We kill the Keystone pipeline so we can buy foreign oil.  We ignore the Monroe Doctrine, as we turn our backs on Russia's interference in Latin America, as they infiltrate Cuba, Venezuela and other struggling countries.  They, under Putin, are hell bent on destroying us by propping up banana republics in our back yard.  But they're not our prime enemy.

Global warming?  To hear some of the alarmists tell it, including our Muslim sensitive NASA, it may be.  But nope, that's simply a con game to allow the evil cabal behind the UN to redistribute the world's wealth from those who have it, to those who promote this sham money grab.  The religion of global warming, now called climate change, isn't a threat to us, in any way, shape or form.

The most severe clear and present danger to the American way of life is the Antichrist as he is manifested in the Kenyan. Why?  Because he twice swore an oath to preserve, defend and protect the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Yet he has done everything in his power to not only not abide by that solemn oath, but to destroy the USA and everything for which it stands.  But the good news is that even the brain dead zombies are beginning to shake off their progressive indoctrination, and see him for what he is.  And isn't.  As a disciple of the heinous Saul Alinsky, the Kenyan has orchestrated some of the most outrageous anti-constitutional edicts in America's history. He Muslimized NASA; he promotes behavior that contradicts Bibical teaching; he consorts with Zionist bankers, who some believe to be his puppet masters; he militarized a federal police force(s) in contravention of the Constitution; he ramped through Hillary's failed universal health care scam; he encourages lawbreaking by his words and deeds; he allows millions of illegal aliens to come into the country, many with lawlessness at their core; he is drunk with power and is bringing down his own party, as even  Marxist democrats run for the tall grass.  Hillary, by the way, is also an Alinsky acolyte, and aside from being the most corrupt politician since her kindred spirit Huey Long, is being groomed to secede him in the Oval office.

That Hillary Clinton and the Kenyan share an Alinskyite schooling tells us two things.  First, that they are hardcore progressive leftists - extreme communists - dedicated to overthrowing the Constitution for which  real American patriots fought and died.  Second, they will go to any length - including personal destruction and outright murder - to conceal who they really are from the public.  Yet the Democratic Party will obligingly nominate Hillary for their presidential candidate in 2016.

God help us all.

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