Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Civility's Post Mortem

Another psychopathic Negro murders an innocent, random victim, and unrepentantly posts it streaming live on Facebook.  Then politely saves the taxpayer from having to prosecute him.  All across the country, teens kill themselves streaming live on Facebook, eager for that one brief moment of fleeting fame.  And society cannot look away.  In Berkeley, Antifa forms another violent mob, beating people up merely because they hold a different political viewpoint.  Lost on this mob is the irony that they shout anti-fascist slogans while simultaneously enacting fascist activities, all the while pretending to honor free speech.  In New York, vicious Hispanic gangs rape and kill with abandon, and law enforcement holds back, so as not to offend a protected group.  Mexican drug cartels gun down entire families in their sleep,and no one intervenes for fear of reprisals.  Law enforcement quakes in fear, as these cartels kill lawmen on both sides of the border.  And in Washington the deep state continues its sedition with its unbridled sabotage of the duly elected Trump Administration, determined to keep the divisiveness prevalent during the Kenyan's reign alive and well.

Image result for brown shirtsOn college campuses all over the United States, the extreme left progressive movement continues to turn high-tuition-paying students into brainwashed fanatics.  The liberal-lesbian Wellesley College student newspaper calls for retaliation against students who refuse to wear the brown shirt of progressivism.  And at Arizona State, a female Hispanic professor of Global Politics of Human Rights gave her class the option of protesting President Trump or taking a final exam.  The irony seems to lost on these useful idiots, as well.

The progressive social Marxist narrative is that white men are to blame for all our woes.  Ironic.  The founders of this nation, white men all, realized that a constitutional republic is contingent upon an educated and informed public.  And for two hundred-plus years America has been the bastion of freedom of the world, saving countless millions from tyranny and enslavement.  But imperative to progressives is the dumbing down of the electorate so that it may be easily controlled, and by extension, told what to think.  Censorship replaces free speech.  Political correctness replaces common sense. Violence replaces dialogue.  Intentions replace actions.  As we fear, day by day, that Orwell was right, as we watch the language and meaning of words change before our eyes, as we watch illiterate, uneducated, diseased and unskilled sub-humans flood our lands, as we arm ourselves in anticipation of the inevitable conflict to come, are we actually witnessing the demise of Western civilization?  One hopes not.

But for a society who cannot look away from the constant morbidity to which we're exposed, it would seem that civility is quite dead.

UPDATE 19 April 2017:
The day after this post was published, yet another radicalized Negro Islamist killed three people.  And, as if to prove my point above, this senseless violence occurred in liberal, gun-free Fresno, California. You know, where only criminals can have guns.  After assuring its citizens to fear not, that that Muslim "lone wolf" terror was overblown, the Fresno Bee (and the New York Times, as well) had egg - er, blood - on their faces as 39 year old Kori Ali Muhammad randomly sought out and killed three white people, shooting them point blank.  Thanks should be given to the Kenyan and his eight-year reign of racial divisiveness, and to his puppet master George Soros for instilling this kind of violent hatred among the more intellectually malleable among us.  Racial violence isn't by whites on blacks; it's quite the other way around.  And it's no wonder folks want to be armed.  And at all times.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Hijacked? Or Masterfully Planned?

Well, then.  In reviewing current events, it almost seems as if the recent election was for naught, doesn't it?   Of course, it was unrealistic to believe that all that was promised would be immediately delivered, but one has to wonder about the deviation of the expected course of the ship of state.  Consider:

Image result for ivanka and jared
Too liberal, too young to govern covertly
Has the Trump administration been hijacked by the neocons?  Was a strike against Assad an emotional knee jerk response to Ivanka and Jared's whining about gassed dead babies?  Or was it a masterful play in shaking up the dozen or so players - including and possibly especially Russia and Iran - involved in the Syrian civil war quagmire?  The message is clearly Trump ain't Obama.  From the conservative point of view much has been said about the Kushners' neocon influence on the president, possibly leading him astray from his nationalistic and populist tendencies that were the promises of his campaign.  You know, Monroe Doctrine, America first?  There might be merit to that assertion.  The Semites - that includes Jews and Arabs - are now and have always been a tribal people, and to expect them to embrace and participate in a western style democracy is folly.  Let's not forget what happened in the Middle East after the US toppled other corrupt - but stabilizing - dictatorships in the region.  Those despots may be bad guys, but at least the region was relatively stable; there was no ISIS and Iran didn't have nuclear capability.   There was no threat from radical Islam; it was kept under very tight control.  If anyone is to be militarily targeted, let it be Al Qaeda and ISIS.  Assad is merely a big fish in a small pond and is doing more good than bad being left where he is.

Image result for carl vinson strike
US power projected into North Pacific
And speaking of rattling sabers, Kim Jong Un of North Korea seems intent on getting himself whacked.  His habit of launching ballistic missiles at whales in the Sea of Japan has prompted Trump to send the Carl Vinson Strike Group of the US Navy's Third Fleet his way in an obvious show of American force. Then he sits down for a little dinner with China's Xi.  Get that little guy under control, is the message, or we'll do it ourselves.  Bold.  In response, a pissed-off Putin goes back into Nicaragua.       

Trump voters are still scratching their heads about the ill fated health care bill that - thankfully - failed last month.  Repeal was the campaign promise, so just repeal the onerous ObamaCare bill.  Let market forces provide demand driven services and determine pricing.    Mo Brooks, Alabama Republican member of the house, filed a bill to do just that two weeks ago.  Here it is in its entirety:  "Effective as of Dec. 31, 2017, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is repealed, and the provisions of law amended or repealed by such Act are restored or revived as if such Act had not been enacted,"   It's crisp, to the point and succinct.  The House Republicans should take that and run with it.  It appeals to the voters, but not to the establishment, who are cashing donor checks from the insurance lobby.  Meanwhile, the liberal press is already trying to hang the ObamaCare albatross around the GOP's neck.

Image result for criminals obama hillary and rice
Someone has to answer for Benghazi
What else?  Tax cuts?  Maybe later.  Border wall?  We're working on that.  Stop the Muslim invasion?  We're implementing extreme vetting.  Delete the Department of Education and the Environmental Protection Agency?  It's in the works.  Drain the Swamp?  There's still a lot of Obama holdovers left in DC to weed out.  What about prosecutions?  Hillary, Obama and Rice aren't out of the woods on their corruption and crimes, and Americans want to see some justice applied in the "too-big-to-jail" nonsense.  And rightfully so.  Lerner and Comey take note. 

OK, I know that's a lot to accomplish in the administration's first 100 days.  At least we got a constitutionalist on the Supreme Court.  I hope just hope Neil Gorsuch doesn't turn like the once pure John Roberts did.  And within the next four years possibly Kennedy and Ginsberg will retire, in one way or another, and the chance to appoint two more constitutionalist jurists may present itself.  One can hope.

So Trump is either a bull in a china shop, or is one of the most masterful non-politician politicians the world has seen since Machiavelli.  Or possibly both.  But the voters, I suspect, had kind of a notion of what to expect of Trump when they elected him.  After all, he was elected to shake things up - disrupt the status quo - and he is assuredly successful in that task.  So far.

Monday, March 27, 2017

The Art Of The Deal

The American Health Care Act is dead.  Its death is being spun by the left as the Kenyan and the left won; Trump and the right lost.  Nonsense.  Some say Ryan played Trump.  He probably did.  Others say Trump played Ryan.  He probably did.  But thankfully the ill fated, so called Obamacare replacement bill has failed.  That bill was simply a poorly watered down version of the authoritarian edict imposed upon us now.   And had nothing to do with health care, and everything to do with government control.  Even the most contentious elements of the original law were left in.  The American people let Congress know, in no uncertain terms, that they wanted that freedom-sapping monstrosity gone.  Repealed.  Not replaced.  Repealed. The word replaced slid into the political lexicon much later as a wink and a nod to the RINO donor class and Never Trump types who still haven't come to grips with the result of the last election.

... senator says the GOP should just 'start over' on Obamacare replacement
You own it, Paulie
That miserable. insulting bill was the product of Paul - "I'll never support Trump.  Not now, not ever" - Ryan,  the soon to be former Speaker of the House.  One can imagine Trump telling Ryan, "Paulie, I'll back that donkey if you can sell it.  But either way, if you present it to the party leadership and American people, you own it."  The bill was DOA.  It stunk so bad, it didn't even make it to the House floor for a vote.  And now Ryan owns it.  All of it.

Thankfully, the folks who put Trump in office remember those campaign promises, that contract between the people and President Trump.  Nowhere was there a promise for a version 2.0 replacement for the heinous Obamacare.  The promise was to repeal Obamacare.  In its entirety.  The American people want a free market approach to their health care.  They want to freely pick and choose their doctors and their health care plans.  They want their personal and private health issues and subsequent care known only to their doctor and to themselves.  No government involvement is needed or wanted.  Or warranted. 

But Ryan and the rest of the big government totalitarians see things differently.  They know better than we do, and they know what's best for us.  And he doesn't care what contract we may enter into with our president, he'll go about business as usual implementing freedom-sapping laws that are contrary to Americans' individual self interests.  But Friday that contract won out over government bullying.  There were leaders who recognized the sanctity of that contract between the president and the people, and they made it clear that the days of government running rough-shod over the American people's best interests are on the wane.  And they killed the bill.  True, we'll continue to be saddled with Obamacare for the foreseeable future, but hopefully the lessons in Congress were learned.  The electorate is serious, and it will not sit idly by while more and more grinding bureaucracy is imposed upon it.  

Trump masterfully set it up so Ryan's duplicity is on public display, showing him to be nothing more than resident scum in the globalist and lobbyist controlled Washington DC swamp.  And as such he demonstrated what will happen when the will of the people is ignored.  People want the shackles of government removed, not merely rearranged.  It's a long and arduous process, but ousting the totalitarian elitists from government - on both the left and the right - has been going on for a decade or so.  It continues even now.

Trump: The Art of the Deal by Trump, Donald (1988) Mass Market PaperbackMeanwhile, confidence is high that we will return soon to slay this onerous KenyanCare monster that has been left in effect.  Here's why.  "I always go into a deal anticipating the worst.  If you plan for the worst - if you can live with the worst - the good will always take care of itself."  Interesting observation, Mr. President.  In the context of repealing ObamaCare, the good will indeed take care of itself. 

And that is the art of the deal.  

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Time To Put Up Or Shut Up

For those watching recent current events, it must look like history in the making.  The unhinged left has come completely undone as it fails to deal with the overwhelming - yet not surprising  - rise of The Donald.  All the progress they made in advancing an authoritarian government in the last eight years is now in danger of being undone. ObamaCare is being repealed.  Eventually.  Borders are being closed - or will be after the left's engaging in lawfare in the courts.  Trade deals are being invalidated or renegotiated.  Jobs are returning to our shores.  The stock markets continue to set new highs.  The sense of optimism is off the charts.  And the nation's sworn enemy is at last identified as Islam.  It's a democrat nightmare, necessitating full resistance to a duly elected presidency, even if it's exposed as the left wing sore loser temper tantrum it really is.  

Image result for arrest obama
That's how it should be
For example, the deposed vile and narcissistic Kenyan refuses to go away quietly as he watches his legacy being paraded for all to see as the hopeless and destructive failure it is.  Other presidents merely fade back into the background and let the new president take the lime light.  Not Barry.  He becomes instead the anti-President.   But why are we surprised?  This man is a psychologist's fantasy: a Third-World man trying to become the father he never had, an anti-white, anti-colonialist, anti-capitalist, anti-Zionist, anti-American, pro-Muslim, Marxist revolutionary. Why does it surprise us that he would he use any means at his disposal, legal or illegal, including those that reek of what Mark Levin has correctly identified as police state tactics, to achieve his ends?  He is a Chicago community organizer with a street thug mentality after all, and it shows.  

But he's just one criminal in a town full of them.  Find a congressional roster, and the majority of those names will meet the definition of criminal, from Chuck Schumer to Hillary Clinton to Paul Ryan.  Add to that aides and lobbyists, unelected bureaucrats and judges ad nauseam.  There are so many, how does one decide who to investigate and indict?  All?  Some?  The worst?  None?  The country will never become E Pluribus Unum again until there are arrests, convictions and the appropriate punishments dealt out befitting the treason and sedition in which these and others are engaged. Would our fathers and grandfathers have sat silently by, allowing the nation's enemies to bully and humiliate the greatest, most self reliant people on the planet?  No.  But after six decades of liberal Marxist indoctrination, there are damn few men of that ilk left.  Enter the snowflake generation, complete with their list of "triggers."

Image result for milo yiannopoulos
Milo:  A voice for our time
Speaking of snowflakes and their aversion to conservatism, it's a shame that Breitbart News fired the colorful but erudite senior editor  Milo Yiannopoulios.  He was one of them, but he was also a conservative who could succinctly articulate the conservative philosophy.  And it was resonating with many college-indoctrinated emasculated youth.  Of course, others wanted him censored - or dead - in keeping with true left wing tolerance.  As a gay Brit, Milo's Dangerous Faggot tour of liberal colleges all across the United States showed that he was something other than the Straight White Man, and college students - in many cases - could relate.  He was entertaining.  He was funny.  He was relentless in mocking PC and limits on free speech.  And he was right.  And some were listening.  But he was undone in typical political correctness style by an early recorded conversation in which he described how he was pulled into a homosexual lifestyle at age 13 by a sexually abusive priest.  It was spun so as to appear that he supported 13 as an age of consent.  Which of course he didn't.  But too late.  Breitbart fired him, and his message was silenced to those who probably needed it most.  It was a bad move by Breitbart, but one that hopefully can be remedied.  So in the face of never ending onslaught by the lunatic and unhinged left, we conservatives don't fight back.  In fact, we eat our own. 

The conservative powers that be should investigate, indict and arrest the bad guys.  All of them.  In both parties.  And in so doing restore Americans' faith in the rule of law.  When we have a voice touting the superiority of freedom of thought over group think, let us add to the chorus, not shout it down.  Remember the eleventh commandment?  We took a bold step in the right direction with the election of Donald Trump.  But that was the easy part.

Now we have to put up or shut up.  And this is our last chance.

Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Paul Ryan Just Doesn't Get It

They just don't seem to get it.  Last November Americans overwhelmingly elected Donald Trump to implement his mandate.  The salient planks in that mandate included:
1.   Build a border wall to stop illegal aliens from entering the US illegally
2.   Repeal in its entirety the disastrous takeover of health care known as ObamaCare
3.   Stop enemies from entering the country, specifically Muslim jihadists
4.   Lower taxes on the American people and their businesses
5.   Extract the United States from unfavorable international trade deals
6.   Repeal cumbersome and intrusive government regulations on business and citizens
7.   Create job enhancing policies via the repeal of government intrusions above 

Obamacare Repeal and Replace House AP
Yuk it up.  The joke's on you.
So what does Paul Ryan do?  Does he follow the lead of his president and the will of the American people?  Does he put forth the same bill repealing ObamaCare the GOP sent to Obama time after time?  Nope.  He drafts a new bill - ObamaCare 2.0 - that is merely a watering down of the existing unconstitutional onerous law now in effect.  So what are we to think?  He's so tone deaf and doesn't understand that people want this monster gone in its totality?  He's so incompetent that he can't draft a bill that's a new approach to people's concerns about their most private health issues?  Or that he's just sending the people a giant fuck you, I'm gonna do what I want so as to not insult my donors, the Kenyan and the far left democrats?

I'm inclined to buy into the last explanation.  Lord Acton said many years ago, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."  And corrupt is undoubtedly what this moron Paul Ryan and his comrades such as McCain, Graham, and all the other Never-Trumpers have become.  Damn the people, we want to keep our power, our perks, and our control over all y'all.

So we sit and watch.  And I guarantee you we the people are watching the insurrection very carefully.  We're taking notes.  Mr, Trump, don't cave.  We're still here behind you.  And if the RINOs sabotage your mandate above - the people's will - there will be hell to pay.

And be advised.  It won't be paid at the voting booth.