Axis of Tyranny's Epic Fail
Democrats, RINOs, mainstream media, deep staters and other un-elected bureaucrats hate President Donald Trump. The reason why is obvious. He's not one of them. By their reasoning, no outsider - no matter how rich, how white, or how connected - can ever ascend to high office but through them. And Trump didn't. He, like Ronald Reagan before him, took his message directly to the electorate, bypassing the need for approval and benediction of the biased anti-conservative media and their puppet masters. How dare he?
Granted, his personality traits could be said to be, well, brusque and uncivilized. Like any typical New Yorker, he's brash, arrogant, undiplomatic at times, and sadly lacking in thoughtful articulation. And that made it so much easier for them - all erudite and cultured in their minds - to hate the guy.
But the people love him. The reason why is obvious. He's perceived as one of them. He has balls. He talks straight. He gets things done. He keeps his promises - to the extent congress lets him. And, like the people he represents, he hates big government, tyrannical un-elected power cabals, and especially threats to the nation, however they may manifest themselves. And because Trump is more popular with the people than the faceless beings that have taken over the federal government, those in the deep state fear for their continued existence. And we just can't have that. So the axis of tyranny attempted to take him down and continue its coupe d'etat against a duly elected sitting president.
Is it any wonder that the greatest scandal in American history would occur now, when the far left has so much momentum? After eight years of hostility to certain identity groups, pitting Americans against each other, what other result could be expected, when every single American tradition is turned on its head?
Of course not. In the prosecution of their anti-Constitution goals, the radical left - by that I mean the Democrat Party and its adherents - can be seen pulling out all the stops to get rid of Trump. Their attempt to overturn an election failed, notwithstanding the phony, made-up accusations that every thinking person in the world laughed at. It was a demonstration of their immature tantrums wielding a big stick.
Now at last the Mueller Report has come out, and everything the left accused Trump of doing has been shown to be a lie. But no matter, the left will continue with their false narrative, spinning the truth to support their fallacious agenda.
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But this time the Republicans and the American people aren't going to take this outrage lying down. There will be investigations into the "investigators," and those who engaged in treason and sedition will be brought to justice. I'm referring to the American idea of justice; one justice for all.
So of course the Marxists are beside themselves. They are bullies, and they just got their collective asses kicked. It's yet another example of an epic axis of tyranny fail.
As another failure drives them further round the bend, Trump beats them and continues to beat them.