Lame Duck? Not So Much!
As the Kenyan's term winds down, we would normally expect him to rock back a little, and ride out the rest of the next several months. But, no, that's not for the Destroyer-in-Chief, despite his feigned disinterest while he guffaws on the various golf courses. His unparallelled drive to subjugate this nation into his own distorted world view continues as he acts more like a dictatorial monarch than an elected (albeit illegal and unqualified) president of a democratic republic. It matters little that the entire country has a severe case of Kenyan fatigue and his popularity wanes, the destruction must go on.

In domestic affairs, the Kenyan sends several White House representatives to attend the funeral of recently slain gangsta-thug Micheal Brown, yet snubbed Margaret Thatcher's funeral last year. As his party stalwarts run for the tall grass, and even his black-voter base begin to tire of his race-baiting dis-unification policies, the Kenyan presses on with his goal to incite race war and class envy. Even Al Sharpton extolled the virtues of self responsibility and gainful employment for blacks in his Micheal Brown eulogy, angering some racist blacks in the audience. In his ever expanding search for "back door" methods to enact his illegal and unpopular edicts, the Kenyan is now tying gun control policies to health issues. If you own guns, you may well fear your doctor's betrayal of your personal health information, as much as the federal police kicking in your door, to relieve you of your guns, and possibly your freedom.

No, he is anything but distracted. It's all part of his grand plan to transform America; to bring her to her knees by simply overwhelming every aspect of American culture. I think he may be one of the giants in the list of American presidents in that his plan - as devious and destructive as can be possibly imagined - is working. When the inevitable result of these policies manifest themselves - that is, when militias begin firing on illegals committing rapes and other crimes, when long-forgotten diseases run rampant in pandemics across the US, when the management of non-English speaking teens disrupt every school system in the county, when folks black and white start again tearing into each other and riot to obtain "justice" for perceived grievances, when the Federal Reserve stops feeding the bloated stock market and it crashes in upon itself and the economy completely collapses, and finally when a jihadist successfully strikes a high value target with a nuke dirty bomb, we will then realize what a great job the Kenyan has done for his global puppet masters. Promises made, promises kept.