Friday, April 19, 2019

Axis of Tyranny's Epic Fail

Democrats, RINOs, mainstream media, deep staters and other un-elected bureaucrats hate President Donald Trump. The reason why is obvious.  He's not one of them.  By their reasoning, no outsider - no matter how rich, how white, or how connected - can ever ascend to high office but through them.  And Trump didn't.  He, like Ronald Reagan before him, took his message directly to the electorate, bypassing the need for approval and benediction of the biased anti-conservative media and their puppet masters.  How dare he?  

Granted, his personality traits could be said to be, well, brusque and uncivilized. Like any typical New Yorker, he's brash, arrogant, undiplomatic at times, and sadly lacking in thoughtful articulation.  And that made it so much easier for them - all erudite and cultured in their minds - to hate the guy. 

But the people love him.  The reason why is obvious.  He's perceived as one of them. He has balls.  He talks straight.  He gets things done.  He keeps his promises - to the extent congress lets him.  And, like the people he represents, he hates big government, tyrannical un-elected power cabals, and especially threats to the nation, however they may manifest themselves.  And because Trump is more popular with the people than the faceless beings that have taken over the federal government, those in the deep state fear for their continued existence.  And we just can't have that.  So the axis of tyranny attempted to take him down and continue its coupe d'etat against a duly elected sitting president.

Is it any wonder that the greatest scandal in American history would occur now, when the far left has so much momentum?  After eight years of hostility to certain identity groups, pitting Americans against each other, what other result could be expected, when every single American tradition is turned on its head?

Of course not.  In the prosecution of their anti-Constitution goals, the radical left - by that I mean the Democrat Party and its adherents - can be seen pulling out all the stops to get rid of Trump.  Their attempt to overturn an election failed, notwithstanding the phony, made-up accusations that every thinking person in the world laughed at.  It was a demonstration of their immature tantrums wielding a big stick. 

Now at last the Mueller Report has come out, and everything the left accused Trump of doing has been shown to be a lie. But no matter, the left will continue with their false narrative, spinning the truth to support their fallacious agenda.

SPYGATE: With the Release of Mueller’s Report, The Greatest Political Scandal and Media Hoax in U.S. History has Unraveled
The enemy
But this time the Republicans and the American people aren't going to take this outrage lying down.  There will be investigations into the "investigators," and those who engaged in treason and sedition will be brought to justice.  I'm referring to the American idea of justice; one justice for all.  

So of course the Marxists are beside themselves.  They are bullies, and they just got their collective asses kicked. It's yet another example of an epic axis of tyranny fail.

As another failure drives them further round the bend, Trump beats them and continues to beat them.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

What Did You Expect?

The entire online media is abuzz with indignation resulting from freshman Muslim Democratic MN Representative Ilhan Omar's comments downplaying the Muslim attacks of 9/11.  To refresh our memories, here's what she said in a speech last month at a fundraiser for the Council on American-Islamic Relations:

"CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something, and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties."
"Did something?"  Three thousand innocent American civilians lost their lives in those terrible few hours.  The world was shocked at the audacity of that attack, while Muslims danced in the streets.  And exactly what civil liberties did she and her fellow cultists lose?  Muslims in this country have become a protected class, and as such are virtually untouchable.  And suppressing any criticism of Islam or its activities is CAIR's expressed mission statement.  But to add insult to injury, and to further prove her insensitivity for the innocent lives lost, she continued:

". . . [I urge] Muslim Americans to make people uncomfortable with their activism . . ."
Unbelievable.  Can you image if a conservative said something like this about, say, black on black crime in Chicago? Of course her fellow Muslims, along with the intellectually challenged AOC, wasted no time in defending her. After all, making people uncomfortable has been the Muslim Brotherhood's standard operating procedure for decades.  It even has a written plan for the cultural jihad of North America.  That is a plan to eradicate our democratic republic of self governance, and replace it with sharia law.  I wrote about this in depth in these pages last August.  Read that post again here.  

Image result for muslim invasion And our gal Ilhan is working that plan.  On page 18 is a list of the Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the United States. Note that prominent organizations like CAIR (Council American-Islamic Relations), ISNA (Islamic Society of North America), ICNA (Islamic Circle of North America) and others are named here as Brotherhood organizations.  Far from being benign, these  front groups are in effect the Muslim Brotherhood itself, which has been declared a terrorist organization by the United Nations, and even by the FBI while it was under the Kenyan's control, who actually supported the Brotherhood and its activities. But to further drive the point home, the Brotherhood's motto is: "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope."

So there you have it.  That's who CAIR is.  Yet she begs for money from this known terrorist group, one that was founded as a sworn enemy of the United States.  And while there she's saying some very subversive things like inciting violence against Americans.  Further, she's not even accurate about CAIR's founding.  It was actually begun in 1994 in response to the movie True Lies, which the perpetually offended Muslims considered to be negatively stereotyping jihadists.  It's a comedy staring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis, and the story line was pretty much spot on, but no matter.  But our dear Ilhan is not merely a misinformed loose cannon.  Oh, no.  She's promoting the jihad operation of the cultural conquest of the US as outlined by the Brotherhood.  She's a foot soldier, but not for the Americans of the Minnesota district that elected her.  Nope.  She's on the front line for Islam. She's a hijab flaunting, in-your-face subversive.  And the democrats will circle the wagons and see to it that nothing is done to her; no recrimination, no loss of committee memberships, and no loss of her job representing Minnesotans.
The hijrah clock image above is a great visual graphic that describes the timeline about which we should be concerned.  The Arabic word hijrah basically means the Muslim Era.  But in this context it also means emigration, referring to the Islamic emigration - invasion - into Western countries.  Spreading out.  Taking over.  There really is a plan.  They've told us about it in their own words. And they are actively implementing it, as noted in the image, by placing Muslim operatives in congress.  Yet a lot of folks still don't fully realize the threat that Islam as a ethos, and Muslims as its practitioners, pose to the American culture.  

So perhaps in a misguided attempt to be politically correct, or tolerant, or worse, "woke," these poor souls in Michigan and Minnesota are committing cultural suicide by electing these enemies to the halls of power.

A great parable that demonstrates this folly is the story of the scorpion and the frog.  The scorpion convinces the frog to take him across the river, promising not to sting him when they reach the other shore.  The frog relents and takes the scorpion across, and the scorpion stings the frog to death.  Dying, the frog asks, "I did what you asked, why did you sting me?"  The scorpion answers, "You knew I was a scorpion.  What did you expect?"

Muslims in congress.  What did you expect?

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


Havana Port, Cuba
I just got back from Cuba.  The irony in that is what should have been a relaxing mini-vacation found me instead in an oppressive, hostile country.  The end result is that I lived through it - I avoided both arrest and detainment.  

Cuba is a paradox.  It's a country stuck in the 1950s trying desperately to find its way into the 21st century.  But with blood-soaked Raul Castro at the helm, that journey is unlikely.  Thank God time waits for no man, and the tyranny of the Castro brothers and their vicious attack dog Ernesto "Che" Guevara  will - as all tyrants do - fade into the fog of history.  

While I found the Cuban people themselves to be largely self reliant and for the most part complacent, it's the oppressive dictatorship that prevents the entrepreneurial creation of wealth that would benefit all Cubanos.  This underlying oppression is blatantly evidenced by the saturation of pro-Fidel and Che propaganda in the form of murals, posters, art, and other visual media.  Incidentally, the elder Castro brother is referred to as simply "Fidel", an attempt to instill forced admiration, no doubt.  

Typical rococo architecture
The old American '50s cars are cool, but they're just for show.  They are mostly taxis for tourists in Havana, running along the Avenue del Puerto and in front of the Plaza de San Francisco.  Most Cubans can't afford cars, and those who can, usually drive either Russian or Chinese made vehicles.  The Cuban cigars are still excelente, and the local rum is rich, smooth and exquisito.   

But unless and until Cuba can become a self governing nation, the culture, like those marvelous architecturally remarkable buildings in Havana, will continue to decay.  

And that's a damn shame, because the island itself is a geographical paradise.  Tropical Caribbean  beaches.  Lush jungles.   Mountain plantations.  Unfortunately, currently it's kind of a mess.  It suffers the ravages of non-existent stewardship: there are no clean water, clean air, or anti-pollution laws readily visible here.  Were it to be cleaned up even as it was in Hemingway's time there, it would quickly become a viable world economy.  

Perhaps Cuba's return to a somewhat democratic, laissez-faire government, as it was in the recent past, would enable a rising cultural and economic tide that lifts all Cuban boats, thus ending its dependence on other communist nation states.

And then Cuba would be a viable, self sufficient world class player in the 21st century.