Thursday, January 12, 2017

Sun Tzu: Know Your Enemy

In the aftermath of the shooting at Ft. Lauderdale airport last week, Florida Senator Bill Nelson now comes forth and opines that we need more airport security so that future shootings like this can be prevented.  More strip searches, more gun control, more air travel interruptions and more dehumanizing public humiliation at airports. 

Image result for muslim takeover of americaNo, Bill, we don't.  What we need is an active engagement of the enemy.  But Democrats like Nelson refuse to call the enemy by his name.  It's always the fault of someone else - the FBI didn't vet this guy, or the CIA knew he was radicalized and let him slide. Same thing with the Ft. Hood shooter; same thing with the San Bernadino shooters; same thing with the Orlando nightclub shooter.  The left blames neighbors who didn't say anything, or military brass for overlooking radicalization, or law enforcement for not arresting the perp before the evil deed can be done.

Image result for civilization jihadBut the left, operating under direction from the Muslim Kenyan, refuses to state what every American knows.  We are under a full-on siege by Islam, and not only are we losing the war, we ain't even fighting it. One of the reasons we're losing this war is that while the violent jihadists get all the headlines, and by that I refer to the violent savages all the world over who kill people with religious abandon using guns, knives, bombs or trucks, the knee jerk reaction to these scenarios is to harden potential targets, or enact some kind of Orwellian pre-crime laws.  Both of these solutions are counterproductive in that they encumber the victims rather than dissuading the perpetrators.  But another more sinister jihad is what has been referred to as civilization jihad.  This is the method that Muslims use to out-populate-and-out-breed the host society.  We see this happening in European countries, and domestically in Dearborn, Milwaukee, Dallas, Tullahoma, and many other cities in the United States wherein Muslims have taken over local county and city councils, and slowly but relentlessly attempt to instill sharia law and courts. And we all know that sharia law is wholly at odds with a constitutional republic that protects individual liberty.

So the American people, being forced into this Muslim occupation by the Muslim in Chief himself as he imports even more of these 7th century savages, are being subjected to the twin swords of Islamic jihad - death and assimilation.  Talk about the Borg:  to the Muslim mindset resistance is indeed futile.  What's worse is idiots like Bill Nelson would rather infringe even more on Americans' personal liberties than to recognize and identify the real threat.

Image result for muslim takeover of americaThe Germans and the Swedish are in very real danger of losing not only their countries, but their national identities as well.  Ask any one of those citizens where the tipping point occurred.  They'll tell you it occurred at the very moment Muslim "refugees" infiltrated their lands.  Muslims have no interest in assimilating into host cultures.  They seek one thing and one thing only:  dominance.  They believe that all people are destined to either convert to Islam, die or to forever be dhimmi; a second class slave.

Sun Tzu, in his The Art Of War,  had some great advice regarding war fighting.  We should pay close attention.  We must overturn and reverse the invasion the Kenyan has foisted upon us.   Confidence is high that the new Trump administration recognizes the enemy and his war fighting methods.  And with God's help, we will at last be allowed to engage in a full-on unrestrained retaliation. So Bill Nelson and other Islam deniers should dust off their copy of Sun Tzu's advice, and pay close attention.  

Know yourself, but also know your enemy.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A Fresh Breeze

Can you feel it?  It's definitely in the air, a fresh breeze, both here in the US and everywhere else in the world.  It's a sense of optimism.  Not euphoria, no, it's more restrained than that.  It's a Jungian sense of joy and sanity and opportunity that has rekindled a "can do" attitude among folks literally everywhere.  Its origin is simple: the petty dictator and his globalist minions have been soundly rejected here in the US to be sure, and also in the UK as UKIP too seeks independence from the globalists' wet dream of a sovereignless and borderless Europe.  This fresh air can be found prevalent in Italy, in Greece, in Germany (at long last!) and even in the Philippines. We tried that global oneness thing the left is so enthused about, and it merely verified our worst fears.  Concentrated centralized power is always corrupt, and individual liberty is always threatened.  Yes, that's a universal statement, but it's been proven.

There's a basic truth that the progressive left likes to ignore which is driving this worldwide libertarianism. (Shouldn't they more accurately be called regressive?)  It's simply this:  people like to be around people who are like themselves.  That's a positive thing; it's not racist, or homophobic, or discriminatory at all.  People naturally associate with like minded folks.  It pulls people up, not pushes them down.  End of story.  But the left likes to paint this natural attraction as being exclusionary, divisive or intolerant.  Nonsense.  Through enforcement of political correctness and other coercion tactics, the left has endeavored to shove non-alike peoples together, to the dismay and discomfort of all.  This unholy practice gives rise to all sorts of resultant chaos and mayhem, and when all is said and done, ain't nobody happy.  To wit: note how well  Muslims interact with Western societies and cultures!

Image result for political winds
Arrest, try, convict and execute
But as the treasonous homosexual mulatto Kenyan exits stage left, hopefully for good, the disinfection of the Halls of Power can begin.  The American people have had enough of this grand experiment, and voted these left leaning totalitarian ideologues out.  The lefties have become so enamored with themselves and their delusions that they lost all touch with reality - and certainly with the American people.  Even now they still can't wrap their minds around the unequivocal trouncing and mass rejection of their policies they received at the polls.  And their demise comes not a moment too soon.  Efforts are underway even as I write this to place responsible, educated, capable and mature adults in cabinet level positions in order to undo the extreme damage this poser has done to the United States. Even before the Inauguration next week, relations with other countries have already improved, most notably with Israel and Russia.  This trend will continue in coming weeks and months.

So take a moment and inhale the sweet, fresh air of renewal and optimism.  And let's learn from our past mistakes.  Individual liberty and self governance is the best choice for a free people; while tyranny, despotism and 7th century barbarism is not.