Livin' Off The Gold Card
That scenario sounds immature and infantile on a fiscal level doesn't it? Who, in their right mind, would do something as monetarily suicidal as that? But that's exactly what the Kenyan has done to us for the last eight years. Foreign governments were more than willing to buy US debt, so he spent and spent and spent. On borrowed money. Just like an unlimited credit card. In fact, during his two terms in office, he racked up almost as much national debt than all previous presidents before him combined. Yep, all of them combined. He essentially doubled the national debt to within a hair's breadth of $20,000,000,000,000. That's 20 trillion dollars. Twenty followed by twelve zeros. A number so large it defies rational understanding. To make this a more manageable figure, he spent more than $100,000,000 - a hundred million dollars - every hour of his administration. Consider that there is only $1.5 trillion currently in circulation. That means we owe over thirteen times what we have in liquidity.
While the media and the insane clown posse fret about loud, shrill, fat, has-been ugly hags in pink pussyhats, foreign governments have begun to shed US paper. That could be bad; the equivalent of metaphorical collection agents knocking on your door to collect your AmEx bill.
Clearly President Trump has his work cut out for him. He has to get the gears of commerce meshed so that the economy is working from the ground up, primarily through small and medium businesses. And certainly not swished around in nebulous and intangible stock trades. Thankfully, he is a serious and successful businessman rather than an overeducated-for-his-intelligence politician, and he understands the dynamics of a functioning economy. Get government off the backs of the producers; stop uneducated and illiterate illegals from sucking up government largess; cut the confiscatory taxes companies and individuals are burdened with; and cut the bloated size of the federal government so that less money is needed to feed it. That's just for starters.
So let the left freak out. Let the politicians whine. Let the media spew its regressive propaganda. The business of getting a fiscal house in order after years of addiction to free money will take time and testicular fortitude.
But guess what. The Donald has both. In spades.