Friday, June 16, 2017

E Pluribus Unum, My Friends. Sine Qua Non

Image result for e pluribus unum, sine qua nonThis famous quote, uttered by Andrew Jackson on the occasion of receiving his honorary doctorate from Harvard, can be translated to "Of many, one, my friends, without which, nothing."  He was commenting in the fact that but for unity, the United States would be nothing.  Lofty words, to be sure.  But two centuries later, we see the affect of disunity.  We see disrespect, divisiveness, unbridled rage, and little if any personal responsibility.  Why?

Interesting, isn't it, how the culture of the United States has so drastically been eroded in the last six decades?  There's ample evidence to support that much blame for this demise can be laid at the feet of our more than permissive society.  Political correctness is the self censorship that we as a society impose upon ourselves. Seeking to be fair and balanced in our thoughts and deeds, we lie to ourselves about the realities of the world, just to make us feel better about ourselves.  And after years of this deceit taking root and blossoming in the societal fabric, we now are beginning to see what it has wrought. And what it has wrought is that our progeny - in fact, our very culture - is unfamiliar with reality.  We ignore violence where it exists, and conjure violence where it does not.

And what do we get?  Invading Islamists seeking to annihilate western thought are not only not seen as an existential threat, but are welcomed and supported by those it seeks to kill.  And misguided souls who are feed continuous daily portions of the hate-filled and divisive rhetoric emanating from the radical left's media propaganda machine pick up arms and attempt to kill duly elected government representatives.  The media mafia is alive and well, and it does a good job of distorting reality.  Good is bad, bad is good.

And that Orwellian contradiction is echoed by popular culture as well.  By that I refer to the wanton violence found in certain video games, in the vile and disgusting lyrics of so-called rap music, as well as in the vulgarity and depravity oozing from Hollywood's motion pictures.  Not limited to the vile language and blood and gore that constitutes many films, but including the stupid and vapid plot lines of many of the feel-good films recently, all constitute an unstoppable onslaught on what used to be courteous and polite behavior.  Through these outlets, we are taught to be not gentle men and women, but rather to be crude, coarse, rude and violent.  And permissiveness finds its way into parenting, as well, and that adds to the demise of a gentle culture.  Gentleness comes from understanding and taking personal responsibility; of behaving in such a way that the enables the better man to live under the immutable laws of cause and effect, and of action and consequence, and that leads to the consideration of others.  That's how many of us were brought up.  We learned it from our parents, who demonstrated gentility in act and in deed.  But Gen X-ers, and Gen Y-ers and millennials may not recognize gentility as a moral foundation.  They, in many cases, may live under an I'm-right-the-hell-with-you attitude.  The God of Self.  That's the opposite of tolerance and civility.  And for eight years, our cultural fabric has been infused with this sort of "us and them" ideology, resulting in the demise of civility.

So it's no wonder that some yahoo, saturated to overflowing with anti-American, anti-self responsibility rhetoric from radical left wing sources, finally takes up arms and shoots some congressmen.  He vents his rage on folks who are not his enemies in a real world sense, but to him, brainwashed by overdosing on years of hateful, divisive discourse, they are.  E pluribus unum to him becomes non sunt mei: They are not me.  From unity to selfishness.   At the end of the day, all it got him was infamy - and dead.

But what to do?  We all know as a nation we are divided.  Non sunt mei can be our new unofficial national motto. The radical left has been intent on America's destruction since even before the end of WWII, and perhaps their labor is paying off for them.  Real Americans are gentle in behavior, and are slow to take offense, to take up arms.  But if this non sunt mei ideology becomes as irreversible as religious dogma, and a national unity cannot be achieved,  then we've lost the nation, and an actual civil war will surely occur.  

Should that happen it would prove Andrew Jackson right all along. "Of many, one, my friends, without which, nothing."  But for unity, the United States is nothing.  

Unity:  Do we have it still?

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Normandy Forgotten?

June 6, 1944.  D-Day.  On that day allied forces of mostly Americans and Britons stormed the beaches at Normandy, France.  It was a bold and costly onslaught whose mission was to push German forces back from the coast, and ultimately to liberate Paris.  It worked.  It began a series of events that would be seen as a turning point in the war in Europe.

Image result for d dayThe bravery of those men who rushed the beach in the face of intense and murderous machine gun and mortar fire cannot be understated.  They were scared beyond comprehension, but put the mission ahead of self.  Many never made the beach; and many never made it off the beach.  A handful managed to scale the cliffs and neutralized the German resistance.  And thos men went on inland to change the course of the war.

Many have said that the college educated, effeminate pajama boys of today could not - and would not - engage an enemy within that context of intense combat.  I'm not willing to go that far.  I personally know several millennial men who serve the country today in Special Operations, and I can attest that the warrior culture is very much alive and well in today's military.

Although D-Day happened seventy-three years ago, it behooves us to always remember the will, resolution and sacrifice demonstrated on that morning.  Unfortunately, not many of the media considers it news worthy anymore.  That's a shame.  Thankfully several great movies honor that day, including but not limited to The Longest Day, Saving Private Ryan, and Band of Brothers.  These and others are well worth watching.

Just as the military learned that the tried and true battlefield tactics of yesteryear, and I'm referring to the long charge against entrenched defenses here, is warfare of another time.  Think Picket's Charge at Gettysburg or Lord Cardigan's Light Calvary charge in the Crimea some nine years earlier, for instance,  Hopefully it's unlikely that we'll see massive onslaughts such as the Normandy invasion, or the assault on Iwo Jima in future conflicts.  Warfare has changed, and tactics and technology prevent the need.  And that's a good thing.  But the warrior mindset still exists in American men and women, and the pajama boys and the modern castrati need not apply.

D-Day left us a legacy, and that in part is that bravery, will and valor mean something, and are valuable and desirable virtues to possess.  And to our current generation of lazy, self absorbed and shallow adult children, take note.

If you won't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

Monday, June 05, 2017

Falling Down On London Bridge

London's Muhammadan Mayor Khan apparently got it right just two weeks ago when, in response to the slaughter of children at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, he advised Britons to just get used to Muslims killing people as a matter of course of living in big cities.  So yesterday more innocent people were killed as a matter of course of living in big cities.  Sounds insane, doesn't it?  That's because it is insane. Or just plain evil, perhaps.  

But what does the west do?  Candlelight vigils.  Teddy bears.  An appeal to just get along.  To coexist.  Intellectual giant Bette Midler, flush with being so enlightened, tweeted "More sorrow and grief at the hands of madmen in London. Men and religion are worthless."  What does that even mean?  Many of those arrested yesterday were women jihadists in the terror cell network.   Prime Minister Theresa May said  that the national threat level remains at “Severe,” meaning a terrorist attack is “highly likely.”  That means more are certain to be killed.  Yet no matter the facts, Bette knows who's really to blame for all this mayhem.  It's Christians, Sikhs and Buddhists with penises.  But that's the mindset of those on the enlightened left.  And after all, it's just what we have to put up with when living in big cities.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Can't We Kill Them Now?

While most of the world's leaders quiver and shake at the notion of saying or doing anything that could even remotely disparage Islamists, President Trump goes about the business of annihilating this evil scourge from the face of the Earth. Not only has he gone to the belly of the beast itself, and has shown himself to be a no-nonsense arbiter of peace, but he has called Islamism what it really is. The cult of political Islam is inconsistent with peaceful civilized countries.  Period.  The castrati grasp their pearls, but the adults in world leadership sigh with relief.   

22 Dead, 120 Injured, Youngest Victim Eight Years Old After ‘Suicide Bomb’ at UK Ariana Grande Concert
An 8-year-old girl is Islam's enemy?
And while The Donald is abroad constructing an effective coalition against the world's longest lived super villain, the evil cowards decide it's time to kill some young British girls.  So a 22 year old miscreant blows himself up with a high shrapnel nail bomb in their presence at a pop concert.  What a martyr for his moon god!  What a blow against Western civilization!  Ever ready to make a meaningless statement, the French dimmed the lights on the Eiffel Tower at midnight.  London's mayor Khan - a Muslim cultist himself - uttered the inevitable shrug and noted that well, we should just get used to it as a condition of living in big cites.  But not one country launched a strike against any member of the Wahhabi cult.  No, their strategy is to coexist, which could be a great solution only if it's a mutual concept.

Of course, many will say that the slaughter in Manchester was just the inevitable retaliation to ISIS being driven out of Mosul by US and Iraqi led coalition forces.  A last gasp of a desperate army against the Great Satan - the United States.  Nonsense.  Islam began its war against Christianity and western civilization 1,200 years before the Untied States even existed. And here in the Tampa Bay area where I live, the Kenyan's imported Muslims strut their fat and odorous selves through our well lit, well supplied shopping centers wearing their head bags in open and hostile defiance to the cultural mores of their host country.  And just this week, a recent white-boy-convert-to-Islam idiot shot and killed two of his roommates for the unpardonable sin of disrespecting the shooter's "faith."  From there he went to a Muslim owned smoke shop to take hostages.  Subsequent police investigation found bomb making material in a garage under his control.  Here we have a 22-year old multiple murderer from Massachusetts, equipped with firearms and bomb making materials, and we're told he is simply acting on his "faith?"  That's quite a theology.  And one that should be met with equal or greater force.

The notion that terrorism is simply retaliation to whatever the Muslim crazies think the United States is and does is utter foolishness.  Islam seeks world dominance over all peoples, and that has been its stated goal for 1,400 years.  After all this time, it's pretty clear what the outcome will be should this cult be successful.  And after all these centuries of the war, murder, terror, beheadings, invasions and occupations perpetrated by these low IQ savages, one would think that the solution is right before our eyes.  And of course it is.

President Trump sees the solution.  The solution is the annihilation of Islam.  All of it.   

Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Long Knives Are Out

Image result for trump versus deep state
Held hostage!
TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), has reached epidemic proportions as the contagion spreads throughout the Swamp.  The never-ending drumbeat of "Impeach Now" has escalated to fever pitch as the media's echo chamber spews its hate throughout the land.  Breathless talking heads on the telly are throwing out the I-word with utter abandon.  And it's being reported that even some Republicans are seeing the light, now at last realizing that the election of Donald J. Trump to the office of President was a mistake.  Flynn, Russia, Comey, oh my!  So many scandals!  Such a bad choice!  The voters didn't know what they were doing, we're told, and we of the Impeccable Order must make things right.

Rubbish.  Pure and simple fabricated issues.  All of them.

What we have here is failure to communicate, as the Captain in Cool Hand Luke so adroitly observed. The voters of the United States have made it extremely clear that they want a change of direction in Washington, away from the tyrannical fascism laid down by the Kenyan in his eight-year reign of terror. They want a return to self governance as the founding fathers had intended. So they elected a man who was a political outsider, one who had no ties to either established party apparatus, and who was not so much an ideologue as a man who recognized what was bringing the country down as a whole.  Illegal invasion, Muslim extremism, trade imbalances, sluggish economy, joblessness, unresponsive and intrusive government and high taxes were the top concerns Americans had.  And they voted for the guy who shared their views.  The Deep State, however, failed to communicate.  They can transmit, but cannot receive.

Therein lies the problem.  The views of the electorate are inconsistent with the views of the established Impeccable Order.  Democrats and Republicans both.  The Deep State.  The Washington Swamp.  And we simply cannot have the voters running the show.  They'll just mess it up.  

The Democrats know how to properly handle members who may stray from the reservation.  They just kill them.   The Clinton Crime Family has this down to a fine art, and continue to apply this method even today.  To wit:  DNC staffer Seth Rich.  Or Justice Antonin Scalia.  Or any of the other several dozen  Clinton contacts KIA.   Even if this count is wrong by half . . .  that still leaves a pretty big stack of dead bodies.  It strains credulity to shrug this off to mere happenstance.  They were assassinated, without question.

But the Deep State itself, the Impeccable Order, can't just go out and kill the president, although that has been seriously contemplated and espoused.  But as the DNC and the MSM are inextricably intertwined, they can - and have - started the slow motion assassination of the President, simply because he wants to return the government to the people, as it was intended.  

Image result for trump v deep state
What part of "victory" do you not understand?
And that's why the Swamp - the Impeccable Order of both political parties - has banded together to stop the Trump agenda.  Ironically, it's the Deep State that is threatened and is rebelling against this silly People's Uprising, lead by the Populist Trump.  To the Deep State, however, they think it's their government, it's their gravy train, and ain't nobody gonna come in here and mess it up.  Certainly not the populace.  And they will hold this administration hostage while they play out the game of pseudo-investigations of non-existent crimes.  A smile is as good as a wink to a blind horse.  We're being played.

And that's why the long knives have come out.  It's not subtle politics any more, it's all out war.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Low Water In The Swamp

Can you hear that?  It sounds like gurgling water.  Could it be the water level in the DC swap is being lowered?  I think so, too.  Consider the impact in the last few days of a couple of serious blows against the Deep State establishment machine, and the Kenyan's cadre of appointed traitors.  And as the left becomes apoplectic and is sent screaming and thrashing wildly about, Mr. Trump, true to his word, is continuing to drain the DC morass of the unelected, tyrannical bureaucrats who have so effectively interfered with the proper governmental processes of a democratic republic.  How so, you may ask?  Simple.  In two cases these high ranking career politicians assumed powers and authority that constitutionally they did not have.  They were exposed as such, and were rightly fired.  

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Sally Yates, former Attorney General (Acting)
Last week the pitifully partisan Sally Yates was exposed as being up to her lovely neck in judicial malfeasance.  You may recall that as acting Attorney General, taking over for the Kenyan appointee Eric Holder, Ms. Yates refused to implement President Trump's lawful Executive Order.  This was the so-called Travel Ban, one which would restrict Muslim terrorists from entering the country.  Most would think that's probably a good move.  But Sally didn't think so, apparently.  This law, codified under  8 U.S.C. § 1182(f), gives broad authority to the president in immigration matters.  Most presidents have issued restrictions on who can enter the country, and the law's constitutionality is unquestioned.  Yates' job was to enforce that EO.  She did not, instead she acted as a social justice warrior, claiming that the president's EO was neither "wise nor just," and not in keeping with her personal political ideology.  Whether it was wise or just in her eyes is immaterial, it's a lawful order that must be defended and executed.  She didn't and now she's out of a job.  

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James B. Comey, former FBI Director
On Tuesday of this week, another surprising and delightful firing occurred.  James B. Comey, FBI Director, was also summarily terminated for many of the same reasons, that is, for assuming authority and power he does not have as FBI director.  Ironically, despite how the left screams about fascism taking over in the White House, most wanted Comey gone anyway.  They were livid that he reopened the investigations into Mz. Clinton's email scandal, just weeks before the election.  Some claim that's the reason she lost.  Most know she lost the election because she's a horrible, self serving career politician who can be bribed.  The right, on the other hand, was enraged that Comey did not bring charges against Mz. Clinton, despite the fact that she had committed serious crimes by mishandling sensitive classified information and had been exposed in email leaks.  But the proverbial straws happened when, first, Comey took upon himself authority he didn’t have, acting as a de facto prosecutor rather than as a mere investigator.  And secondly, he told the public that he undertook a thorough investigation, which he had not done, absent even empaneling a grand jury to hear charges against Mz. Clinton.  He essentially sullied the reputation of the FBI in doing so, and down the road he goes.

Image result for federal  judges
Federal courts hierarchy
Another gurgling sound was heard Monday as President Trump announced ten judicial nominees to the federal courts, who are not only conservatives, but strict constitutionalists as well.  This comes on the heels of his home run in appointing Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.  Appointing constitutionalist judges to the federal bench is vitally important because in recent years the judiciary has been seeded with judges who rule on social justice, rather than on the law of the land.   That's how we get laws enacted that bypass congress.  At this moment, there are over one hundred judicial vacancies, and these ten nominees will fill some of those seats, five for the federal appeals courts, four for the federal district courts, and one for Court of Federal Claims.  These are lifetime appointments, and though approval by the Senate is required, all are expected to be properly appointed.  That will effectively return the judiciary into interpreting the law, rather than making law from the bench, as the constitution intended.  In the next four years, Trump can expect to appoint nearly 300 judges, just a few shy than the Kenyan appointed during his reign.
The whole point of this exercise is to de-weaponize the Justice Department and ultimately the judiciary, by removing the political hacks who, as Kenyan appointees, are in power at the FBI and the Attorney General's office, as well as federal judges elsewhere. Who will replace these disgraced players is yet to be seen, but the mood of the nation is that the electorate has had quite enough of unelected bureaucrats of all stripes and in all positions of authority.  

Trump:  Draining the swamp one day at a time.