Friday, November 08, 2013

They Will Tell You What They Fear

Yes, they certainly will.  "They" are the propaganda machine and its apparatus:  The federal government, the major political parties, the mainstream media, and the collective bargaining groups.  And who do they fear?  Who have they ganged up on?  Who do they want demonized, marginalized and destoyed?

The so called Tea Party.

My, my, my!  Such a fuss over nothing.  The Tea Party is an unorganized group of American citizens who actually understand the fundamental American principals of self government, and who advocate for smaller government, fewer taxes, and balanced budget.  We the people.  Wow, that is seriously subversive!

But wait.  The tea party has no formal organization; no official party status, no headquarters office, no president, and no charter.  How can they be so dangerous?  Why does the regime, acting through the IRS, want to lock them up and throw away the key?

Because smaller government and individual self actualization are things the progressive mind cannot abide.  The central planners always knows what's best for us, and these Tea Partiers are just fouling up the glorious march to social utopia, as their ideological potency demonstrated noticeably during the 2010 mid term election cycle.  I expect this demagoguery from the left, but even establishment Republicans, once conservatives themselves, want to silence this voice.  Shhh.  We're busy compromising with the Marxist/Statists/Progressives right now.  We don't want to hear your radical, hard right, intolerant and ignorant references to the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.  We need to exert governmental control over every aspect of your life, and you're being obstructionist.  You gotta go along to get along.  You're just too ignorant with your God, Guts and Guns rhetoric to understand that we have the common good on our side.  

Immigration?  What the hell, let 'em all vote!  Gay marriage?  Sure, they love just as we do.  Electronic surveillance?  Oh, who has any privacy nowadays, anyway?  Health care?  Let the old, sick and infirm die off, it's nature's way!  National debt?  Whaddaya mean, I'm broke - I got checks left!!  Founding fathers?  Slave owning old white men - what relevance do they have today? 

Yeah, well, there's that.  If the government gets any more tyrannical, it'll be 1860 all over again.  End of the day?  From my cold dead hands as I lie in a pile of hot spent brass.  Don't tread on me.  Smile; wait for flash.

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