Old and. Older |
What can last night's primary vote in New Hampshire tell us about the public's mood concerning entrenched politicians? A bunch. Bernie Sanders, an entrenched fixture in the Senate, once a Democrat, then an independent, then a Democrat again, an avowed socialist who isn't afraid of guns, and an obvious elder in the political elite, beat the snot out of Hillary Clinton, an entrenched political elitist, a long time Democrat, an avowed amoral feminist communist who isn't afraid of murder and extortion, who coined the term "politics of personal destruction," and an obvious elder in the party's apparatchik. By almost two-to-one. Wow. One has to remind oneself that this venture into the far, far left has actually happened in America, rather than in some banana republic like Venezuela. Maybe by standing on my head, and reviewing this through a rose colored electron microscope can I then find some political cleansing in what used to be an American Democrat Party. But no. These candidates raced each other to see who get further left faster. Whatever this party has become is so far politically left as to give credence to all those pejoratives that it once tried to deny. I want mine. Workers of the world unite. Free healthcare and college tuition. Tax the rich. It's a zero sum game rigged by Wall Street. Class warfare and hatred is alive and well in Democratville, folks.
. . . And Then There Were Seven . . . |
By contrast, Republican outsider candidate Donald Trump continued his roll, with only John Kasich, once a conservative and now a centrist governor and probably entrenched insider, showing some life by finishing ahead of Senator-but-decidedly-outsider Ted Cruz, and they finished well ahead of certified establishment candidates Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush. The rest of the field fell in way back. The American people, defined here as being separate and apart from the Marxists-as-Democrats screaming for the death of the rich, are also not happy with the status quo in Washington DC. In fact they're mad as hell, and aren't going to take it anymore. Hence the rise of the Outsider, and the rejection of the Establishment candidates. And folks are certainly entitled and justified to be pissed off. Say what you will about the Bush years and that administration's strangling of individual liberties, the last seven years under the Kenyan's hate filled, anti-American regime has given the American people an in-your-face look at what a self absorbed power mad dictator looks like, and Americans have never seen one up close and personal before. Before now. Well, some have. Cuban emigres fleeing Castro is a good example.

In the next nine months hopefully we will see the electorate successfully vent its proverbial spleen, and bring the country back to not only its constitutional founding, but also to its senses. People are tired of sending officials to Washington to "fix it," only to have those officials turn and join the corruption that passes for the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government. It's all rotten, and folks know it. And in November they will do what they can to ensure they elect a man of the people, who can strengthen us again, unite us again, and make us whole again. Because everyone knows that if Americans get it wrong this November, it will be the last free election they will see in this country.
And if that happens, Jefferson's tree of liberty may get the watering it so desperately needs.