Monday, September 18, 2006

Oh, The Irony, The Irony!

Pope Benedict made a speech recently, quoting a medieval text in which a 14th century Byzantine Emperor criticizes Mohammad and Islam as "evil and inhuman", and the manic and violent response from the Muslims across the world completely validates the assessment. He was right, of course.

Yet even after his apology, the religion of peace then made good on their threats and killed an elderly nun in Somalia by shooting her multiple times in the back, firebombed churches in Palestine, and protested in London and elsewhere. Now there's a contract on Pope Benedict, because the imams have declared that an insult on Islam - perceived or otherwise - is a capital offense. How different from the way we treat "prisoners" at Gitmo, as they curse the guards and throw human waste at them.

Islam's peaceful depiction of Pope BenedictIn additional to the violence, the Islamofacists desecrated Christian beliefs in the most blasphemous way, by circulating this picture on al-Qaeda friendly web sites in Europe, calling the Pope a pig, and likening Christ to a "monkey on a cross". Here are the exact translations:
الخنزير عابد الصلبان
The pig, worshiper of the crosses

يعبد قردا مسلوخا على صليب
He worships a slaughtered monkey on a cross

حاقد خبيث
Malicious, repulsive/evil

شيطان رجيم
An accursed devil

Sacrifice him/Behead him

لعنة الله عليه
May the curse of God be upon him

سفاح مصاص للدماء
Spiller and sucker of blood
Yet in spite of this outrage, to date there have been no reports of any Christian beheading any Muslims, no mosques have been firebombed, and no imams have been shot in the back, killed or threatened with death. Of course, this may very well prove to be our failing.

Lost on the world's Islamofacists is the irony of this story: Hey, they just called us violent and inhuman - let's kill 'em! Amazing. They've proved beyond any shadow of a doubt what their agenda is.

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