Crimes, Crimes And More Crimes
Democrats: The Party That Makes Crime Pay.
The democrats, paragons of virtue that they are, remind us almost hourly that, in their view, our President is a common criminal, and We The People were dumb enough to elect him into office. They have their constant narrative, and that is that the Orange Man Bad, and they, of course, are without sin. But is that true? Let's find out.
The democrats, paragons of virtue that they are, remind us almost hourly that, in their view, our President is a common criminal, and We The People were dumb enough to elect him into office. They have their constant narrative, and that is that the Orange Man Bad, and they, of course, are without sin. But is that true? Let's find out.
Hunter Biden
Joe Biden's son is a not bad looking dude and has a killer name, I'll give him that, but he got caught with his hand in the Ukrainian cookie jar. Worse, his personal life reads like a pulp fiction novel. As a child he survived a car crash that killed his mother and sister; he survived a nasty divorce; lost his brother to terminal cancer; dated his brother’s widow; battled drug addiction; and now has found himself the focal point of
nefarious Biden family dealings relating to Ukraine. Specifically, Joe Biden's quid pro quo regarding the withholding of US aid to Ukraine, unless they fired a prosecutor who was investigation Ukrainian energy department corruption. Whew! Talk about international intrigue! But Hunter was and is on the Burisma payroll for megabucks for doing exactly nothing.
Ilhan Omar
Here's a sleazy Muslim democrat. Since coming to the United States from Somalia, Ilhan Omar engaged in a fake marriage to Ahmed Hirsi and had several kids with
him. Then, the “devout Muslim” Ilhan married Ahmed Elmi, her own brother, in a Christian wedding in order to commit more immigration fraud. While
married to her brother, she filed her taxes as “Married Filing Jointly”
with Hirsi. So it comes to light that Omar isn't her real name after all, it's Elmi. Then, she divorced her brother and married Hirsi in a real marriage ceremony last year. Finally, Ilhan “Omar”
abandoned her husband and kids this past summer and ran off with
Democrat political consultant Tim Mynett, a guy who abandoned his own
wife and child to run off with her. Mynett's firm got $229,000 from Omar's campaign, which ain't allowed by law. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) alleges that Omar used campaign funds to pursue her affair with Mynett. Which she did. Ooh, she's so slutty!
Rashida Tlaib
Here's yet another sleazy Muslim democrat. This is the bitch who, upon "swearing in" on a Koran, at her reception just hours later told a cheering crowd about her
mission against Donald Trump: “Impeach the motherfucker.” Yeah, that's classy. Immediately she starts braking rules: she's in hot water after Federal Election Commission filings show she paid herself thousands of dollars
in salary from her successful midterm campaign. The filing shows her taking more than $17,000 in two disbursements as a
salary nearly a month after the conclusion of the 2018 midterm
elections. The problem with that is that a candidate can only draw a salary from the campaign
for the duration of their candidacy. The FEC specifies that a candidate
no longer qualifies for salary payments from the day after the general
election. Now she's done it again: The House Ethics Committee on Thursday released a boat load of her internal campaign communications in which Tlaib urgently requested money from her congressional campaign
to defray personal expenses -- which you just cannot do. Unless you're a Muslim democrat.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Yikes! Our favorite barmaid is at it again! She's having an affair with Saikat Chakrabarti, her chief of staff, and they apparently violated campaign finance law by funneling nearly $1 million in contributions from political action committees Chakrabarti established to private companies that he also controlled. Wow. Now that's amore! What's with these young congressperson feminazis, anyway, fooling around with their male underlings? Like Katie Hill? And where can I sign up?
Hillary Clinton
There is so much corruption and criminal activity - and assisted "suicides" as well - surrounding this evil vicious hag that literally dozens of books have been written about it. From Whitewater to Benghazi, here's a link to 22 of her major scandals. And yet amazingly in this, our nation of laws, she walks - well stumbles - around free to this day.
The Kenyan
Sometime in the early 2000's, this nobody Chicago community organizer threw in with that corrupt political machine, and arose from nowhere to become President. For two terms. As he was Negro, no one dared criticize him out of fear of being ostracized and painted as racist, whatever that is. So he was able to bring dirty Chicago politics right into the Oval Office. His crimes, too, are legion; and countless books exposing his crimes and misdemeanors have been written as well. From taking a fake name and social security number to creating a bogus birth certificate, from illegal importation of jihadists and illegals to weaponizing the IRS, here's a link to 75 times the Kenyan committed a criminal act.
Deep State
The so-called “deep state,” sometimes also known as “shadow government,”
is often used to describe the bureaucracies of the military and spy
agencies and their top secret inner-workings. How big is the deep state? Very. How powerful? Omnipotent. What is it? A cabal of CIA spies, FBI upper managment, un-elected bureaucrats, globalists, Never-Trumpers, mainstream media and others who seek control of the nation's government outside any oversight from We The People. Notable criminals residing therein include John Brennan, James Comey, Robert Meuller, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, Andrew McCabe, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, and many others we may never hear of. And of course, our gal Hil and the Kenyan are card carrying members.
Ironically, it took the persecution of a duly elected president, and the ongoing fake prosecution of him, to expose this underground crime ring we attempted to outline here. And we have barely scratched the surface. A simple internet search of democrat crimes will reveal countless more crimes and criminals than recounted here. By the way, DuckDuckGo is our recommended search engine as Google is severely leftward biased.
But I believe that justice and the rule of law will ultimately prevail, in part because more folks are now aware of just how corrupt our nation's government has become under the back channel influence of the deep state on our elected representatives, and in part because our president is leading the way against not only fighting back, but bringing those exposed to justice.
And it's about damn time.
Yikes! Our favorite barmaid is at it again! She's having an affair with Saikat Chakrabarti, her chief of staff, and they apparently violated campaign finance law by funneling nearly $1 million in contributions from political action committees Chakrabarti established to private companies that he also controlled. Wow. Now that's amore! What's with these young congressperson feminazis, anyway, fooling around with their male underlings? Like Katie Hill? And where can I sign up?
Hillary Clinton
There is so much corruption and criminal activity - and assisted "suicides" as well - surrounding this evil vicious hag that literally dozens of books have been written about it. From Whitewater to Benghazi, here's a link to 22 of her major scandals. And yet amazingly in this, our nation of laws, she walks - well stumbles - around free to this day.
The Kenyan
Sometime in the early 2000's, this nobody Chicago community organizer threw in with that corrupt political machine, and arose from nowhere to become President. For two terms. As he was Negro, no one dared criticize him out of fear of being ostracized and painted as racist, whatever that is. So he was able to bring dirty Chicago politics right into the Oval Office. His crimes, too, are legion; and countless books exposing his crimes and misdemeanors have been written as well. From taking a fake name and social security number to creating a bogus birth certificate, from illegal importation of jihadists and illegals to weaponizing the IRS, here's a link to 75 times the Kenyan committed a criminal act.
Deep State

Ironically, it took the persecution of a duly elected president, and the ongoing fake prosecution of him, to expose this underground crime ring we attempted to outline here. And we have barely scratched the surface. A simple internet search of democrat crimes will reveal countless more crimes and criminals than recounted here. By the way, DuckDuckGo is our recommended search engine as Google is severely leftward biased.
But I believe that justice and the rule of law will ultimately prevail, in part because more folks are now aware of just how corrupt our nation's government has become under the back channel influence of the deep state on our elected representatives, and in part because our president is leading the way against not only fighting back, but bringing those exposed to justice.
And it's about damn time.