The War on White
With the recent events coming out of Charlottesville, Virginia, the anti-white-male mainstream media is hoping that they finally have the Great White Terrorist Villain that they've sought for such a long time. A young white male crashes his car into a crowd, killing one and injuring more. At last we have the home grown American Terrorist! The problem is that the young man in question may very well be Jewish. We'll have to wait to find out if that's so. But for now, the MSM and grandstanding politicians trash the rally-goers, those normal Americans who had the proper permits to exercise their right to free speech and to peaceably assemble. Of course, the Soros funded "activists," known to law enforcement as Antifa, short for anti-fascist, were there in numbers as well. Their job, as anti fascists of course, is to physically attack the rally-goers and start a riot. Which will essentially quell any assembly or free speech by any other philosophy apart from their own Soros funded fascism. Yes, the irony is completely lost on them. And true to form, the far left and corrupt governor Terry McAuliffe rescinds the permits, effectively placing the rally-goers in violation of the law. The Antifa black thugs of course, are not, according the the city's black mayor.
The MSM has its narrative locked down. White Americans, not all of whom are Southerners by the way, are labelled. It's easier to hate somebody if they are labelled, especially with a passive-aggressive pejorative. So these white Americans rally-goers are labeled Nazis, white nationalists, or white supremacists by the oh-so-tolerant MSM. And we all know it's OK to hate Nazis. Right? So goes the war on whites.
How did all this divisiveness begin, this war on white men? Apart from the Kenyan's eight year constant anti-white, anti-Christian policies, it began in earnest over fifty years ago in the primordial, radical cultural swamp of the 1960s. And, it began, oddly enough, with self hating Jewish women who were too ugly - both inside and out - to attract a male. Spoiled narcissists, shrill and vocally vicious, these harpies came onto the scene hating men because of their own personality failings. Well, it can't be my fault, they said. It must be men's attitudes that make them look away when I approach. And so the women's "movement", now called feminism, began. Led by Gloria Steinem and other females who refused to succumb to nature's most basic law of the sexes, this movement first defined and glorified victimization. Men victimized women, and that must stop. All within the guise of egalitarianism, of course. But equality was never the goal. Female superiority was. It was time to bring down the cultural patriarchy of white male cultures.
It worked. By the early 1970s, laws were passed. It became a federal crime to "discriminate" on the basis of sex. To discriminate is to victimize. To victimize is a crime. Therefore, only white males can be guilty of discrimination, because you see, well, they're white. In today's world, this hate for white males is directed toward what is referred to as white privilege. I kid you not. Read some feminist insanity on the topic here.
If you opened that link, you will note how the nonsensical feminist manifesto includes blacks and other people "of color" in their little cadre of victims. So it's not really about feminism at all, then. It's about anti-white-American-males. And by extension, any cultural achievement or human advancement brought to civilization by the European - that means white - patriarchal culture. And that's what they hate. White males, and the civilization white males have built.
It has been working so well that over the last fifty years that we've witnessed the death of the traditional nuclear family, a requisite for civilization for thousands of years. We've witnessed the rise - and unfortunately a partial public acceptance - of infanticide as a function of a woman's "right." We've watched as the MSM embraces the reanimation of an obscure 7th century death cult and its war on white culture both here and abroad. We've watched as other disenfranchised and lunatic fringe groups adopt and employ the same victimization tactics: blacks, Muslims, non-white Hispanics and central Americans, homosexuals, sexually confused individuals.
The agents of destruction are well on their way to the realization of their stated goal: the end of white patriarchal American culture, and the removal of its existence from history. Is it any wonder that white America is waking up and recognizing this existential threat? Those rally-goers in Charlottesville certainly have done. They are Americans. White Americans. And male. They are not the the villains the mainstream far-leftist media claim them to be. They are you and me. The folks that built this nation and culture. And as such, they are those who would defend her from all threats, foreign and domestic.
And to Gloria Steinem, Lena Dunham, Rosie O'Donnell, the once-beautiful Ashley Judd, and all the other shrill and vicious harpies I say: Be careful what you wish for. If whites lose this war, you may just end up Muslim.