Poor Malaysian Airlines. First they lose an airliner and all its passengers in an ongoing mystery. Conventional wisdom maintains it crashed in the Indian Ocean, but skeptics think it was hijacked and all are alive and well. Now they lose a Boeing 777 to a Buk
surface-to-air missile strike over the Ukraine. Two hundred and ninety-five passengers and fifteen crew are dead. Blame has yet to be assessed, but the dead are certain they're dead.

sun is quiet again in this current solar cycle. Sunspot activity is near non-existent for the second time in the current 11-year solar cycle. There
have been two notable historical periods with decades-long episodes of
low solar activity. The first period is known as the “Maunder Minimum”,
named after the solar astronomer Edward Maunder, and it lasted from
around 1645 to 1715. The second one is referred to as the “Dalton
Minimum”, named for the English meteorologist John Dalton, and it lasted
from about 1790 to 1830. Both of these historical periods coincided
with below-normal global temperatures in an era now referred to by many
as the “Little Ice Age”. It is safe to
say that weak solar activity for a prolonged period of time can have a
negative impact on global temperatures in the
bottom-most layer of Earth’s atmosphere where we all live. Research studies in just the past
couple of decades indicates there exists a complicated relationship between solar
activity, cosmic rays, and clouds on Earth. This research suggests that
in times of low solar activity where solar winds are typically weak;
more cosmic rays reach the Earth’s atmosphere which, in turn, has been
found to lead to an increase in certain types of clouds that can act to
cool the Earth. As I've maintained all along, weather and climate patterns are impacted by forces far apart from any
human activity.

While fully armed and riot gear clad
DHS agents make a show of force in Greenville, North Carolina, ostensibly as a community outreach, we're being assured that it's just for our own peace of mind. However, earlier this month a small town in Illinois was swarmed by DHS, complete with heavy military assets to nab a suspected child porn hoarder. Huh? Why is DHS involved in an FBI matter? And isn't this a bit heavy handed for a porn matter? Now, the same deal occurs in Greenville, but this time it's a PR stunt - just to show the flag and assure us that, well, we're here to protect you. Right. The Kenyan promised us in 2008 that we would have a national police force, and true to his word millions of rounds of handgun ammunition has found its way to such government agencies as NASA, EPA, IRS and all other alphabet agencies.
week a heavily armed mini-military swarmed into a small Illinois town
to nab a suspected child-porn hoarder. Why DHS was needed for something
that should be handled by FBI is unknown, but the entire thing
definitely had the vibe of a campaign aimed at conditioning us to not
fear such a massive raid of military like federal government presence.
The latest incident, however, didn’t have a crime at the other end of
it. In fact an armed DHS convoy recently roamed a community for the
simple purpose of providing comfort and sharing information about their
snitch program.
- See more at:
week a heavily armed mini-military swarmed into a small Illinois town
to nab a suspected child-porn hoarder. Why DHS was needed for something
that should be handled by FBI is unknown, but the entire thing
definitely had the vibe of a campaign aimed at conditioning us to not
fear such a massive raid of military like federal government presence.
The latest incident, however, didn’t have a crime at the other end of
it. In fact an armed DHS convoy recently roamed a community for the
simple purpose of providing comfort and sharing information about their
snitch program.
- See more at:
week a heavily armed mini-military swarmed into a small Illinois town
to nab a suspected child-porn hoarder. Why DHS was needed for something
that should be handled by FBI is unknown, but the entire thing
definitely had the vibe of a campaign aimed at conditioning us to not
fear such a massive raid of military like federal government presence.
The latest incident, however, didn’t have a crime at the other end of
it. In fact an armed DHS convoy recently roamed a community for the
simple purpose of providing comfort and sharing information about their
snitch program
- See more at:
week a heavily armed mini-military swarmed into a small Illinois town
to nab a suspected child-porn hoarder. Why DHS was needed for something
that should be handled by FBI is unknown, but the entire thing
definitely had the vibe of a campaign aimed at conditioning us to not
fear such a massive raid of military like federal government presence.
The latest incident, however, didn’t have a crime at the other end of
it. In fact an armed DHS convoy recently roamed a community for the
simple purpose of providing comfort and sharing information about their
snitch program
- See more at:
HHS has admitted to "a breakdown of the medical screening processes" at an Arizona facility, according to ABC News. As hundreds of thousand of illegals - now euphemistically referred to as "undocumented migrants" - overwhelm the screening process the government has set up to catch ill and infested illegals, hundreds of disease-ridden people are being transferred to cities all over the US. Not merely carriers of disease, but openly infected. We can expect such
plagues as tuberculosis, dengue fever, ebola, scabies, chicken pox, the coxsackie virus, swine flu, measles, small pox and more. To sweeten the deal, we're getting thousands of members and recruits of the murderous
MS-13 crime syndicate. So while the Kenyan's government allows and endorses this alien invasion, it sends its military-equipped, heavily armed private police force to physically intimidate real, natural born American citizens.