All Enemies Foreign and Domestic
God help us all.
Observation, commentary and opinion on American culture, politics, the armed and informed citizen, space, science - and sometimes - things paranormal.
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Lightfoot Cruise
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Lightfoot Cruise
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Lightfoot Cruise
In the later part of the twentieth century, the great sage and philosopher Wei Li walked among us sharing enlightenment and wisdom. In so doing, he penned these universal truths in the form of his Axioms of Life, categorized into three segments. Since they are as true and meaningful today as they were then, I thought I would share them.
Volume 1: Opportunity
1. Opportunity is self-perpetuating and obeys the laws of inertia: dynamic inertia begets dynamic opportunity; conversely, static inertia begets static opportunity.
2. Opportunity doesn’t knock just once - it will beat the door down.
3. Failure is merely opportunity in disguise.
4. A slamming door opens a window.
5. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
6. Seek out opportunity during times of change; catch water when it rains.
Volume 2: Personal Power
7. Personal power is derived from the conscious commitment to take responsibility for oneself.
8. Let no one know what you’re thinking.
9. Trust no one.
10. If one must trust, verify.
11. There are no excuses.
12. The most effective use of power is not having to wield it.
13. Self control is the most desirable of virtues, for it is the base upon which the others are built.
14. When others are out of control, take and hold the high moral ground. Consider the source and rise above the fray. Never sink to others’ level.
15. Know that every man consists of body, mind and spirit. Therefore administer to each equally.
16. A thing worth doing is worth doing well.
17. When dealing with those of lesser intellect, raise them to your level rather than lower yourself to theirs.
18. Be objective.
19. Be discriminating
20. Enthusiasm is contagious; it is spread by personal contact
21. When convinced of the soundness one’s moral and ethical position, stand firm in the face of all detractors.
22. Neither lie, cheat nor steal.
23. Live as the warrior; commit fully to every task as if it were one’s last act on earth. The brevity and uncertainty of life make this necessary.
24. Don’t compare yourself to others, but be your own measure.
25. To overcome your opponent, you must first understand him.
26. Never let others sway you from your center; do what is right in the face of adversity.
Volume 3: Parallels
27. The truth is that it is all true.
28. In most things, more is better than less; sooner is better than later.
29. Surviving is better than not.
30. Many things are more desirable than a sharp stick in the eye.
31. If wishes were wings, all men would be heaven bound.
32. Truth is absolute, situational ethics is not.
33. That that is, is; that that is not, is not.
34. Some will, some won’t, so what.
35. In human endeavors and politics, perception is reality.
36. Learn to earn.
37. Man cannot change the chaos in the world; he can, however, change his reaction to it.
38. Nature abhors a vacuum. Ensure your spirit is filled with goodness, else it will be filled with evil.
39. With experience comes wisdom; with wisdom, perspective.
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Lightfoot Cruise
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Lightfoot Cruise
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Lightfoot Cruise